09/28: AAA TV notes

Today’s Ovaciones features Ultimo Guerrero and Atlantis eating some cake. It’s Atlantis’ birthday (though he wouldn’t admit to his age – 44), but they also made the point that beating the Perros was going to be no harder than eating birthday cake. Atlantis says the Perros are all bark. Ultimo explains his method for choosing the third member of the team:

– he would’ve liked to win the titles with Rey, but Rey’s a traitor
– Eclispe is too new, they don’t have the team work down
– Tarzan was previous trios champ before the team split, so he should get his belt back.

Olimpico’s not brought up. Sucks for him. Anyway, the Ovaciones reports hypes up CMLL employing 80 security members (inside the building – the police will be outside to help there), and the road in front of Arena Mexico being closed from 10 AM tomorrow until the end of the show. That sounds like something you’d do if you were expecting an overflow.

Box Y Lucha #2785 is all about Friday’s card, though they don’t have the updated lineup.

Lineups announced so far for this month’s run of TV taping:

AAA TV (WED) 10/04 Gimnasio Miguel Barragan de San Luis Potosi Results
1) Mascarita Divina, Mascartia Sagrada, Octagoncito vs Mini Abismo Negro, Mini Charly Manson, Mini Psicosis
2) Alan, Billy Boy, Decnnis vs Crazy Boy, Joe Lider, Psicosis II
3) Abismo Negro, Charly Manson, Electroshock, Histeria vs Cuervo, Espiritu, Ozz, Scoria
4) Elegido, Intocable, Oriental, Zorro vs Alan Stone, Hator, Scorpio Jr., Zumbido
5) La Parka, Octagon, Super Porky vs ?, Chessman, Muerte Cibernetica

AAA TV (THU) 10/12 Plaza de Toros, Tlahuelilpan, Hidalgo Results
1) Braba Roja, Drake, Kronos AAA, Pirata Morgan Jr. vs Angel Mortal, Apache, Gallego, Mr. Condor
2) Cinthia Moreno, Estrellita, Fabi Apache vs La Diabolica, Rossy Moreno, Tiffany
3) Crazy Boy, Joe Lider, Juventud Guerrera vs Cuervo, Ozz, Scoria
4) Elegido, Gronda, Laredo Kid, Zorro vs Abismo Negro, Charly Manson, Electroshock, Histeria
5) Intocable, La Parka Jr., Super Porky vs Alan Stone, Scorpio Jr., Zumbido

AAA TV (SAT) 10/14 Plaza de Toros, Orizaba, Veracruz Results
1) Brazo de Plata Jr., Estrellita, Mascarita Divina, Pimpinela vs Apache, Mini Charly Manson, Polvo de Estrellas, Tiffany
2) Crazy Boy, Joe Lider, Juventued Guerrera, Psicosis II vs Cuervo, Espiritu, Ozz, Scoria
3) Angel, Elegido, Laredo Kid, Mascara Divina vs Abismo Negro, Charly Manson, Electroshock, Histeria
4) Intocable, Super Porky vs Alan Stone, Scorpio Jr. [bull terrier]
5) Gronda II, La Parka Jr., Zorro vs Abyss, Konnan, Muerte Cibernetica

I think the 10/14 taping is where angles are going to start moving. You’ve got the double chain match, and Cibernetico is scheduled to appear, so that’s where he might officially turn tecnico. (Makes as much sense as anything. And Konnan’s there, so he’ll want to do something.)

We’re told the Kronos in the 10/12 opener is not Brazo de Plata Jr., but I’m not convinced. Even if it isn’t, we’re down to one Nemesis, so it’s at least a wash.

There’s a big show this Saturday in Panama.

Lucha Times

I could’ve sworn I posted this hours ago. Must’ve not hit post?

GALA: I think this is a first since I’ve been paying attention – the few people who get the West Coast feed will actually get to see the show first, because of various split feed wackiness. Thoe show itself has more first round Dream Tournament matches, a Atomicos title match, and a GPWC title match. I like the GPWC title belt, just because there’s no way you could spend more money on something and have it look so cheap.

FSE: Lots of interesting stuff here. Those with FSE may have already noticed the listing for this week:

“Virus vs Ramstein”

(let’s pause to allow Bihari to finish marking out.)

Now only if Mr. Mexico wasn’t in that match. Eh, you can’t be picky with a guy who hasn’t been in a lucha TV match in at least two years (unless I’m missing a Sin Limite appearance, and that’s possible.)

Next week, FSE starts picking up the MLB playoffs – which actually is a great thing for lucha libre coverage. They’re bumping the show to 12 midnight (though yahoo is telling me 1 AM), but they’re working in a buffer of 4 hours of various taped programming. One would assume, if there’s any over run (and it’s MLB playoffs, so there sure will), it’ll be taken care of before it gets to lucha. Of course, schedules are subject to change.

CAN52: Much more mundane. The practice of late would mean the Volador Jr. match airs here, though I don’t know if that’ll actually happen.

Congress Theatre multimedia

I don’t know why I take photos and videos on my phone. Everything’s blurry, there’s no movement correction, and I end up spending more time deleting it than using it. I took a bunch of video and photos – these are the two photos which ended up half decent. I’ve uploaded a video to You Tube as well, but it’s just a :14 clip of the end of the match. (You’ve seen this ending.)

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09/27 news: Volador, Coliseo, Guadalajara

Volador Jr. is offically out for the week (at least – he’s home resting.) Don’t know where this leaves the rest of his bookings, but the Friday card has been changed:

CMLL (FRI) 09/29 Arena Mexico Results
1) Dark Angel, Lady Apache, Marcela vs Amapola, Hiroka, Princesa Sujei
2) Felino, Sagrado, Ultimo Dragon vs Alex Koslov, Averno, Mephisto
3) Blue Panther, Dos Caras Jr., Rey Bucanero vs Kenzo Suzuki, Marco Corelone, Olimpico
4) Dr. Wagner Jr., Groon XXX, Negro Casas vs Damian 666, Halloween, Mr. Aguila
5) Hector Garza, Hijo del Perro Aguayo, Shocker vs Atlantis, Tarzan Boy, Ultimo Guerrero [CMLL TRIOS]
6) Mistico vs Black Warrior [mask]

That’s Ultimo sliding down into Volador’s spot (though getting the same money, I’d think), and Dos taking Ultimo spot in the tercera. Seeing as they’re doing the Jindrak/Dos feud, you’d think he would’ve been there to begin with. And I think I would’ve prefered they move Blue Panther down. Maybe the demotion will motivate Dragon?

Also in Ovaciones, CMLL’s announced they’re selling kids (10 and under) tickets at 2 for 1, for all section. These shows are made up of a lot of families, and raising the ticket prices hits you harder when you’re buying 5 tickets instead of 1, so this makes sense – but it’s not something they do if tickets were flying out of the door.

CMLL (TUE) 09/26 Arena Coliseo Results [cmll]
1) Mini Fantasy, Mini Olimpico b Fire, Mini Violencia
2) Apocalipsis, Jeque, Ramstein b Danger, Sensei, Trueno
3) Dr. X, Hooligan, Loco Max b Fabian el Gitano, Leono, Tony Rivera
4) Emilio Charles Jr., Hijo de Pierroth, Hombre sin Nombre b Felino, Lizmark, Virus
Emilio and Lizmark worked a feud.
5) Olimpico, Tarzan Boy, Ultimo Guerrero b Blue Panther, Dos Caras Jr., Negro Casas
Dos filled in for Volador Jr. here too. Ultimo pinned Panther with the assitance of the ropes, and Panther wants a revenge match.

CMLL (SUN) 09/24 Arena Coliseo Guadalajara Results [cmll]
1) Metal Blanco, Metatron b Mr. Trueno, Rey Trueno
2) Antrax, Ebola b Guero Loco, Infierno
3) Mascara Purpura, Sagrado, Satanico b Angel Blanco, Malefico, Sangre Azteca
4) Destroyer b Lider [hair]
5) Atlantis, Black Warrior, Ultimo Guerrero b La Mascara, Rayman, Rey Bucanero
Rayman replaced Hijo de Lizmark.

09/26: IWRG, AAA notes, TNA

IWRG (SUN) 09/24 Arena Naucalpan Results
1) Forasteo b Red Bull
2) Black Stone, Paramedico b Antaris, Platino
Tecnicos did not get along, but made peace after their loss
3) Astro Boy, Fabian el Gitano, Tony Rivera b Avisman, Fantasma de la Opera, Macho II
4) Cerebro Negro, Dr. Cerebro, Suicida b Alex Koslov, Hijo del Diablo, Okumura
Free Lance was replaced by Suicida, because his neck is hurting from a martiente last week, but seconded the tecnicos – so of course the rudos attacked him during the match.
5) Damian 666, Halloween, Mr. Aguila b Fantasma, Felino, Solar
IWRG says Halloween is coming back from a knee injury, so I think we’re dropping the neck surgery angle. Halloween yanked Solar’s mask, and Damian picked up the pin.

Ovaciones and Notimex preview the Anniversary show by mentioning famous masks lost in Arena Mexico: Espanto I, Faraon, Sangre Chicana, Kung Fu, Cien Caras, Mascara Ano 2000, Universo 2000, Shocker and Villano III. Either Black Warrior or Mistico (no!) will be added to the list.

AAA updated it’s website. The next TV taping is 10/04, but hype the 10/12 and 10/14 tapings a bit stronger. The full upcoming schedule is

(part 2 of VdE airs in Mexico this weekend, 10/01)
10/04 – Gimnasio Miguel Barragan de San Luis Potosi (airs 10/08)
10/12 – Plaza de Toros de Tlahuelilpan, Hidalgo (airs 10/15)
10/14 – Plaza de Toros “La Concordia” de Orizaba, Veracruz (airs 10/22)
10/16 – Domo de la Feria de León, Guanajuato (airs 10/29)
10/20 – Auditorio José Maria Arteaga de Querétaro (airs 11/05)
10/22 – Plaza de Toros “Pepeillo Martínez” de Salamanca, Guanajuato (airs 11/12)

I’d don’t quite get why you’d tape five weeks of TV in 10 days. Maybe they really are going to the US and Central America, for quite a while, and don’t want to bring along cameras.

Laredo Kid, winner of the Dream tournament, will get to be in the semimain on the 10/12 taping, teaming with Zorro, Gronda II and Elegido to take on the Vipers.

Also on the 10/12, the three Pirata Morgan Jrs will debut. I believe they were introduced over the summer, but did not actually have a match and seemed to be dropped – I guess AAA is just slow to get to some things. The trios is actually the ex-IWRG midcard trio of Pirata Morgan Jr., IWRG’s Nemesis and Kaleth. The later two are switched their names Drake and Barba Roja, and may or may not actually be related to Pirata Morgan (I’m thinking no.)

Oddly, AAA makes special note to say these three will be teaming with a new wrestler named “Kronos” and later confirms Brazo de Plata Jr. (recently Kronos in CMLL) is coming in. They make it sound like Brazo de Plata Jr. is coming in as a Brazo, so maybe someone else is getting the gimmick. Or they’re just fooling around.

Brazo de Plata Jr. isn’t the only guy jumping from CMLL. Chris Stone – this time, for sure! – is specifically mentioned as a possible new Guapo to team up with his brother. They mention the feud with Intocable, so I suspect they’ll do the reveal of him as the masked guy on the next taping. They ALSO mention the Arena Coliseo Tag Team Titles, but I don’t think they’re going to defend them, still.

There’s a ton of guys on the AAA roster, isn’t there? More than they have room for on TV, that’s for sure.

Main event of the 10/14 show will be Gronda, Parka Jr., Zorro vs Konnan, Abyss, Muerte Cibernetica, and AAA’s hoping to keep close ties with TNA.

Picudo is splitting from the Vatos Locos and going back to being a single. Since that leaves the group with just Nygma and Silver Cat, and Picudo was positioned as the leader, I’d think that’s end of the group.

Sky’s sent out a press release hyping the anniversary show on PPV. Yay confirmation! They seem to have a weird pricing system which depends on what kind of service you’re getting, but the show seems to cost $15-$20 US. Again, cheap compared to US prices, but they’re not actually competiting with US prices.

There’s a lineup for the TNA Monterrey show:

TNA () 11/25 Arena Monterrey Lineup
1) James Gang vs LAX
2) Petey Williams (w/Scott D’Amore) vs Chris Sabin
3) Abyss vs Ron Killings
4) Monty Brown vs Rhyno
5) Bobby Rude vs AJ Styles
6) Jeff Jarrett vs Christian Cage [NWA HEAVY]

No way that’ll happen that way. Tickets to the show go on sale Sunday. Prices go from $81 US to $13 US.

Guerreros del Ring #54 has a picture of DX, actually looking quite old.