Congress Results, 09/24

1) Sileuta Azul b Tiger de Nunchucks (not an actual name) via “ankelock?”
2) Guerrito del Futuro & Angel del Muerte b Pato Loco & Acero Dorado
3) Mascara de Jade & Gringo Loco (w/Joey Eastman) b SWAT Kat & Lancer 2000
4) Hijo del Diablo, Coco Verde, Coco Negro (w/Coco Anaranjado) DQ Rayo Laser, El Dorado, Aguila del America
5) El Hijo del Santo & Mistico b Averno & Mephisto

I could write more, but Dr. Keith put it best during the semimain:

The main event has to be 18 stars, or I’m never coming back

This was approximentaly 15 seconds before he was informed he was getting shut out of interviews too.

Main event was, what, 3 to 3.5 stars an 85, and nothing else on the card was higher than a 70.

Show was listed as “5:00”. Doors didn’t open till 5:30ish, show didn’t start till 6:30ish, and wrapped up around 9:40. Opener was the only single fall match, and the only one which seemed shorter than the main.

If I convinced you to go, I apologize.

(Let the record show I was in a unnaturally happy mood all day for reasons I can’t comprehend, but I could still tell this was so not good.)

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12 thoughts to “Congress Results, 09/24”

  1. Accion had:

    CMLL: The main event from the Arena mexico show. The rudos went after mistico’s mask. Wagner hit his dive. Warrior did a nice reverse suplex off the top rope on mistico.

    AAA: Brazo de Plata did a tope. Granted the ref had to hold the ropes apart so he could dive but still.

  2. Holy crap – DRAGON YUKI! It pleases me to read his name after such a long abscene. Are Lyguila and Goku also hiding in Kageki?

  3. No they aren’t.

    Son Goku, if you are thinking of the full on gimmick stolen from the Monkey King (and Dragon Ball), he wrestles for the WGWF.

    Dragon YUKI (who I speak to), still travels to Mexico, but I can never, for the life of me, find out any info on the new LAW promotion, or the other promotions he works for. He still states that he is from X-LAW (defunct).
    Lyguila, I thought, was Mexican, and works in the states?

  4. My comment was based on the fact the Hijo del Diablo, Coco Verde, Coco Negro (w/Coco Anaranjado) DQ Rayo Laser, El Dorado, Aguila del America match was great yet awfully confusing fun. after a while I just gave up hope

    I did get Santo after the show was over for 7 WHOLE minutes (it was a very good 7 minutes). I also got pix with myself and Santo and Mistico. I asked Santo alot about him going to Vegas and meeting up with Rey last week during the WWE Mexico tour

    The show was fun for the most part, highlights were (in no order):

    -cubsfan’s gittyness which was noticable

    -the first kid to get in the ring was some gringo who wasn’t wearing a belt running in the ring, and the announcer asking him if he had anything to say, he went back to his seat, then went to the announcer and got the mic and said the following:

    “SUCK IT”


    – Joey fucking Eastman, who’s promo wasn’t as good as the one we planned pre show where he would attack George Lopez.

    -the main was quite good but not on the same level as Wagner Jr & Rey vs. Mistico & La Parka earlier this year. Its good we get to see so many CMLL headliners up here and the promotion is really trying to get the best luchadors to Chicago.

  5. He said that the person in the picture said Ni Hao from Mexico…

    So either it is a chinese wrestler, of some kind, or Goto has adopted a chinese gimmick.

  6. Stuart on SSS – Okay, apparently Goto got a lot of emails about the masked man and in his newest update confirmed that it isn’t him, its Brian Lee (the Chinese masked gimmick).


  7. I know the question wasn’t directed at me but if I can jump in – I believe that poster is from the 9/20 Arena Queretaro show. It’s definitely not a Los Angeles show.

  8. It does look like the font they use for the Queretaro posters, but I hadn’t seen that lineup and 09/20 is a Wednesday – they’re running Tuesday and Sunday there. – poster for a show on the 19th. They normally run every other week, but maybe they’ve got a show today?

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