TV Notes

GdR had

09/17 Coliseo: Blue Panther, Dr. Wagner Jr., Ultimo Dragon b Mascara Ano 2000, Shocker, Universo 2000
09/15 Mexico: Dos Caras Jr., Rey Bucanero, Ultimo Dragon DQ Alex Koslov, Kenzo Suzuki, Marco Corelone

Gala had the 08/17 AAA taping.

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11 thoughts to “TV Notes”

  1. Damn – the Metron match probably won’t air now – unless it’s on the Galavision Mexico shows Rob was mentioning earlier in the week :(

    Whats with all the Ultimo Dragon?! I wish he had just stayed retired.

  2. CMLL TV is starting on time for the first time in months b/c soccer ended on time! Why is Magadan wearing glasses like he is blind?

    They previewed Satanico/Metron/Virus from Arena Coliseo, the women’s title match and the main event. No mention of Volador Jr.’s match airing and if anything else airs, I’m betting on the Halloween return match.

  3. Good match… very fucked up ending b/c of the horrible referees. But they took a 10 minute commercial break between the first and second falls which eliminates any chance of this being a 5 match episode. Women’s title match was short so I expect the Halloween match next…

    …and I am…

    …wrong. They are airing a REPEAT MOMENTOS ESTELARES!


    Okay, women are up. I’m tuning out and going to watch my Leafs.

    So looks like FSE tmrw should have the Sunday women’s match possibly chopped up by soccer and the Negro vs Averno main. In a perfect world they air the mini’s trios instead.:(

    Next week’s GdR will probably have the Volador Jr. injury.

  4. First match (womens match) didn’t hit the screen until 9:30… after the opening and two mini-promos with Dorado… joined in progress, no clue what fall…

  5. … there is a feedback link on the bottom of the page…

    actually there was just a commercial listing lucha (no details or video given) tonight at midnight…

    repeat of the CMLL show or possibly the WWA returning?

    However soccer is on now, so chances are that will also be joined in progress as well…

  6. The show was 40 minutes long this week, and the women’s match was only 1 fall not 2 out of 3. The first fall of the main was cut out. The interview was Dorado.

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