09/22 Arena Mexico results

CMLL (FRI) 09/22 Arena Mexico Results [Galeno del Mal]
1) Mini Olimpico, Ultimo Dragoncito b Mini Damian 666, Mini Halloween
2) Dark Angel, Marcela, Sahori b Amapola, Princesa Sujei, Rosa Negra
3) Damian 666, Halloween, Mr. Aguila b Felino, Heavy Metal, Negro Casas
4) Hiroka b Lady Apache [CMLL WOMEN]
Hiroka was in trouble late, but used green mist to escape with the victory. Apache wanted a hair match in revenge
5) Hijo del Perro Aguayo, Marco Corleone, Shocker b Blue Panther, Dos Caras Jr., Volador Jr.
In the third fall, Volador went to rope for a flying move, and got his foot caught in the ropes, causing him to land neck first. They rushed him to a hospital, and Perro and Shocker picked up the win over Panther.
6) Dr. Wagner Jr., Mistico, Rey Bucanero DQ Atlantis, Black Warrior, Ultimo Guerrero
Tecs won the first fall clean, and the rudos got themselves DQed in the second.

If you hear word about Volador’s status before I do, please post it in the comments. That sounds quite worrisome, and it’s the second time in a few months this sort of thing has happened with him.

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11 thoughts to “09/22 Arena Mexico results”

  1. O’Campo says Volador Jr. is stable. I hope he’s okay in general and if I can be a little selfish – I hope he’s at least okay to go next week or the entire PPV is ruined for me.

    According to O’Campo’s timing of the matches, the entire show went roughly 58 minutes. Not even an hour of wrestling.:) If there weren’t monkeys editing the TV show, you could seriously fit the entire show in tomorrow’s 1:45 time slot with intros included for the main two matches.

  2. Phew! – luckily i guess it’s not that bad – Lineups have been put up and he’s listed as main eventing Tuesday Coliseo and in the semi main next Sunday!

    The description makes it sound ugly as hell though – i was expecting something as serious as Olimpico in Jan 05……

  3. Ouch, so he actually hit his tornillo but didn’t get any distance and clipped his legs on the ropes as he came down?!

    You heard anything further Rob? Obviously being included in those cards is a good sign, but i’m still a bit worried that those are just listings which were made earlier in the week and just published today without being updated

  4. Every report I’ve read says he’s under observation for the weekend. Perhaps we’ll know more when CMLL TV airs(6pm EST/5pm Mexico City) b/c when the Volador Jr./Averno deal happened, people were treating it as both guys on their deathbed and after watching it on TV, you could clearly see Volador Jr. wanted to get up and continue but they wouldn’t let him. Both guys returned within days as well. So I’ll wait till I see the bump to judge.

    I’m hoping Tuesday’s Coliseo show turns out to be next week’s TV! Nice lineup and great looking main event if you ask me.

    The FSE/GdR/Televisa(?) tapings on October 1st look AMMMMMMMAZING! Agree/disagree?

    This should be the week we find out for sure if Emilio is jumping since he is booked on every Coliseo show.

  5. Yeah, i know they tend to work the injuries a bit sometimes and i sincerely hope that’s the case in this instance. Volador is THE best thing about CMLL for me these days. My WOTY for sure even with a whole 3 months to go. I want an uppercard Mistico/Volador/Sagrado trio!

    Yep, next Sundays card looks pretty great. Only thing missing is Metron :( – Main event should be fun with all the top guys and more notably, Black Warriors first match unmasked.

    – That old dinosaur Lizmark looks soooo out of place in that semi-main, but other than that, it should be OK if Volador makes it. I actually quite like Emilio so i hope he stays and rejoins Los Guapos when Shocker eventually and inevitably re-forms it. On the other hand, If AAA brought him in and got Bestia too, you could have the trio of Los Talibanes~~~ which would be all sorts of awesome.

    And the Segunda and tercera are full of the top workers… and La Ma***ra. I also suspect if i saw more of him, i could probably grow to really like Oro II. He has looked fun if a bit reckless in the 3 or 4 matches i’ve saw him in.

    So yep, should be two decent shows – on paper at least – if only FSE doesn’t show extended football.

    I don’t really agree that Tuesday card looks particularly inspiring though. Should it make TV, i would only be interested in the Segunda (which probably wouldn’t air anyway) and the main – but only if Volador makes it.

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