Shocker returns to Arena Mexico

Shocker showed up as a member of Perros del Mal, helping them in their match.

Mistico won the Leyenda de Plata Block B cibernetico, beating Mr. Aguila in the final. He meets Black Warrior next week.

Rey Bucanero was out injuried and replaced by Blue Panther.

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6 thoughts to “Shocker returns to Arena Mexico”

  1. Well supposedly he was “allowed” to leave so it wasn’t a jump, it was more Pena getting rid of someone who means nothing to him right now. But who knows. I love O’Campo’s line in the writeup with someone in the crowd saying “who’s next? Intocable?”

    My idea for AAA’s next move… and this is probably why I will never ever get to book a promotion… would be to have Pena go on TV and announce he allowed Shocker to leave and represent AAA in CMLL to show how AAA is superior. The same way he allowed Perrito, Aguila, Garza and Lover to go and prove AAA’s dominance. He can wish them luck destroying the “other guys” and this leaves CMLL in the awkward position of constantly booking Los Perros Del Maaal to go over but in the process AAA wins b/c the fans will just think it shows AAA’s dominance. The only people that will see through it are the smart marks of which there are 50 or so.

    Am I alone in thinking these recent jumps make CMLL look a little bad in front of their own fans? I mean – two AAA stars, Latin Lover and Shocker, just joined the promotion once again and right away were the big main event attractions. It was treated as if their presence alone was more important than any of the matches with CMLL talent. It’s basically telling you audience the opposition has more important top guys and we were lucky to get them. Yes? No? It’s one thing I’ll always agree with when it comes to the WWE b/c Vince always used to make sure when he brought in WCW guys, they were made to look inferior to their WWE counterparts. Of course he took it too far most of the times and ended up burying them. Good middle ground in my opinion would be introducing Latin Lover before the match and have one of the tecnicos(Wagner perhaps) grab the microphone and tell him “welcome to CMLL pretty boy, this is where we wrestle and seeing as you didn’t come to wrestle I suggest you leave before you get your ass kicked”. This cues Latin Lover’s exit as the brawl begins to start the match.

    I dunno, maybe I’m just overanalyzing it. No matter… tonight’s events made AAA look like a million bucks. Of course Shocker may end up making CMLL a million bucks but time will tell.

  2. AWESOME, AWESOME, AWESOME, AWESOME!!!!!!! This is so great. I don’t care how he hasn’t been so good in AAA, it’s Shocker dammit, and he’s back home! :D

    Hopefully he doesn’t hang around PdM too long – Los Guapos should be reformed in CMLL. Bring in Emilio Charles & Bestia Salvaje for some classic Guapos, or Mascara Magica, with Leono or someone for the Alan Stone role, if they’re to continue what they left off in 2005. Bring back the Guapos University too. :)

    BTW – they had better show last nights segunda on TV today. It will be sickening if they omit it at the expense of that awful sounding Tercera which has the potential to be one of the Worst matches of the year and that’s just from looking at the guys in it! That tecnico trio really is the stuff of nightmares!

    C’mon televisa, you have to show the 4 arena mex matches!!!

  3. Having Shocker back in CMLL is a big coup,especiallya as a rudo.Right now there are possibilities for feuds with the likes of Wagner or Mistico or Rey Bucanero or Dos Caras Jr or….aw hell I’ll just wait to see what happens.

  4. Isn’t Konnan going to RXLL? If so, that means in a matter of months, AAA has lost 3 of it’s main eventers.

    Shocker should have never left CMLL in the first place. He won’t last 6 months if his recent events tell anything.

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