08/27: Accion

Accion – Alfonso Morales returns!

CMLL: Perro vs Santo. Tope! Silla! Plancha! Babe Richard got killed on a Perro dropkick, and Santo had no problem kicking him hard and low. That’s three.

AAA: La Parka Jr., Intocable, Octagon vs Shocker, Alan Stone, Scorpio Jr. – these are from the 08/15 tapings, which aired in Mexico today I believe. Octagon got a clean pin on Shocker, Inotcable got a clean one on Alan, and that’s that.

CMLL.com says Perro and Santo have agreed to a mask/hair match in a near future, which doesn’t seem to follow the events of Friday (where they kinad blew off the fued and had Santo ignore Perro’s challenges for such match.) I’m skeptical it’ll happen, or happen in a singles match – the Santo/Mistico vs Perro/Warrior tag match losers advancing into a stakes match seems much more likely.

CMLL.com also says they’ll have a Anniversary card out in the next few days, so we’ll probably know what’s up then.

CMLL’s put up it’s cards for next week, which means we’ve got the second Leyenda de Plata lineup:

– Mistico
– Negro Casas
– Sagrado
– Volador Jr.
– Atlantis
– Mr. Aguila
– Averno
– Alex Koslov

but really, it’s “Mistico and seven other guys with no chance”, because we all know what’s going down here. The preview even builds it at “Mistico versus 3 of his biggest rivals (Atlantis, Averno, Aguila sorta is”); maybe Mistico and Koslov can argue Roman Catholic Christianity versus Orthodox Christianity to make it four versus four.

(And I thought the required religion classes would never be useful!)

The presence of Atlantis in this block clinches that the old idea of “champions defend” has been quietly dropped.

The latest guess on Dr. Morales disappearing act is that he and Magadan may be jumping to AAA. They haven’t turned up on TV yet (and probably wouldn’t for a while, given all the TV AAA has in the can) and Magadan is still on the Arena Coliseo stuff. So I dunno.

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6 thoughts to “08/27: Accion”

  1. So i hear Negro Casas is leaving for a couple months in November to do a New japan tour. That true?

  2. Is Accion another lucha libre show? I notice that there is an episode on Galavision on tonight so if it features wrestling, I’ll watch.

  3. In order

    Rob: not working. Seems like Alexis used more bandwidth than his hosting company allows for his current deal. He’ll be back up by Friday (new month, bandwidth counter resets to 0) if not sooner

    Tim: Yea, I think I mentioned he was going in November a while back. I think Dave is saying two months, but I haven’t seen any announced lineups. I wonder if Negro is there to keep the arrangement between groups strong; he’s not booked special, but maybe they’re still working at bridging the gap that’s gone when Black Cat passed. FWIW, Sangre said he was going in October.

    Michael: Accion is a sports weekend wrapup show on Galavision. It seems like 75% soccer highlights, but they’ll show 30 second clips (if even that long) of that week’s big CMLL and big AAA match from their TV. For quite a while, it was the only way to get any look at up to date TV; now I pay attention mostly to look for details which might have not made it into other live recaps.

  4. Accion is a live show.so the CMLL-AAA recap was shown on tv in mexico in the same weekend

  5. So I watched that recap of CMLL and AAA, and I have to say it is different seeing a sports show treat wrestling with that much respect considering how pro wrestling is considered such a joke here in the USA (much of it is the fault of Vince McMahon though).

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