08/14: Coliseo, IWRG, notes

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Medussa unmasked – thank to magazinecmll.com

This past Thursday, I was on Joe Versus The World discussing this year’s WWE and Mexico candidates for the Wrestling Observer HOF. It was a fun 90 minutes. (I nearly forget to mention this for another day.)

CMLL (SUN) 08/13 Arena Coliseo Results [ova, cmllmagazine]
1) Artillero, Super Comando b Molotov, Sombra de Plata
2) Leono, Stuka Jr., Tony Rivera b Arkangel, Hooligan, Loco Max
3) Volador Jr. b Satanico, La Mascara, Mascara Purpura, Virus, Misterioso Jr., Hombre Sin Nombre, Emilio Charles Jr., Sangre Azteca, Dr. X [ciber]
Volador pinned Misterioso with the Spanish Fly yet again.
4) India Sioux b Medusa [mask]
5) Atlantis, Black Warrior, Olimpico b Blue Panther, Dos Caras Jr., Mistico
Warrior snuck in a low blow mule kick when Dos went for the German suplex.

Ovaciones says there was a “phenomenal” fight in the balconies, with people being thrown out of the building.

IWRG (THU) 08/10 Arena Naucalpan Results [iwrg]
1) Rey Estruendo b Golem
2) Kid Tiger, Platino b Bacteria, Belcebu
3) Black Jaguar, Fantamsa de la Opera, Okumura b Ave Fenix, Fantasma Jr., Halcon Salvaje
4) Felino, Pantera, Panterita DQ Bestia Salvaje, Nitro, Veneno
Misterioso and Fantasma de la Opera attacked both Panteras and challenged them to a mask versus a hair match. It sucks to be a Pantera!
5) Dr. Wagner Jr., Mistico, Suicida b Misterioso II, Mr. Águila, Olimpico

Silver King is working as (Nacho Libre’s) Ramses at the next IWRG show; that’s where they taped part of the wrestling scenes.

Luchas 2000 dreams up Los Perros teaming with Rey Mysterio. Rey was in Mexico to sign autographs ahead of the RAW Mexico tour. They did the signing at a mall, and 5000 people turned up. Of course Rey can’t sign that many autographs, and apparently there were some angry people doing some damage when they found out they wouldn’t be getting autographs. Mysterio isn’t listed as participating on the shows.

Super Luchas 174 spotlights Vampiro’s new promotion.

Amapola is working a 8 women tournament in Japan on 08/20. Go win another pointless title and make Mexico proud!

El Universal has an article about the man who’s making Mistico and Averno’s masks. They take a while.

In case you didn’t read comments over the weekend…
– the new Metro is most likely Neutron under a new gimmick
– Hombre Sin Nombre is doing the “hey, fans, give me a gimmick!” deal
– the CMLL extra shows on Fox Sports Espanol and Canal 52 are different shows (and I’m still looking to swap DVDs with someone.)
– Galavision jumped ahead in AAA order, going to an episode that’s only 4 weeks lagged. (New Theory! Someone took a tape from the bottom of the stack, when they were supposed to grab it from the top of stack.) They proceeded to air the episode three times, including on the Vuleta show. There’s no way to predict what will air this weekend, and I would not be surprised in the slightest if they go all the way back to the episode they skipped.

Alex Koslov, who’s debuting in Arena Mexico next week, is a NJPW-LA Trainee, a former NWA British Commonwealth Heavyweight champion (having won it in that noted part of the British Commonwealth, Santa Monica, California), and CMLL seems to be hyping him as an evil Soviet straight from the 80s. (Why does everyone got to be ripping off poor LLR?) He’s on myspace and is posting on the blog there. Sounds like he’s been down there for a week already.

Update: It just hit me – the Big News here is they actually spelled an outsiders name right! Poor Kenzo’s been around for months and still no one spells Suzuki correct. And let’s not get started on Marco Corelone.

This is one of those arguments Henrik and I will never agree on, but I will never ever have a problem with a NJPW-LA guy being brought in and given a big push; they’ve earned carte blanche with me.

No full lineups up yet. I’ll post what I’ve got – CMLL + AAA TV basically – below

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