08/13 news: quick Sunday results, Accion

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India Sioux won the mask match! YAY! Medussa (I guess it’s supposed to be 2 s’s all this time) is Angelica Avila Lopez, 30, born in Tijuana, with 8 years of experience. I’ll cover the rest of Coliseo tommorow, except I can’t wait to point out Volador beat Misterioso, making me master of the obvious.

Accion; oddly, AAA rudo announcer Arturo Rivera did the segment, instead of CMLL’s Dr. Alfonso Morales (usual)

CMLL: Perro vs Rey. Hector has great reactions as a second. Pero missed on the double stomp, but got the pin with Hector holding down his feet; heroic job by the referee to not notice Perro’s feet and shins were out of the ring.

AAA: La Parka, Super Porky, Gronda vs Muerte Cbnetica, Konnan, Chessman in Monterrey. They had a ramp set up straight to the ring – as wtih CMLL – and La Parka did the running dive over the ropes into the ring to land a clothesline. Chessman speared Gronda before he even made it to the ring. We got clips of some referee hijinks – Copetes did a tope onto Tirantes, and yet Tirantes was the ref we saw standing next, awarding the tecnicos the match by DQ for something Chessman did to Parka. No clips of any break up.