Lucha Times

Saturday: 3PM starting time for the East Coast feed, 9PM for anyone who gets it off the West Coast one. I have no memory of this taping at all. Rudopolis said: “There were a lot of missed spots, nonsense and cheap heat, but everything turned out great and this was one of the better shows in AAA of late.” They also said it had a 15 minute over run, so something is getting edited here.

Sunday: the second part of the Rey de Reyes. Maybe I’ll get around to watching it?

Guerreros Del Ring: One more time (plus one more time on the lucha times page), here’s the listings I have

CAN 52
SAT: 11:00 AM EST
SUN: 11:30 AM EST

Fox Sports de Espanol

If anyone gets FSE, I’d love to hear what airs. I’m expecting the women’s trios match (to set up next week’s mask match) and the tag team title match.

I know I need to update the upcoming AAA stuff, and will get to it sometime soon.

08/09 news: Coliseo, IWRG

thanks to

El Dandy is apparently telling people he’s about to retire (or has retired already.)

CMLL (TUE) 08/08 Arena Coliseo Results [cmllmagazine]
1) Rayo Tapatio I, Rayo Tapatio II, Trueno b Polvora, Vaquero, Zayco
2) Kronos, Leono, Starman b Caligula, Jeque, Mesala
3) Sagrado, Virus, Volador Jr. b Arkangel, Dr. X, Okumura
4) Dos Caras Jr., Heavy Metal, Mistico b Averno, Eclipse, Olimpico
Mistico and Averno in the match – how do you think it happened?
5) Rey Bucanero b Mephisto
Clean! Can he keep it up against Perro on Friday?

IWRG (THU) 08/03 Arena Naucalpan Results [iwrg]
1) Platino b Belcebu
2) Black Jaguar, Zuriken b Limbo, Ultra Mega
3) Fantasma Jr., Panterita, Star Boy b Black Terry, Hijo del Diablo, Loco Max
4) Cerebro Negro, Nitro, Okumura b Mascara Purpura, Stuka Jr., Suicida
Cerebro snuck in a low blow on Stuka. Tecnicos want a rematch.
5) Head Hunter I, Head Hunter II, Pierroth b Felino, Heavy Metal, Pantera
Felino was taken to the hospital after the beating his suffered here. Sounds like they’re setting up a Head Hunters/Pantera/Felino tag title match.

IWRG (SUN) 08/06 Arena Naucalpan Results [iwrg]
1) Catman, Gran Cuchillo b Africa Salvaje, Sangre Africana
2) Antaris, Platino b Avisman, Vampiro Metalico
3) Black Jaguar, Black Terry, Cyborg b Coco Blanco, Coco Rojo, Coco Verde
Terry low blowed Coco Rojo and got caught.
4) Hijo de Lizmark, Sagrado, Suicida b Cerebro Negro, Olimpico, Terrible
5) Fantasma de la Opera b Panterita [mask]
Bloody match by the third fall, though someone forget to upload the unmasked photo. Panterita is Marco Antonio Soto, from Naucalpan, having wrestled for five years. They’re doing these two again in a title match this Sunday in Naucalpan, which has to mean Fantasma is getting back the belt in a reset move (and Panterita needed some money.)

AAA (MON) 08/07 Arena Cuatro Caminos de Nuevo Laredo Results
1) La Parkita, Mini Laredo Kid b Jerrito Estrada, Mini Rio Bravo
2) Estrellita, Insolito, Maravilla Lopez b Rio Bravo, Tiffany, Tito Santana II
Insolito and Maravllia Lopez challenged Tito Santana and Rio Bravo for a shot at theri AAA North Tag Team Titles. I believe these are the belts previous called the Northeast Tag Team Titles.
3) Hombre Sin Miedo b Hator [AAA North Middle]
HSM retains the title
4) El Brazo, La Fiera, Laredo Kid NC Antifaz, Cadaver de Ultratumba, Espectro Jr.
La Fiera apparently tried a dive and it went horrendously wrong, with him landing head first. There was concern he was on the verge of death. Luckily, this arena actually had a doctor at ringside (most do not) and it wasn’t as bad as it seemed, I guess. Match was stopped when both sides checked on Fiera.
5) Alebrije, Sangre Chicana, Villano III b Head Hunter I, Monsther, Pirata Morgan

Ovaciones confirms a few things we figured
– Dr. Wagner Jr. did retain the UWA Heavyweight Title over Perro Aguayo at Sunday Arena Neza’s show.
– The mask loss noted above.
– India/Medusa this Sunday, and Perro/Rey this Friday.
They’ve got a different main event for the AULL taping today, but I think they’re off, with no LA Park/Dr. Wagner match. Not sure what’s up with that.

Box Y Lucha states: “Mistico & Santo, new Atomic pair”, which I believe is the biggest compliment you can get (and a bit of hype.) ALSO, I think it’s Damian’s turn to say something about AAA. poster has La Mascara and Hector Garza flying, although only one wanted to be.

Ultimo Gladiador #4 hints at Santo/Mistico vs Atlantis/Black Warrior. That sounds like a match we may be seeing soon.

Inside Bay Area has a column about what is was like to grow up following el Santo.

ABCNews has a photo gallery of lucha in Mexico (awesome picture of Volador about to murder Sangre) and Boliva. There ought to be an article to go along with the picture, but I don’t see one.