08/06 news: accion

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Scooby Doo – newest member of Perros del Mal?!?! (thanks to magazinecmll.com)


CMLL: main event from Arena Mexico. Lots of highlights. Warrior’s mask got pretty torn up here.

AAA: Parka, Gronda, Porky vs Absimo, Muerte, Electro from Tampico. Pokry apron dive! Electro has a odd missed clotehsline (which sets up a Parka tope, which is why it looked odd – but I guess it shouldn’t.) Gronda was indeed wearing a neckbrace, and took a double spear from Muerte and Electro for the loss.

As noted elsewhere, Friday’s Arena Mexico show was a sellout and one of the biggest audiences in the history of the building. My theory is Santo + Mistico = $$$$$$$$$$$$, but that’s just a wacky guess.

We’ll do lineups on Monday, but notable from the preliminary info:
– Ovaciones was wrong; no Leyenda de Plata next week. Rey/Perro in the main, with Santo in the semimain – versus the return of LA Park. There’s gotta be a story there.
– This means Rey’s headlining two DF shows – he’s got Mephisto on Tuesday as well
– Eclipse returns. As does Hombre Sin Nombre
– Sunday’s got a random cibernetico (seems unlikely they’d do two ciberneticos in two weeks, so maybe no LdP next week either?)

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2 thoughts to “08/06 news: accion”

  1. Gronda losing is part of the broken neck angle. I’m guessing he’ll get a big win soon by ripping it off to prove he is back to full-strength.

    The Sunday Torneo next week might be for the new TV show. Remember when GdR first showed up, they booked that pointless Torneo where Mascara beat Felino. Or the other way around. I can’t even remember now.


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