08/06 news: accion

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Scooby Doo – newest member of Perros del Mal?!?! (thanks to magazinecmll.com)


CMLL: main event from Arena Mexico. Lots of highlights. Warrior’s mask got pretty torn up here.

AAA: Parka, Gronda, Porky vs Absimo, Muerte, Electro from Tampico. Pokry apron dive! Electro has a odd missed clotehsline (which sets up a Parka tope, which is why it looked odd – but I guess it shouldn’t.) Gronda was indeed wearing a neckbrace, and took a double spear from Muerte and Electro for the loss.

As noted elsewhere, Friday’s Arena Mexico show was a sellout and one of the biggest audiences in the history of the building. My theory is Santo + Mistico = $$$$$$$$$$$$, but that’s just a wacky guess.

We’ll do lineups on Monday, but notable from the preliminary info:
– Ovaciones was wrong; no Leyenda de Plata next week. Rey/Perro in the main, with Santo in the semimain – versus the return of LA Park. There’s gotta be a story there.
– This means Rey’s headlining two DF shows – he’s got Mephisto on Tuesday as well
– Eclipse returns. As does Hombre Sin Nombre
– Sunday’s got a random cibernetico (seems unlikely they’d do two ciberneticos in two weeks, so maybe no LdP next week either?)