08/01 news: AAA notes, box y lucha, lineups

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When we last left AAA’s main event, Muerte (Asesor) Ciberntica was proposing a takeover of La Sect while current leader Cibernetico was out with a knee injury. Apparently, the coup went down on Sunday in Monterrey; according to show reports and this gossip article (’cause Cibernetico’s a gossip semi-star after the whole non-feud with the boxer, and they’re both Televisa products), Muerte, Konnan and the Dark Family turned on Cibernetico. Chessman and Estrellita both are mentioned as trying to help Cibernetico and failing. Not sure where this leaves Charly Manson – who missed the show due to an injury – and Espiritu. I think they’re just splitting these guys off into two separate rudo factions, but we’ll have to see.

AAA hasn’t updated their site. That’d help to figure out what’s going on.

Angel missed the tapings with injuries as well.

Box Y Lucha #2777 has Perro vs Mistico, and Chessman accusing CMLL of being a cheap copy of AAA. They don’t have that story on the website, which is disappointing.

La Razon has a story about Santo exhibition in Mexico City. They’ll be showcasing special engravings, and the movies “Santo & Blue Demon vs Dracula & el Hombre Lobo” and “El Santo en el museo de cera”.

KrisZ has new website, http://wideworldwrestling.blogspot.com/

Lineups are below
– Negro/Mistico defending against Atlantis/Olimpico has been added to Sunday. Pencil in the champs as retaining.
– According to CMLL.com (not on the box y lucha listings – late add?), Universo defends his title (!!) versus Dos Caras Jr. in Guadalajara this weekend.
– Gronda II is listed as being replaced by Octagon on a Sunday Martha Villalobos show, because of injury from Abismo Negro’s martinete on 07/23. Of course, Gronda’s actually wrestled since then, and is wrestling on the AAA TV taping that same day. Lines crossed?
– Speaking off, the main event off the AAA TV taping makes no sense with the new alignments, and that’ll be the story of the match.
– Good week for MIA CMLL undercarders; I spot Flecha and Violencia listed as working (different) spot shows. On the same track, “injured” Mr. Niebla’s working IWRG shows, which would seem to indicate he’s out of CMLL for similar reasons as his last “injury” hiatus.
– IWRG’s Sunday Arena Naucalpan main event is currently a Surprise, and Arena Neza has what’s turned out to be Pantera vs Misterioso II with Pantera’s newly won IWRG IC Middleweight Title up against Misterioso’s mask – so Misterioso’s winning his biggest title ever this weekend! It’s good to be el Rey de Yoghurt.

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