Odds and ends

– I’ve been working on the rosters this week; I think they should be in decent shape. Lots of pictures added, groups fixed, titles on the right people, all good stuff. I can’t believe I can’t find a good picutre of bald Marco/s Corelone where he’s looking at the camera, but I guess could’ve looked harder.

Figuring out the IWRG roster is tough, because they’ll do things like debut Max Steel, put him in the main event for a week, and have him never appear again. Since I’ve got IWRG sorted on appearance frequency, I ended up coming up with an algorithm to determine who should be where and who should be left off, but I’m sure it’s not perfect.

The Other page has been distilled down to just people with pictures, though I’m thinking of junking it. My thought is most people use these pages to try to figure out who’s who after seeing them on a tape; if they want to know people outside, they’ll probably be checking the wiki.

– Following up the Rules & Regulation, and DaClyde’s comment from earlier this week

In an unrelated note, one of the sites I have a subscription with is supposed to be adding “Paper Of Record” which will be offering newspaper archives, mainly from Canada and Mexico.

There are Mexico government website which are supposed to have the Paper Of Record for each state, but either I’m too limited in my spanish or the lucha info just isn’t in there. I wouldn’t be surprised if the info is there – at least if you go far back enough to where the comissions were taken very seriously – but I’ve had no luck finding it any publication online (which seems not to go back too far.) I’ll followup if I find anything.

– Besides the usual TV (AAA or not AAA, I dunno), I’ve got an episode of (somewhat uneventful) ’05 CMLL that I missed the first time thru, and some footage from recent shows to recap. I’m hoping some DVDs show up afterwards, but TV Recaps should keep on going in some manner.

– No Saturday update till late tommorow, I think. And I’m not sure what I’m doing Sunday as of yet.

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