Congress Show this weekend

TAKE 2. Anyone going to the congress show this weekend? Same stips as last time – if you’re going, if you’re figuring something around the show, if you want to pool resources on getting there, if you just rather sit next to someone you barely known from the internet rather than in the back row by yourself, trying to see over twenty kids standing on their seats, leave me a note so we can work something out.

We actually have a CARD

OMLL (SUN) 07/23 Congress Theatre Lineup [arenas de chicago]
1) Coco Negro & Coco Verde vs Acid Jazz & Justin Adams
2) SWAT Kat vs Rayo Lazer vs Aguila del America
3) Mini Charly Manson vs Gringo Loco & Guerrerito del Futuro
4) Blue Demon Jr. & Huracan Ramirez vs Rey Misterio & Arkangel de la Muerte

I believe the show starts at 5. GA is $10, Ringside is $15.

That 3rd match can not be right. The last dozen times they’ve done that match, it’s Mascarita Sagrada or Tzuki as the missing man, and I’d assume that’s the deal here – but why wouldn’t they list it? Last minute booking? General wackiness?

2 should be good, though I’m hoping SWAT Kat doesn’t do another pointless blade job. If they make it an actual tag match, 3 should be (usual) fun, and I have a desire to see 1 – perhaps the city guys watched a lucha tape between now and then and perhaps they people who are supposed to explain what they want out of them will time, or perhaps not and the match will still be entertaining in a different manner. 4 should be – well, maybe they saved on payoffs there to pay the rest of the boys better! (It’ll be fine, I guess.)

Wasn’t Gringo Loco a tecnico last time this group did a show? Was Charly Manson? (This, I truly don’t recall.) Wasn’t Acid Jazz a tecnico and Justin Adams a rudo and the clowns have ALWAYS been a rudo (though I’m betting they won’t be come Sunday.)

You know what would be nifty – a trios match.

(You may be able to tell how close I am to a rant. Perhaps that’s an added draw.)

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