AAA 07/15

07/15 AAA, taped 03/10

This one had:

* the least of the the Air Force/Diabolicos matches (though partly due to a screwy third fall)
* the best women’s match they had on during Oz Academy inclusion run, but something still not in the neighborhood of good
* an okay Alan/Intocable match, with Alan Stone paying the karmic price for them sidestepping the stips .
and Rey de Reyes finals from ’98, ’99, and 2000.

No local guy opening match, which I’m sure Rudopolis recapped. If Galavision and AAA both couldn’t be bothered to do the 3->2 hour editing, who’s the one cutting on parts of the show? And why can’t they cut out the filler? This show was an hour show masquerading as a 3 to stretch a taping out over two weeks; most of the time it’s a 2 hours padding out to 3 and generally annoying. I know the show does good numbers in Mexico (though I sure would love to see those numbers on a weekly basis), but maybe I just have higher standards. But I’ll get that in a bit.

Checking the recaps of the time, Tigre Steel turns out to be Tigre Ali Singh, and I guess it’s a good thing I can’t ID him anymore.

The rest of the RdR show is due next week.

Pardon me while I try to work out my thoughts…

I’ve watched 9 weeks of AAA now, and I can’t say I care much about a single wrestler or a single feud. No one’s interesting to me, no one’s making me look forward to their matches, and I don’t see anything much changing. There’s people who I think are useful, but they’ve all got anchors.

– Diabolics are a good team, and they’d be real fun in CMLL, facing the same kind (but more well rounded) midcard tecnicos; they’ve got no where to go after this feud ends. They’re moored to their spot.
– Chessman is good, and I’d be looking forward to him if he got to be good. Instead, he’s far often the one good worker with five guys I have no desire of seeing
– Early on in this run, I thought Cinthia Moreno might be a good worker, though as it’s gone on, I’m wonder if she’s just benefiting from the competition. Even if she IS good, she’s got no one good to face.
– The minis have good matches, but they’ve had the same good matches for years; why look forward to the next random trios/atomicos?

I’m not digging the Air Force; I think I’ve ODed on guys who have a few flashy highspots and absolutely nothing else, same problem I’ve been having with Mascara Purpura, really. Barrio Boys & Dark Family look better by comparison, but they have the same problems. Talking about how Shocker had IT and now is far away from IT is just sad, so let’s not.

This isn’t intended as a CMLL vs AAA thing; there’s plenty of similar complaints I could make there as well. For one, I think a good deal of my disenchantment lies in feuds and stories never going anywhere, which happens in both promotions. I think the big difference is I’ve seen Ultimo Guerrero and Rey Bucanero and Dr. Wagner and whoever else being awesome in the past, so I’m willing to wait around in hopes that they’ll be awesome again. I haven’t seen any awesome in AAA, so I’m not interested and kinda bored with the TV. (Which is probably the reason I’ve dropped some of the harshness – don’t care as much now.)

So, that’s where I’m kinda left – I’m bored with the AAA TV, making recapping more of a chore than it usually is, and I’m wondering if there’s a point to keeping it. If CMLL (non GDR TV) and AAA were both available to me on a weekly basis, I’m sure I’d skip AAA most weeks to save on the work, but that’s quite obviously not an option at the moment. I like to think doing the recaps (like a bunch of things on this site) is a helpful service to the world at large, but I’m sure I’m at least slight deluding myself on the importance of match times to people in outer Mongolia. If I’m not having fun with it, I probably should just stop doing it, but then what?

The best case scenario would be AAA become interesting to me, but I think that boat has sailed.

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4 thoughts to “AAA 07/15”

  1. It’s definitely quite the diliemma. I feel pretty apathetic towards CMLL but half the fun of writing about their shows is poking fun at what’s wrong with them and how most people have a double standard to their product. You don’t have fun bashing AAA?:)

    “- Diabolics are a good team, and they’d be real fun in CMLL, facing the same kind (but more well rounded) midcard tecnicos; they’ve got no where to go after this feud ends. They’re moored to their spot.”

    It’s been like that since 1994 though. Los Diabolicos are not meant to be taken as a serious team in need of elevation, they are just three veteran rudos who bump their asses off for whichever new group they are programmed against. Las Gemas, Los Cadetes, Los Spice Boys, Los Barrio Boys, Los Warriors… you name a team in AAA within the last 10 years and odds are they’ve crossed paths with Los Diabolicos. The guys in the stable know their role, they are giving in-ring lessons on live TV tapings. There have and will always be stables like these ala Los Arqueros where sure they contain some of the best workers in the promotion but their role will never be to be in a big feud or angle.

    “- Chessman is good, and I’d be looking forward to him if he got to be good. Instead, he’s far often the one good worker with five guys I have no desire of seeing”

    I actually think it’s improved over the last two years or so as before I would have seconded your statement as all Chessman did was carry every shitty AAA tecnico. But now it’s fun to see him work opposite Parka Jr. since they have good chemistry. Same for Intocable and Sagrada/T.D./AAA. To me, watching Chessman is a lot like watching Ultimo Guerrero working against bums like Lizmark Jr., Dos Caras Jr., Mr. Niebla and Ultimo Dragon. Those guys all have no redeeming value and are useless unless they are opposite Guerrero. Put them against Guerrero and (especially in Dos Jr.’s case) they look like a million bucks b/c of Guerrero’s hard work. I like seeing Electro Shock look like the best worker in the world as Chessman bumps around for him and is always in the right position for the next move. The rudo often gets very little respect in Lucha so it’s a joy to see Chessman do what he does no matter who it’s against.

    “- Early on in this run, I thought Cinthia Moreno might be a good worker, though as it’s gone on, I’m wonder if she’s just benefiting from the competition. Even if she IS good, she’s got no one good to face.”

    AAA women are useless to me. I don’t care for women’s wrestling at all in fact. I can stand them in mixed matches but that’s about it. I used to be into it when the Morenos returned to AAA in late 1998 and had a series of good matches with Las Brujas but that feud never ended and the matches got way too repetitive so I lost interest.

    “- The minis have good matches, but they’ve had the same good matches for years; why look forward to the next random trios/atomicos?”

    B/c it’s another fun match with new spots? At least they still try hard and always coming up with new things. Much like with the women above, they were stuck in this same trap and decided to just work the same match all the time. I give credit to the mini’s, who much like Los Diabolicos, know their role which is to get the crowd warmed up for the rest of the night. I’m sure if we got full CMLL shows, it’d be much the same with the opening card guys. Good matches with cool spots to get the crowd ready for the repetitiveness that is to come with CMLL main eventers.

    “I’m not digging the Air Force; I think I’ve ODed on guys who have a few flashy highspots and absolutely nothing else, same problem I’ve been having with Mascara Purpura, really. Barrio Boys & Dark Family look better by comparison, but they have the same problems.”

    This is the problem with not being a long-time AAA fan though. Stables like this have been around since AAA began. Since I began watching in 1995 with Los Cadetes, an undercard flying team has been the norm. In fact, when one isn’t around I feel like AAA is missing something. They add variety to AAA shows and it gives four guys some direction which is far more than can be said for coming up with weekly Kronos/Oro II/Virus random teams.

    “I think the big difference is I’ve seen Ultimo Guerrero and Rey Bucanero and Dr. Wagner and whoever else being awesome in the past, so I’m willing to wait around in hopes that they’ll be awesome again.”

    Oh man, does that mean you’ll be like PhilTom in 10 years?:)

    Bottom line is you shoud stop doing the AAA reviews if you don’t care and it’s just killing your interest in Lucha in general. Just recently while going through the GdR shows you sent me, I even typed it up in my comments thread, I went through a phase of being burnt out by all the awful CMLL where it got to the point I didn’t want to watch ANY Lucha. That’s bad. So if AAA is killing your love for Lucha, you definitely need to stop the reviews. They’re definitely helpful to many(including myself) but the pro-AAA internet crowd is so small, the reviews would probably not be missed by anyone in particular. Damn bias.

    This doesn’t bode well for my e-mail proposition at all.:P

    On a totally unrelated note – is anyone having problems with Rudopolis? Refuses to load the left side of the page for me sometimes and other times the entire page won’t even come up.


  2. Laredo Kid rules. And i for one love Air force. They are different than Los Barrio Boyz.

    and the only good thing about mexican women’s wrestling is Esther Moreno’s love puppies.

  3. I can empathize with what Cubs said, it’s hard to get into AAA sometimes. The weekly Intocable feud or the weekly Zorro feud which are all the same. It’s tough to review a 3 hour show, believe me I know. Which is why I marvel that Cubs and Robert do it so easily, or seem to. I stopped for much the same reason Cubs sited. I got kinda burned out on it. Cubs I hope you continue but will understand if you don’t.

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