CMLL #222

From 05/06, taped 12/09/05.

I highly enjoyed the main; it was the rare CMLL match that felt like it had enough time to breathe (5 minutes per fall will help that), though I still could’ve used a bit more. I didn’t find the openers that special, but there were some spots to make the experience worthwhile. As a two part set, I’m digging these last AMex shows of ’05.

I’m becoming stuck on the “Arkangel, underrated luchador” bit. Perhaps true, perhaps unhealthy.

I’m about half done with the last catchup CMLL episode, so I’ve just got that and the AAA one from this week to go. (Blame renting FIFA WC 2006 on the lack of finishing speed.)

Request: old results

You may have noticed more older results turning up in the events section; I’ve started to add thorough 2004 results, and that year should probably be completed by the end of the week. I’ve also got 2003 and partial 2002 results sitting around on my hard drive, so we can go back that far. Both a mysterious e-mailer who’s name I’m blanking on (or it wouldn’t be so mysterious) and Robert Bihari helped me in putting together this information, so I want to publicly thank them both.

Which brings us to the problem. Robert’s hard drive crashed last weekend. A lot of his lucha data, including results, were on that computer, and it doesn’t sound promising that they’ll be able to be saved. There’s a lot of daily work that’s gone now, and that really sucks.

If there’s anyone else reading this who keeping lucha libre results archives (2002 and before) for their own personal use, would you be interested in sharing them? My primary goal at the moment is to help Robert recoup some of what he’s lost; if you’d let me repost on the site as well, I’d really appreciate it, but if we’re only allowed to look and not post, that’s fine as well. Get a hold of me @ or post a message here if you can help out. Thanks!

(This reminds me to back up my database today.)

07/11: Puebla

AAA’s Kaoma Jr. visted a fire fighter station.

Guerreros del Ring #43 has a cover for the MexiPowers. Luchas 2000 has Volador getting the plaque, among other things.

PYCV (SUN) 07/09 Auditorio Municipal Solidaridad, Valladolid, Yucatan Results
1) Proverbio, Rey Persa b Black Poison, Mensajero Del Diablo
2) Espartano I, Estrella Celeste b Cachorro, Cachorro Jr.
3) Krishna, Rebelde Punk b Azhor, Guerrero Blanco
4) Dark Angel, Diana La Cazadora b Justiciera, Princesa Sujei
5) Blue Demon Jr., Terrible b Blade El Chaman, Veneno
Demon challenged Veneno to a mask/hair match, and it sounds like it’s on next time they run a show here.

CMLL () 7/10 Arena Puebla Results
1) Ares & Murcielago b Fenix & King Jaguar
2) Centella de Oro, Lestat, Tigre Rojo DQ Fuerza Chicana, Karissma, Siki Osama
3) Mr. Mexico, Toro Bill, Toro Bill Jr. b Kraken, Maniacop, Negro Navarro
4) Averno, Mephisto, Olimpico b Damian el Terrible, Hector Garza, Misterioso II
5) Dr. Wagner Jr., Dos Caras Jr., Mr. Niebla b Mascara Ano Dos Mil, Ultimo Guerrero, Universo Dos Mil

Before Ultimo faces Rey on Friday, he’s got a title defense on Thursday.

CMLL (THU) 07/13 Arena Olímpico Laguna Lineup
1) Oso Negro Jr. & Super Punk vs El Espacial & ?
2) Super Leopardo & Super Star vs Mr. Guerrero & Scriba
3) Zafari, Piloto Suicida, Brillante Jr. vs Hooligan, Espanto V, La Amenaza
Might be Safari mispelled.
4) Stuka I vs Ultimo Guerrero [CMLL LH]

WAGNER (MON) 07/17 Palenque Vicente Fernández de Gómez Palacio Lineup
3) Tony Rivera, Metro, Hijo del Sobernao vs Mr. Power, Poder Chicano, Moro
4) Mascarita Sagrada, Octagoncito vs Pentagoncito, Bracito de Plata
5) Dr. Wagner, Silver King, Hijo de Lizmark vs Damain 666, Mr. Aguila, Okumura