Gala notes

Scheduled episode is airing. Yay. La Nazi is so happy to be La Nazi, it’s kinda disturbing.

Anyone reading this going to the Chicago lucha shows this weekend? I’m not going to tonight’s show (Bulls/Heat) but I’m definetly making it out to the Congress on Sunday.

04/22 news: Arena Mexico results,

CMLL (FRI) 04/21 Arena Mexico Results
1) Mini Olimpico, Ultimo Dragonicto b Mini Damian 666, Mini Halloween
2) Amapola, Hiroka, Princesa Sujei b Dark Angel, Lady Apache, Sahori
3) Dos Caras Jr., Heavy Metal, Negro Casas b Atlantis, Mascara Ano 2000, Pierroth
4) Damian 666, Hector Garza, Mr. Aguila, Perro Aguayo Jr. b Olimpico, Rey Bucanero, Tarzan Boy, Ultimo Guerrero
Two falls; GdI got DQed in fall 1 for excessive violence, and PdM got a sudden comeback win in fall 2.
5) Averno, Black Warrior, Universo 2000 b Dr. Wagner, LA Park, Mistico
Warrior wants a shot at Mistico’s NWA Middleweight Championship.

Sangre Azteca got a win in Japan today, teaming with Liger and Prince Devitt to beat Koji Kanemoto, Wataru Inoue and Taguchi. Sangre got the submission win on Inoue, and I think that’s a mild upset. His next match is tommorow, teaming with another NJPW rookie, Yujiro, versus Koji Kanemoto and Wataru Inoue. If he can pull that one off, maybe he’s going places.

Today, on Guerreros del Ring: all from 04/16 Coliseo
finish from Dark Angel/Amapola [hair/mask]
Hiroka, Medusa, Rosa Negra vs Lady Apache, Marcela, Sahori
Olimpico, Rey Bucanero, Ultimo Guerrero vs Dr. Wagner Jr., Heavy Metal, Mistico