Bucanero on Dr. Keith Show

Quick recap of Rey Bucanero on the Dr. Keith Lipiniski (w/Raul Cruz) show:

– Rey’s working too many days a week to get keep track, but he loves his job.
– His favorite place to work is Arena Mexico
– His long term goals in lucha libre is to be a top star, entertain the fans and wrestle along the world.
– Rey’d like to wrestle for the higher weight classes rather than go for the tag titles (To me, this would kinda be a problem right now – his boy Ultimo’s got the CMLL Light Heavyweight – semicompleto! – his boy Atlantis has the NWA Light Heavyweight and his sorta boy Universo has the CMLL Heavyweight. I guess he has to go punk out El Dandy!) He’d like to be a constant main eventer.
– Rey likes adding Atlantis to the group, because he’s a huge right now. That’s why the name change too.
– Rey talks about his training – since 8, trained by his dad and Pirata Morgan, fourth generation wrestler.
– Rey wanted to represent in Chicago, and likes fighting someone like Mistico – someone he can beat in a violent manner.
– Rey explains the forearm (“BOOC! BOOC! BOOC!”) yell – it’s an imitation of the landing whistle ships in Mexico make. So he’s letting the people know he’s coming.
– Rey expects to keep wrestling about ten more years – so he can retire in one piece and spend time with his family.
– Other guys in CMLL Rey enjoys: Dr. Wagner, LA Park, Santo, Negro, Mistico, Dos Caras Jr., Ultimo Guerrero (though not Ultimate Warrior!), and more.
– The feud with Perros del Mal has them working against different styles of workers (wrestlers vs brawlers, maybe? – Rey phrases it as “outsiders (Tijuana/AAA)” vs “home team” later on) and may last all year. They’re looking towards a Cage of Death match with hairs and masks on the line.
– Averno and Mephisto may be joining the Guerrero Pandilla. ABOUT TIME. They’re listed as part of them.
– Rey says Tarzan left and came back to GdA.

INSIDE SCOOP: That’s Dr. Wagner Jr. who does the walk thru the interview at one point. This has been your inside scoop.

Also, if Steve Sims thinks he’s Dr. Lucha Jr., then I’m in 5th grade biology (and I am either way.)

Edit So I’m listening to the whole Steve Sims inteview, and it’s very much GREAT, especially if you just have a basic understanding of lucha and want to know more.

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6 thoughts to “Bucanero on Dr. Keith Show”

  1. Mucho thanks for the link to that show. Keith needs to brush up on his Spanish so we don’t need a translator next time.:P He handled it really well b/c in the past I’ve noticed when luchadors talk to any non-Mexican reporters, they often get asked a bunch of “insider” questions and are often reluctant to answer or instead just say something in charachter which confuses the interviewer. Job well done.

    The interview with Sims was great as you noted. A must listen to. I wish he would have expanded more on the subject of how big the internet can be for both CMLL and AAA if they wanted. I know Bix and I are still waiting for our copies of Villano III vs Signo.;)


  2. Even after two years of high school spanish (HA), and watching way too much lucha, my espanol is still muy malo.

    I would like to thank the cubsfan for helping me with the questions pre-interview, and Raul for editing.

    I only wish the interview could have touched more upon how good Dr. Wagner Jr. smelled and how awesome he was flirting with Parka’s ring escort…really this was the highlight next to the main event.

    And CubsFan, thank you for these notes so people dont’ have to actually listen to the show which is available at puroresupower.com…

    I’m thinking of doing a regular lucha segment every episode. VIVA~!

  3. To Rob:What was wrong with my translating?

    I have to point something out here:I have spent the better part of an year gaining the trust, respect and friendship of the people in charge of bringing these lucha cards to the Congress.The
    reason that Dr Keith was granted access to the main eventers was because I asked a favor.They let him into the backstage area because they trusted me and expected me to make sure nothing
    would go wrong that could piss off the main event
    stars.If Dr Keith had just showed up at the Congress hoping for an interview he would’ve been
    turned away.It wouldn’t have been anything against him but they wouldn’t have known who he was and they wouldn’t have trusted him.Trust is a
    big deal in the lucha world.I had been entrusted
    with a huge responsibility.If something were to go wrong my friendship with the wrestlers and promoters would’ve ended like that!At the end of the night to show my grattitude I stayed and helped them load the rign onto the truck.It was heavy back breaking labor and I was sore for three days.All the guys there were like “Why don’t you just go home?” but I couldn’t.I had to
    repay the favor.I think this raised my standing amongst the wrestlers since Dr Wagner Jr came out
    to hang out with me for awhile.

    By the way Dr Keith Dr Wagner Jr is a married man
    and I’m not sure he’d want it to become known he
    was flirting with a valet.Helpful hint if you ever get to go backstage at any other wrestling show[lucha or otherwise]:What goes on in the back
    stays in the back.Believe me I have heard and seen stuff myself I would love to brag about but people have trusted me to keep my mouth shut.So I

  4. No no, nothing was wrong with the translating. It’s just I understand Spanish pretty well so I’d rather have just heard his answers without translation. Make everyone else learn the damn language if they want to hear the interview!:P


  5. believe me, there was alot more going backstage that I would never say in such a proper family publication like http://www.thecubsfan.com. to sooth mrs wager jr, her husband was not doing any of the flirting…

    thanks agian to Raul for getting me the interview, I hope to do more lucha interviews in the future (as long as they’re not on Friday night shows)

  6. The next event after February,which will hopefully be in March,they are planning on bringing Hijo del Santo and Blue Demon Jr.

    If I got snippy about the “flirting” stuff it’s because I have to make sure that nothing leaks out of the backstage area that can get the people
    putting these shows together in hot water.Many
    wrestlers have suffered from rumors that start out innocently enough but snowball into bigger messes.

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