CMLL #198


Match 1 and 2 were mentioned as candidated and I thought they were good, but probably not award worthy. I think I need to figure out who and what I’m voting for first, though.

The Elektro/Bronco match was worth the price of the admission alone. What’s worse, being buried by being having 90% of your offense cut out like Bronco, or having 90% of your big spots look like crap like Elektro? (Elektro. By a fair distance!) I don’t know if I buy that story about GdI intentionally making him look bad – although if you were looking to for that story, you could find it – but Elektro’s worst enemy in the match sure seemed to Elektro.

And I guess maybe the director. If we’re assuming everyone’s playing fair, how bad must’ve Bronco’s spots to be cut out when Elektro’s stuff is left in?

Before voting, I want to watch for sure
– Averno vs Mistico in Guadalajara
– the two Dr. Wagner/Atlatnis matches

So recaps (or not) will be coming this week, and then I’ll go back and pick up any misc stuff I’ve forgetton about.

What I really would love is to have just one recap (well, two with GdR) to do a week, but only Mistico knows when I’ll get back there again.

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