CMLL #196

12/24. I’m putting the Reyes de Aires Cibernetico slightly behind the tag team title match, but it was certainly all you could want from a midcard tecnico high flying cibernetico. Really fun.

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4 thoughts to “CMLL #196”

  1. Hopefully Gala aris it on Sunday as my TiVo deleted it for TNA the week it aired. (I can’t seem to keep up with amount of shit I have that thing recording ;))

  2. Hey, a good lucha fan from Canada reporting. Since we get Smackdown one day earlier then you guys.

    Last night on the Junior Division there was a segment with Cannon Palmer talking about the success of the Junior division since coming to smackdown, the background interview set which is kinda like a fence had Tzuki, Mascarita, Peneque Violencia, Octogoncito and what looked to be like a mini virus climbing all over the place.

    Then Super Porky came up to Cannon, and was eating a big ham, as Teddy Long was disgusted.

    Then Paul Burchill in his new pirate digs came out, looking like a cheesy rip off of Johnny Depp in Pirates of the Carribbean and the minis segment ended with that.

    There was a minis tag match between Mascarita/Tzuki vs. Violencia/Octogoncito.

    Violencia barely is a mini, and he was very spotty, and botched some stuff. He was wearing horns to the ring, and glasses but not while wrestling, he looked like he was wearing similar stuff to Pierrothito. The other mini action was good, tecnicos were on a roll, til Finlay came out and put an end to their fun. He beat them down with a Sheleley, IRISH STICK.

    He said that he respects wrestling no matter who it is, how big they are or anything, just wrestling.

    Tzuki tried to escape over the guardrail, but couldn’t make the jump, Finlay yanked him off of it, and almost flew him into the ring. He then gave poor lil Tzuki his finisher.

  3. What a minute, Fit Finlay goes all Black Tom Cassidy (pre plant mutation)and beats up midgets with a shileleagh? I think I might be TiVoing Smackdown for the first time in a while. Of course, I’ll be watching Dancing with the Stars while I’m TiVoing.

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