GdR #9 recap

The recap for CMLL GdR #9 got done last night, but I didn’t want to lie so I’m just linking to it now.

Like I said, I’m so far behind, that’s the first women’s match I’ve seen, and while it was okay, it didn’t actually make me want to see more. Maybe there’s some good stuff to be found but I don’t know. Amapola’s good, I thought La Nazi was going to be awful and she’s perfectly acceptable and knows how to play her role, and India Sioux was, among other things, stunningly attractive.

How does the India/Pirata/Rey Bucanero family relations work? Is she Pirata’s niece and Rey’s cousin, or is it some other way? I was trying to find my notes – mostly wondering why they’re pirates and she’s an indian, but then so was her mom, right? – and we don’t yet have it in the wiki.

I have no opinon on Dark Angel yet; I’m not trying to be coy, I just don’t have any impression either way.

Coliseo trios was pretty fun if not something I’m sure I’ll remember two months from now. Atlantis is already over my 2006 award votes based on one month of work. It’s kind of incredible.

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One thought to “GdR #9 recap”

  1. India sioux’s father is apparently Monster. Niece of Piarta Morgan and Rey Buccenero’s is her cousin. What a family.

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