GdR #7 lineup

Only because Robert demanded it (and I needed to see if it recorded anyway.) They skipped a week of tapings to catch back up – what an insane idea!

Episode #7
01/06: La Máscara b Black Warrior and Felino and Volador Jr. and Satánico and Texano Jr. and Máximo and Virus [cibernetico], Arena Coliseo
01/08: Rey Bucanero, Tarzan Boy, Ultimo Guerrero b Dos Caras Jr., Hijo del Lizmark, Rayo de Jalisco Jr. [coliseo]

Also, Magadan on a bus! I think this show is sticking around a while, if how much they seem to enjoy doing it matters.

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One thought to “GdR #7 lineup”

  1. Damn, was hoping for two Sunday Coliseo matches since the entire Friday show aired in Mexico. Oh well. Looks like a great show.


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