01/06 news

I think we should work on a list of “People Who Could Adequately Replace Juvi”. The kind of list depends on how you feel about WWE, I guess – is it a list of “People Who Should Leave Mexico” or a list of “People Who Fit Well With Super Crazy and Nicho”? I’m leaning towards the latter, and the more I think about, this is my list of suitable replacement Mexicools:

* LA Park.

That’s it, that’s the list.

It’s Friday, so the Ovaciones focus is on the CMLL show. Again, tonight’s card is typical offseason irrelevance (with one notable exception), but there’s some actual news.

The return to Arena Mexico is being pushed back a week, to 01/27. The official reason is they’re making modifications to the arena, particularly checking over the electric system, and want to make sure everything’s in perfect order. This is a bit of a surprise – it was just Wednesday CMLL posted a note on their website ‘confirming’ the 01/20 date. Ovaciones speculates on Kenzo vs Dos, women returning (early) and Perros vs GdA as possible matches on the return show, but it looks like they’re just spitballing.

Tonight’s card:

CMLL (FRI) 01/06 Arena Coliseo Lineup
1) Danger, Sensei vs Polvora, Vaquero
2) Chamaco Valaguez Jr., Kronos, Valiente vs Dr. X, Loco Max, Nitro
3) Black Warrior vs Felino and Volador Jr. and La Máscara and Satánico and Texano Jr. and Máximo and Virus [cibernetico]
4) Brazo de Plata, Heavy Metal, Mr. Niebla vs Mascara Ano 2000, Pierroth, Hijo del Pierroth
5) Dr. Wagner Jr., Mistico, Negro Casas vs Atlantis, Olimpico, Rey Bucanero

That’s a tecnico only cibernetico and specifically listed that way, which is kinda odd. Robert’s right – if Black Warrior’s going to do a rudo turn, he’ll show it here. Main should be fun.

Today is Dia de los Reyes in Mexico (and other places), and there are special shows for the day. All children with an adult get in free to the Coliseo show tonight as part of the festivities. (I wonder if Atlantis will actually lose on kids event now that he’s evil?)

A day early, El Hijo del Santo signed autographs for children. He told Ovaciones that he plans to be back this year in Arena Mexico.

Marcela and Amapola match up for the CMLL Women’s Championship one more time, next Monday in Puebla.

El Halcon #52 is up! One Year Anniversary!
– so of course, the cover is all the covers!
– and a First Year in Review column by the editor
– Interview with el Hijo del Pierroth. The interviewer asks Hijo del Pierroth why he dresses like Pierroth used to, instead of the current military style, and Hijo reveals he has not yet risen in rank far enough to be a military Pierroth! I had no idea this was so complex. The “Reb” on the mask means he’s the rebellious young Pierroth. He’s also got a COBY logo on his pants, because they’re sponsoring him. He’s very upset that Dr. Morales accuses him of not being a real son of Pierroth – how could one think of such a thing.
– Recap of the year in lucha in Durango.
– Texano Q&A. He lists his debut as 14 years old. (Guadalajara, ’99). It’s also his worst match. He says he was paid 30,000 pesos (~$3,000)/week in Japan.
– Lots and lots of rankings – both December’s rankings, and the Year’s rankings. I need to look this over in more detail when I have a chance. Dr. Wagner is the wrestler of the month.

Wrestlers of the Year (which may just be adding up their monthly rankings):
Lightweight: Loco Max
Welterweight: La Mascara
Middleweight: Mistico
Light Heavyweight: Ultimo Guerrero
Heavyweight: Dr. Wagner Jr.
Mini: Bam Bam
Woman: Amapola

NGX’s 01/28 card after the click.

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