CMLL Mini Line - 11/26/05 (#194)
Recap: 11/26, 11/27

straight from the dancing to the match.

Match 1: Mascara Aņo 2000, Emilio Charles Jr., Okumura vs Brazo de Plata, Satanico, Felino
Arena Coliseo, 05/22/05

  1. Tecnicos
  2. Rudos
  3. Tecnicos

Winner: Tecnicos (2-1)
Match Time: 8:27
Approx Rating: 78. This was totally the Porky show, and that was fine.
Other Match Notes: No entrances. In fact, the first thing we see is Emilio kicking Porky, causing Porky to smash his butt into Mascara Aņo's face. That's a nice how you do. Porky has a new silver (duh) outfit. It's not slimming, sadly. Emilio and Porky try a sumo charge, and down goes Emilio. Perhaps Emilio may want to rethink it. Oh they're, doing it again! Porky still wins. Mascara joins the fun for the worst headlock/headscissors takeover yet, and it wasn't Porky's fault. Or Emilio's, really. It's a mystery. They try the double drop down and get the big splash. Atlantis pose. Felino versus Okumura. I keep staring at Felino, trying to figure out what he's doing differently here, and then I realize - he has no shirt. Ah. This doesn't last long until Porky comes back in, and Mascara tries to sunset flip him because he is a moron. He dies. The end. (1:42) Porky is winded. We need a break. Here be a break.

Coming Soon: Gronda XXX! Hide the women and children! In listing his resume and trying to make the point that this is the same guy as the AAA and not some (scary) Gronda doppelganger, they list that this is the man who broke his leg in a match! That's not a good career highlight. He's on next week.

We rejoin our Coliseo match, just about to pick up the second fall. Satanico actually gets in the match, fighting it out with Okumura. Decent. Felino versus Mascara, and Mascara Aņo isn't looking good here. Felino opts not to trust him with a dive. Porky and Emilio again. You know, I used to get annoyed with constant does of Emilio when he was all over TV, but now I kinda miss him since he's never here. Typical Porky stuff, and it doesn't go long. Satanico comes in to face MascaraY3k, but it's a ruse and the actual start of the beatdown. Tecnicos are pretty much unconcerned, letting the three on one go on until Satanico is booted out of the ring. Emilio kicks the middle rope as Porky comes in, and Porky sells it as if he's just been destroyed. Porky is great. Okumura gives him a missile dropkick, which doesn't look good, but the impact of Porky hitting the mat is so big, it shakes the camera. Well, I don't know if that's why the camera shook, but it happened. Felino takes a combination gutbuster a dropkick, a senton, and a Okumura legdrop to end the fall. (3:33) They beat up Satanico too, and I have no idea who the captain is, so I guess that's fine. Okumura gets the armbar/sharpshooter on him, because he has been in Mexico forever by this point.

Beatdown goes on thru the the third fall. Okumura doesn't accurately hit a second rope moonsault on Felino, but whatever. Porky's beat up last., and turns it around by having Emilio run into hi, and fall down. Double clothesline for the other two, and the comeback is on. Felino uses an armbar in his mad fury, which delights me. We spend a lot of time watching Porky do not much while the other four are brawling around ringside. It settles down, and Felino accidentally dropkicks Satanico on a double team. Felino manages to recover and dropkick Okumura out, and turns a Mascara backdrop into a pescado on Okumura. Mascara asses, and turns to run for a dive, but gets dropped by the great wall of Porky. Porky thinks about a dive and Emilio tries the same stunt, but gets run over. Porky wisely opts not to dive, Emilio unwisely tries a sunset flip a moment later, but wisely gets out of the way. Emilio and Porky get up, look at each other, and Porky flops to the mat, pointing at his crotch and in pain - and the ref buys it! (DQ 3:12) Emilio can't believe this total miscarriage of justice. 

Vignette: At a press conference, Olimpico spoke - presumably about being back (and in black.) For some reason, they use the NFL on FOX music here, and it makes it impossible to soak this in at all. I guess he's cutting a promo on Atlantis, because Atlantis is the one who's responding. Rey Bucanero adds his thoughts. Rey's looking sharp! 

Match 2: Olimpico (c), Averno, Mephisto vs Lizmark Jr. (c), Black Warrior, Metro
Arena Mexico, 05/27/05

  1. tecnicos
  2. rudos
  3. tecnicos

Winner: Tecnicos (2-1)
Match Time: 12:18
Approx Rating: Bad. Disappionting.
Other Match Notes: No entrances. This Olimpico's post neck injury return. Welcome back! Please put over the new guy. Thanks. Averno has a new purple outfit. I believe he uses magic powers of evil just to combine the blue and the red ones into a new one. He and Warrior start on the mat. Not a good sign when Black Warrior's carrying the mat work for your side. Normal stuff, no problems. Well, they do somehow blow a kip up -> armdrag spot, but there's the closest thing to a decent sell on a Stunner yet, even if it's beyond weird to happen as a incidental move in the first two minutes of a match. Metro and Olimpico next. 

previously: here's a clip of Olimpico breaking his neck on a dive, 01/21/04. This show never made it to the US, so this is the first I think I've seen it, and I really didn't want to. Classic "guy hits the top rope on the way over and turns to the floor at a bad angle" - it was so dramatically short, Atlantis couldn't react to catch him (though he did try), and unlike normal, Olimpico didn't move at all when he hit the floor. Replay from another angle shows Olimpico desperately trying to get his hands down to try and deflect the impact, but he really landed hard on his head and neck. He missed a lot of time, but he's still lucky to be back at all. 

Meanwhile, Metro and Olimpico have been doing chain wrestling, and nothing particularly exciting. They get to the standoff not long after we get the live footage back in full screen. Mephisto and Lizmark. They do more strikes, and off the ropes. Mephisto tries a springboard crossbody, Lizmark catches him, spins him, slows down, and then side slams him. Awkward. Superkick. Averno comes into take his tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Someone show this to Guëro Loco so he knows how to make it look good. Averno gets hiptossed to the floor, which is not fun, and finally Olimpico comes into put Lizmark down. Lizmark does the spinarooni to rally back, but the camera doesn't even bother show it. There's the second stunner of the match, and that sell is horrible, thanks. Clothesline out for Olimpico. Averno and Warrior now. Warrior demonstrates a rope pulling dance. No, Averno wants - Que Monito, when did he get here? Warrior tries to play peacemaker, but Monito tells Averno bring it on. Averno gets down to Monito's level, and bops him on the head. SLAM! Warrior's just looking on, Monito decides to go back to his corner, Averno, slides under a leapfrog, and Monito's back in for a dropkick to the face. Averno gets back up, though confused, and takes a drop toe hold, so Monito can give him a legdrop to the back of the head. They both do the Warrior pelvic thrusts. That's enough of that. Mephisto comes in as Monito loses, and this two on one doesn't quite work as well, Warrior outsmarting them both. He still has to ask the crowd to cheer. Warrior badly blows a corner sunset flip on Mephisto, eventually bailing on it and trying an inside cradle for a pin (5:43) as Metro cuts off Averno with a top rope cross body. Olimpico fails to get the right guy on the elbow drop, and Metro gets him with a bodyscissors cradle one two three. (5:55) Lizmark gets Averno with a Michinoku Driver, but I'm so not counting it. It's over. Replays. 

Second fall. Olimpico and Metro a bit. Olimpico tries to make Metro look good, and he almost succeeds till Metro blows a springboard and Olimpico has to stand around like a goof. The fans sense it, and boo pretty loudly. They're trying to make him look like a spectacular guy, ala Mistico in this spot a year ago, and it's not coming off well - he has trouble with a tilt-a-whirl armdrag a moment later, and they boo him again. Averno and Mephisto tease a walk out, oddly enough to get the crowd into the match. Black Warrior comes to them and gets attacked, and that's the start of the beatdown. Rudos are surprisingly not on the same page late in the beatdown, but Olimpico hasn't been around for a while, so you can understand it. Triple submission pose for Warrior. (2:39) Triple pump powerbomb for Lizmark to end the fall. (2:59) Metro gets beat up some too, but just strikes. Replays.

Beatdown continues into the third fall. Metro takes the apron hanging dropkick to the floor. Lizmark's teased with a one on one, the better for him to get jumped from behind. Don't coroner whip him? Yea, it backfires, Lizmark getting a double clothesline on it and all heck braking loose. Monito splashes Olimpico somewhere in all of this. Warrior blows a second rope legdrop on Averno - this is quite the match. I think maybe Lizmark is carrying this team at this point. The comeback just stops at some point, and Lizmark and Olimpico realize they're supposed to be in the ring and fighting. Lizmark gets a lot of height on a sunset flip. Mephisto breaks up that fight when Lizmark gets an abdominal stretch, and he and Black Warrior fight so we can get the tope in. And the sunset flip roll thru dropkick, can't forget that. Actually, when Warrior seems ready for a dive, Metro sneaks in and takes it for him, hitting the ropes on the way out but still connecting pretty good - he landed odd, though. Warrior ends up trying to tope Averno, but bangs into the top rope and the way out and doesn't get it strong. Why did they even show this match? It's the not the worst match in the history of mankind or anything, but everyone they want to feature (with the possible exception of Olimpico) aren't benefiting from being featured. Captains in the ring, hopefully to take this one home. Lizmark gets Olimpico down, calls for the press, gets the press, but Olimpico slips down. In a fitting close to this match, Olimpico tries to yank off Lizmark's mask, but can't get it off of him on the first, second, third try - the fourth tug does it. Of course, the ref saw that by then, and that's a DQ, though they have the rudo referee start to count before he's stopped. (DQ 3:44) This was a ton closer to Sagrado than Mistico, if you had to ask. TD Replaytron 2000 illustrates the mask pulling. 

Vignette: At this press conference, which I hope at some point we actually find out what it's supposed to be about because I've forgotten, another side issue was Kemonito being named the new official mascot of Maximo. Since Shocker is gone. 

Vignette: Atlantis, in a business suit, talks to us about Seccion Azul. He cares. He cares about the kids. This is accompanied by the sad, downbeat version of NFL on FOX, and I can't stop laughing. Someone had football fever this week

Stellar Moments
Combination -
Ultimo Vampiro (hey!) Asai Moonsautls Super Comando, and a while later, Tigre Blanco kills Ramstein with a tope. Not much of a combination there, as much as two things that happened
Lance: Zumbido with a rolling slingshot senton to the floor, squashing Sangre like a bug
Triumph: Mascara Magica cheats to beat Damian 666 last week. This is like Magica's one meaningful win of the year, so I guess it's big.
Key: La Mistca on Tarzan Boy.
Tecnico: Dos Caras Jr. beats Ultimo Guerrero with the best German Suplex in Mexico? Probably. In an amazing coincidence, that match is coming up.

Vignette: By jove, they've gotten tot he point of the press conference - a cage of death match with eight people. Halloween, Universo, Heavy Metal, Negro Casas talk, but don't look at Gronda, I dare you. Perro Jr. talks too - we're not hearing any of this, we're hearing the announcers talk over the top. So it's FdT/Perro/Hector vs Negro/Heavy/Magica/Universo.

Match 43 Perro del Mal (Hector Garza (c), Halloween, Damian, Tarzan Boy, Terrible) vs CMLL (Mistico, Negro Casas (c), Heavy Metal, Universo 2000, Mascara Magica) in a time delayed tag match
Arena Mexico, 05/27/05

Winner: Tecnicos
Match Time: 14:51
Approx Rating: 83ish. Didn't really sell the gimmick as anything more than strange.
Other Match Notes: The rules, which they haven't done before or since, is that one person from each side gets added to the match every couple minutes. Think War Games, without the cage and double ring. The match goes on until the captain gets pinned, although people can get eliminated along the way.

The two teams come out together - there's the IWRG Heavyweight Belt again - and assemble on opposite sides of the stage. Tarzan Boy is not wearing the PdM shirt, but I think he's introduced as part of the group. When I look back at this, it's going to be like when Bret Hart wouldn't wear the nWo shirt, but was continually hanging out with the nWo and no one made much of a difference. There's a Mexican standoff before the match, which seems fair enough. Tecnicos are announces as representing CMLL. Break before we get started. They haven't really explained the rules, as far as I can tell, yet.

Jucio de Final, 06/17. Hype for the hair match and Gronda, LA Park, Hijo de Lizmark vs Tarzan Boy, Ultimo Guerrero, Rey Bucanero. A message helpfully reminds us this match is taped, and not actually from the future.

A whistle blows, which is great because no one's actually in the ring to start. Terrible leaves for his team - and Universo chases him down, so it's on. In high tech news, they actually have a clock on the screen. In typical news, the clock is obscured by the Galavision logo. Uh huh. Terrible in complete control with stomps and chops. Corner whip, corner clothesline. We check the troops - still there. Terrible working a straight jacket choke. Negro is giving Mistico some last second strategy. Terrible knocks Universo down. Rudos are ready. Stomps. Looking at the tecnicos again. They're really not into this fight. Damian wants to run in, but the referee carefully explains the rules to him again. We're now looking at the teams more than the match. Universo reverse a corner whip (I think) and shoves Terrible down to get control. Slingshot for Terrible. One minute to go. Universo rallies the crowd, which probably enjoys the match more, since they get to see it. Then again, with these two, who knows. Terrible puts his head down too soon on a whip and gets a forearm. Universo dropkicks him out of the ring, and goes out after him. Head smashed the the floor. We hear beeping as they near 30 seconds - Halloween tries to cheat and come down early, but Baby Richard rushes after him and cuts him out. Universo is taking the fight into the ring - they've taken down the clock as it's gone under a minute, and now we have an odd timed break. (2:52)

Looks like the tape machine stopped while were gone. Universo has Terrible in a headlock, and there's no big indication that the time hit zero except for the clock being back on the screen (and reset to zero) and Magica and Terrible rushing the ring. Magica gets there first, but Tarzan turns the tide, stomping a mudhole in his old partner. Do they still not like each other? Probably. Terrible gets a legdrop on Magica in the middle of the ring while Terrible and Universo work a choke in a corner. Tarzan stomping and boot choking. Terrible whips Universo, and backdrops him in the ring. Tarzan throws Magica out, and works together with Terrible on Universo. Double stomp. Terrible catches Magica come in, but Magica catches his boot and takes him down for punches. Tarzan has no idea, and then decides just to keep to his own fight. Terrible does turn it around himself, so maybe that was a good move. 90 seconds - less than that by now. Rudos firmly in control, and tecnicos are whipped into each other. Rudos try it again, and the tecnicos turn it around. Dropkicks send the rudos out, stereo tope. Dumb fan standing up almost got killed as people were flying in all around him. 30 seconds left, and everyone's down on the outside. Looks like Heavy Metal is next. Again, they take the clock down with 20 seconds left, probably because it's not all that exact. Universo and Magica get back in and celebrate as time runs down - and we take another break. (3:05 here, 5:57 total)

There sure are a lot of breaks here. Competent camera work shows us there's a big countdown on the video screen, and we just haven't been shown it. The ring announcer is also counting - Heavy Metal and Halloween are added, but actually start fighting on the ramp before they make it to the ring. Metal turns it around, knocks Metal off, and bowls him over with a somersault dive. Heavy throws Halloween inside, where the rudos currently hold the ring. He tries to turn the tide, gets Terrible, and gets blindsided by Tarzan. However, when they went to put down Heavy, they left Halloween two one  one, and he gets a double boot. Magica adds a pescado. Universo gets a drop toe hold and an elbow drop on Tarzan. Universo tries for a pin (!) with a crucifix rollup on Terrible, but Tarzan breaks it up at one. Tarzan and Terrible whip Universo and give him a double shoulderblock. A set of double pump powerbombs for Universo, and he's pinned - one two three. (1:30 here, 7:27 total) So he's eliminated, but the match goes on. Heavy Metal made a belated attempt at a save, and gets held down in the corner. Tarzan and Terrible really with the clock would hurry up. Looks like Halloween got Magica with a low blow on the outside, but the refs didn't see it. Metal ducks a double clothesline, and comes back with a dropkick on terrible, avoiding Tarzan's dive and taking him out too. Metal traps Tarzan in the ropes, punches him, and gives him another bad Stunner. STOP IT. Time is running out, and I don't hear a countdown this time. There we go. It's a bit behind the clock, but we get to zero.

And Negro and Mistico can't deiced who should go. Negro does, after a delay, but stops because neither rudo has gone to the ring yet, and confronts them. Confronting gets him many Damian cane shots to the head, but he fights back, and they brawl at the top of the ramp. Negro eventually loses, because the other man has a stick and he does not. Damian heads to the ring. Heavy Metal turns to cut him off, so Damian throws the cane over his head to Halloween, at the ring side of the ramp. Halloween catches, Heavy goes after him, Halloween throws it back to Damian and spears Heavy. That's a nice bit. Of course, when they try to use the cane again, Heavy ducks, and Halloween takes it. Casas brothers get the better of FdT on the ramp, and bring them into the ring, still getting the comeback. Meanwhile, Magica is getting assaulted by Terrible and Tarzan, and no one seems to care. Magica manages to rally back when Heavy distracts them, and gets a double armbar rollup on Terrible (4:51 here, 10:48 total) Halloween spears Magica, and it's time for a WWE finisher, probably. Halloween does a double underhook, but doesn't flatten Magica out on impact, just kinda pulls Magica back onto himself, so Magica doesn't ever really hit the mat. No idea what they were going for there. They probably don't have an idea either. Magica And Tarzan end up out of the ring, and Heavy and Negro slide FdT out on their chests. Damian rushes back to grab his cane and gives it to Halloween, but Negro leaps over and gets the Thesz Press on Damian. Metal and Halloween do a sequence ending a with a spinning DDT on the floor by Metal. The move look find, not so much the set up. Tarzan and Metal back in the ring, and Tarzan flips Magica with a clothesline. Countdown is fast this time, or there's just a clip. We look at the stage, and Hector's where Mistico should be - where's Mistico? Hector's wondering the same thing - till he sees Mistico flying down at him, having leaped off the top of the stage! Hector ends up getting the upper hand, and slams him on the stage before joining the fight. They still have the clock going. Hector stops at ringside to give someone his shirt and a kiss, before going in. Double whip for Magica, Terrible whipped in with a clothesline, Hector adds one of his own. Crowd chanting for Mistico, who's down but stirring. Magica makes his own comeback in the ring, but apparently gets powerbombed by Garza (we miss it). Hector grabs the ropes on the pin, the ref spots it, Hector lets go, the ref counts, and Hector regrabs the ropes. Good enough, I guess (7:31 here, 13:28 total) Mistico's here! Springboard dropkick on Tarzan! Garza gets him with a boot. Everyone else is on the outside, and we see proof that they're actually fighting. Garza with a corner whip, Mistico runs up the ropes and flies back down for an armdrag. Whip, hampering for nothing, they evade each other another time off the ropes, and Mistico pulls Garza into a crucifix - but into the ropes. Tarzan break sit up with a kick to the head anyway. The Casas brothers pull him out, and crotch him into the ring post, before coming in to the ring, and catching Mistico on a Garza press slam. They try with a double shoulderblock, but Garza gets them with a double clothesline. Mistico comes back in, springboard 'rana blocked and powerbombed. Garza hangs him upside down, but Mistico reverses into a sunset flip one two three. (8:54 here, 14:51) That's it, captain's pinned so it's over. Mistico is given a ride on Negro's shoulders - well, he is until Damian ambushes him with a cane shot. They keep choosing camera shots as if it was the normal end of a fight, and not as if the rudos had stormed the ring and were beating down the tecnicos in a terrible fashion, which they were indeed doing. Mistico takes a big gutbuster, on the ropes. Negro at least gets the cane and break sit up, and the tecnicos manage to hold the ring. Damian and Magica brawl out into the ramp until the tecnicos come back into the ring to celebrate. Replay of Mistico's dive - he was hiding on an outcropping maybe 12 feet up from where Garza was standing. Lots of replays of the finish.  

Match 4: Ultimo Guerrero vs Dos Caras Jr. in a CMLL Light Heavyweight Championship Match
Arena Mexico, 05/27/05

  1. Ultimo inside cradle (2:59)
  2. Dos cross armbreaker (1:05)
  3. Ultimo small package (8:31)

Winner: Ultimo Guerrero (2-1)
Match Time: 12:25
Approx Rating: 89. There were some sloppy moments, but Dos seems to be good.
Other Match Notes:
No entrances. We join just before the belt presentation. Dos Caras, with Tigre Blanco, is 97kg. Ultimo Guerrero, with Olimpico, is 95kg. I thought there'd be more of a difference. Rules instructions. 

Circle. Lockup, Ultimo waistlock, Dos lodging for a way out, but gets tripped down to the mat. Ultimo with a front facelock, Dos rolls it over to his back, on top for a one two count. Dos Caras leans backwards on Ultimo for another two count, Ultimo bridges all the way up with a double underhook, Dos backdrops him and is back on top for another two count. Ultimo bridges up again, Dos sneaks behind for a backslide one two no. Ultimo gets an armdrag, and there's a standoff. Ultimo tells the fans not to chant. They fail to listen. Circle. Lockup, Dos with a fireman's carry into an armbar. There's a gorilla in the crowd. Just thought you should know. Ultimo tries to get up out of the armbar, but is flipped back down. Ultimo kips up, and Dos clips him back down a again. Dos cranking in the hold. Ultimo turns and stands up on the armbar, Dos having it deeply locked in now. Ultimo turns  to try and get free, but Dos keeps the armbar locked on. Ultimo uses a shot to the midsection and the cruiserweight flip out, at slow speed, to reverse into his own armbar. Dos frees himself with a forward roll and a forward headstand flip. Armdrag, takedown, legs tied and Dos reaches down to grab Ultimo's head - but Ultimo small packages him one two three. (2:59) Dos can't beat Ultimo on the mat, for at least one fall. Marisol has a different seat this week? How odd. Bell ringer. 

Both men off the ropes, Ultimo tries a jumping should block, but Dos is too strong. Both try again, Ultimo jumps again, and again Dos doesn't go down. Dos off the ropes, and Ultimo gets him down this time with a clothesline. Ultimo looks at the crowd, and goes back to Dos. He's picked up, corner whip, reversed, Dos Charges in, Ultimo set shim on the top rope, Dos blocks his slaps with a kick and gets him with an overhead headscissors. Fans didn't like that one? Ultimo off the ropes, Dos with something loosely like an overhead belly to belly suplex. Ultimo rises a clothesline, Dos grabs the arm, uses Ultimo as a step, and gets an armscissors into a cross armbreaker. (1:05) That took a bit of effort to do. Tied up. 

Dueling appeals for cheers to start the third fall. Dos wins, but Ultimo does not ambush him. They start off even, Ultimo off the ropes, over, spinning Dos out with a shoulderblock. Crowd shot, though I don't think it's a clip. Ultimo off the ropes, Dos catches his arm and gives him a jumping enziguri one two no. Chops. Kicks in the crooner. Ultimo is trying to rally back, but it's not working. Corner whip, Ultimo reverses it, Dos moves out of the way of the charge, and Ultimo takes the knee bump to the floor. HUGE Dos Caras tope! Awesome looking height and impact. Dos gets back in first and is celebrating, but Olimpico urges his man in - and Ultimo grabs Dos from behind into a cavernaria! Dos Caras in trouble. One arm down, two arm down, third arm - UP! He's breaking the chinlock, and he's free. Both men are tried now. Dos trying to rally the crowd. Ultimo up and after him, headscissors cradle doesn't work out right, which is actually fine because Dos wants to reverse it and does - one two NO! Dos is fired up. Kick to the side of Ultimo's head. Corner whip, charging corner jumping enziguri!  Dos sets up Ultimo on the top rope, and goes on his shoulders - top rope 'rana! No cradle, and Dos is slow to cover one two NO. The fans really didn't seem to buy that one. Dos back up, waistlock, going for the German but Ultimo blocks it - so Dos swings him around, and gets the armscissors into the cross armbreaker again! Ultimo's in trouble , he's right in the middle of the ring and has no where to go, so he tries to pull his extended arm back with his free hand.. Dos breaks that up, and Ultimo pulls both of them towards the ropes. I think Olimpico might have pushed it out toward him, but Ultimo got it and the ref's allowing it. Ultimo's arm is hurting. Dos takes off his elbow pads in frustration? I guess. He doesn't really sell it. Dos 'rana is blocked and turned into a powerbomb, Ultimo puts his feet on the middle rope, one, the ref's caught it. They choice now to replay what happened last week in this match. Actually works out okay, because both men are up slow following the powerbomb. Dos is calling for the press. Kick to Ultimo, press, drop , German Suplex! One two th-NO! Fans bought that one. Dos Caras Jr. has no idea what he must do to win this match now. Slam. He's going up? Crowd doesn't like the idea, and he's rethinking it because of it. He decides to go up anyway, but Ultimo is up and behind him - Dos' is crotched, and pulled off in a Guerrero Special one two th-NO! That was a slow count! There was definitely an extra hitch in Baby Richard's count. Ultimo ain't moving, so Baby Richard gives him an arm drop test - down one, down two, UP on third. Dos is getting up, but hurting. Both men up, Dos grabs Ultimo in - is that a reinera? Doesn't look good whatever it is, and Ultimo's seen that move before - out into an inside cradle, one two THREE. (8:21) Olimpico gives him a ride around the ring in celebration. The bellringer does his victory dance! Olimpico and Ultimo do the huddle dance with about eight front row rudo fans.  Break.

Ultimo gets his belt back. Note to challengers: Don't try to beat him with Shocker's moves. He's familiar with them. Replays. That's it.