CMLL Mini Line - 09/03/05 (#186)

Match 1: Ultimo Guerrero (C), Rey Bucanero, Tarzan Boy vs Shocker (c), Black Warrior, Mistico
Arena Mexico, 04/01/05

  1. rudos
  2. tecnicos
  3. tecnicos

Winner: Tecnicos (2-1)
Match Time: 11:25
Approx Rating: 82. Solid match.
Other Match Notes: The tecnicos are beating beat down as we join - match hasn't started yet because Rey brings Mistico from his entrance to the ring, but I don't hear a whistle. Mistico's tossed onto the top rope, and around the ring. Rey works him over on the outside while Warrior is brought in for a double boot. Shocker's trying his luck against Ultimo and Tarzan while Rey goes to work on Mistico's mask. Shocker is dealt with quickly so GdI can work over Mistico some more, though it seems like they get lost during a team move. Ultimo gives Mistico the high flapjack, then Rey gives him a flapjack diamond cutter. Warrior back in again, and he manages to grabs some legs before he's stopped. Tarzan tries hitting Warrior with a wheel kick, but Warrior slow down short, puts his hands up to block, and takes the bump with a minimum of impact. That was quite awful. GdI sit on Warrior.  Shocker in again. He tries to brawl his way into a monetary advantage, but no. Triple hiptoss faceslam, double fujiwara, he's done. (2:52) Replays, huddle dance, break.

GdI hold the ring and don't actually have a tecnico to fight at the moment. Shocker discusses the situation with Que Monito, and we flash back to Shocker and Winnie the Kid having a bout. Hey, Violencia! Did he lose his hair? In the meantime, people were killing Mistico. GdI sit on Warrior, and he gets sandwiched pretty hard. Shocker in, and they corner whip him, which might be the end but isn't - clothesline, rolling back elbow, corner headstand sit. Mistico back in, but Rey kicks the bottom rope to trip him up as he enters. Corner clothesline for him. Rey wants to do more, but Mistico drops to the mat. Ultimo and Tarzan go outside to crotch him, but that leaves them open to big boots from Shocker and Warrior. What a weird way to comeback. Rey and Mistico are left in the ring, and they stoke the crowd for a bit before starting. Rey leaps over a sliding Mistico, Mistico charges him, Rey tilt-a-whirls Mistico, Mistico lands on his feet, Rey misses a clothesline, Mistico goes off the ropes, and comes back to get La Mistica - but Tarzan breaks it up with a boot to the mask. Shocker in a and booting Tarzan in revenge. Big right. Fans chant for Shocker. Off the ropes, under, Tarzan with a hiptoss but Shocker blocks it and mocks him. Blocked again and mocked. Blocked a third time, and this time Shocker just short clotheslines him. Bulldog - no, Tarzan shoves him off and celebrates. Tarzan charges, Shocker throws him up into the air, and Tarzan hits his head on the buckle. Tarzan is still up but staggered, and Shocker boots him down. Monito in, and helped to the top rope - big splash on Tarzan. Shocker tries up Tarzan's legs as Warrior comes off the rope to scare Ultimo away. Warrior lures Ultimo into a corner sunset flip and that's it. (3:53) Mistico scares Rey out of the ring, and leaps after him for one of those suicide armdrags, and this time, he completely hits the floor without getting a hold of Rey, but they cover it up with Rey taking the armdrag anyway. That landing must feel awful. Replays.

GdI huddle on the floor before the fall. Ultimo and Warrior start, with Warrior doing monkey flip leverage spots and flips, and then slipping to his knees before hitting his spot. Ultimo chops him. Corner whip, and Warrior pulls off a corner headscissors which throws Ultimo into the post. Tarzan takes Ultimo's place, Warrior gets a sunset flip, Tarzan reverses right in time to get dropkicked by Ultimo. Warrior celebrates the ability to see behind his back while the rudos roll out. Mistico in and Bucanero - walking out! He doesn't want to do this. Someone ought to get in. Rey stalls on the outside, so Mistico comes out after him. Rey backs up into the crowd. Mistico goes back in, Rey in after him, and Rey back out. Will he come in? No, Mistico goes out, Shocker comes in, Ultimo comes in. Crowd chants for Shocker. Ultimo chest slaps him down, Shocker comes back with his punch flurry. Whip, reversed, Shocker slides under, leapfrogs over, rolls backwards, does the Ultimo/shocker spot to flip on his feet, and lands the jumping enziguri. Shocker teases a dive and poses. Now, Mistico and Rey for real. Rey's clothesline misses, Mistico off the ropes, over, waved by, flipping to no end, and getting a headscissors.  Mistico wins the battle of kicks and gets the Mexican armdrag. Rey rolls lout, and Mistico is after him - running slingshot somersault 'rana! That was pretty awesome. Warrior and Tarzan back in, and neither man can phase the other with chops. Off the ropes spots end with Warrior tipping up Tarzan, elbow dropping him and celebrating. Tarzan dives und the wheel kick and boots Warrior out. Tarzan slide out after him, but Warrior's slid in at the same time. Tarzan's confused, goes back to the apron, and gets wheel kicked to the floor. Warrior on the apron - somersault bodyblock. Shocker and Ultimo once again. Shocker takes a corner whip, but moves and Ultimo takes the knee bump to floor. Monito's tope is caught, but he squirms away before Ultimo can crush him, and before Shocker crushes Ultimo with a double jump plancha. Back to Mistico and Rey one more time. Mistico gets the early advantage with dropkicks, and we take a look at kids in the crowd. There's the 619. Springboard dropkick, and Mistico picks Rey up, yelling. What's Rey to do but yank off Mistico's mask? All the refs saw that and Rey doesn't care - he's pounding Mistico into the mat. (4:40). Fans don't cheer the victory because they're concerned for Mistico, but he seems alright. Shocker manages to back off Rey, and that's that. 

Vignette: Negro Casas' 25th anniversary - he shows off trophies and plaque's he's won as we see photos. 

Match 2: Universo 2000 (c), Mascara Año 2000, Apolo Dantes vs Perro Aguayo Jr. (c), Canek, Pierroth
Arena Mexico, 04/01/05

  1. Capos
  2. Capos

Winner: Capos (2-0)
Match Time: 11:55
Approx Rating: Short and very much lesser versions of similar matches.
Other Match Notes: Capos jump Perro when he enters, which is bad for him since he enters first. Canek and Pierroth do hurry, which is nice of them. Capos give La Nazi a double suplex into the ring, which seems awful mean. Dropkick to knock her out of the ring. Three on ones - Pierroth, Canek, and Perro last for the first run. He gets tossed by his hair a lot, and then Mascara powerbombs him. Pierroth comes back in for a second turn, and doesn't last long. The doctor is checking on La Nazi. Capos decide to bring the fight outside, where Perros' crew actually gets somewhat of a control. Canek throws punches at Mascara in the ring, and they're horrible completely exposed punches. That's why people think Canek's matches are fake! Control seems to randomly switch back and froth, but it's mostly the capos who are in control.  Perro takes the catapult Death Valley Driver, and Universo adds a senton. (4:21)  La Nazi was helped to her corner, but she's still hurting. Replays.

Brawl continues thru the fall break - we see them all on the stage, but have no idea how they got there. Apolo and Canek work a hold in the ring why the other four brawl around. Pierroth's brought back, and he's given some double teams. For some reason, Hijo de Pierroth joins the announcers. He reiterates that they're authentic sons of Pierroth, totally and completely. Dr. Morales should stop lying and we should listen to Leobardo. Meanwhile, Perro is taking a double pres into a gutbuster, and a dropkick in the head. More clotheslines for him because they're till now done. Canek in, and he's worked over just the same, but manages to get his corner heel kick to turn the tide. The belt is brought out, indeed. 3 and 3 on 1s the other way, though it filters down to Mascara vs Pierroth. Mascara manages to get the belt back and uses it on Pierroth, dropkicks him out of the ring, and pescados both Pierroth and La Nazi. Apolo and Perro, which is notable for Perro barely winging Apolo with a dropkick, which some how causes Apolo to fly eight feet to his side and thru the ropes.  Perro lands La Silla on him. Canek and Universo are the final confrontation, I sure hope. Universo's actually making Canek look good, which is unbelievable. Universo starts ripping up Canek's mask, and Hijo de Canek runs in. Crowd shot - wow, that's a bad run in! Whatever he did is over by the time we come back, and the refs seem like they'd throw out the match, if they could raise an arm - they wisely leave Universo to get beat by the Canek's and Perro and go find another arm to raise. (7:34) Hijo looks fine in everything else he's doing, so it's too bad his big move sucked so bad they couldn't show it. Hijo's really insistent on getting a billion moves in here or whatever reason. Perro's team tries to badger the referees into reversing the decision, but no. 

Stellar Moments
Molotov beats Guero Loco with a fisherman's suplex
Vuelo: Neutron lands a nice looking top rope reverse tope on Ramstein
Spectacular: Zumbido with an over the corner slingshot top con giro on Masada
Tecnico: Negro Casas lands La Silla on Rey.
Doloroso: Volador topes Dr. X, Volador's head and neck impacting Dr. X's shoulder and head on the way down. Looked scary.

Vignette: Heavy Metal and Felino discuss Heavy's return to CMLL. They're taking Casas reunion in Arena Mexico. Heavy Metal goes over his career for those unaware, and likes teaming with Mr. Niebla today, but would really like to do the three brother trio. Felino talks about winning some titles, and Metal talks about getting revenge on FdT.

Match 3: Damian 666 (c), Halloween, Black Tiger vs Heavy Metal (C), Safari, Felino
Arena Mexico, 04/01/05

  1. tecnicos
  2. rudos
  3. rudos

Winner: Rudos (2-1)
Match Time: 12:17
Approx Rating: Okay, but not particularly good.
Other Match Notes: Safari has Safari music. That's a bit stunning. Especially since this is supposed to be Mr. Niebla. Halloween and Felino are wearing their NGX titles. Damian entrust his cane to a front run rudo fan. They've got some guy on their t-shirts who I don't know, or at least don't know I know, but they keep showing them off like someone might know. FdT tease a walkout, but the match hasn't even started yet. The rudos talk it over with some official, yell at the rowdy tecnicos fans a bit, and then walks in the ring and start brawling with the tecnicos. 

It settles down long enough for them to get back in the ring and exchange more slaps, but it doesn't break down into a beatdown. Everyone else goes to their corners, and Safari and Black Tiger start actually wrestling. Safari quickly wins that, and onto Halloween and Heavy Metal. This is the tecnico team of the overdone handspring. A springboard armdrag sends Damian out, Heavy Metal teases a dive, and Halloween mockingly claps for him. Felino and Halloween, exchanging chops. Felino out speeds him, and ends the sequence with a 'rana taking Halloween off the corner to the floor. Tiger tries to dive, but Metal cuts him off with a shoulderblock on the apron. Metal hiptoss Damien out of the ring as he charges, and dropkicks Tiger out, in a weird fashion. Safari gets an apron headstands headscissors and screams into the camera. Heavy and Damian are left in the ring, and Metal out wrestles him into a la Majistral. That's it. (3:16) Break.   

Tiger and Metal start the third fall, exchanging chest slaps and shoves. Metal off the ropes, rolling over, ducking under, sunset flip, Tiger rolls thru and clotheslines him down. High ten for Damian, but I guess that's not a tag. As they continue inside and outside the ring, with Damien getting a cheap shot, we flash back to Metal's return last week. Felino and Halloween in. Halloween would like a handshake. Felino thinks about it, but Halloween keeps pulling away, 'distracted' by the fans. Damien comes in, shakes Halloween's hands, hugs him, and kiss him on the cheek - that gets the fans going. Annoyed by the bashing, Halloween and Damien bash Felino. Double corner whip, Safari backdrops his partner to the apron and dropkicks the others as they charge. Felino boosts Safari into a double dropkick. Both FdT moments slide on their chest out of the ring. Felino seems ready to dive, but he's instead going to let Halloween back in. Damian tries to help, but it's Felino chest slapping one, and back elbowing the other. Tiger realizes Felino does not have three arms, and sneaks in a wheel kick. CUE THE BEATDOWN. Halloween crotches Safari on the post, and even the impartial announcer says it's a foul. Felino getting driven into the announce desk. The announcers go quiet, waiting for Halloween to come to the microphone to say something, but he takes a while. Safari is hung in the tree of woe, and they crotch Metal on Safari's head, which is so not fun. Felino tries to come into help, but they kick the bottom rope as he comes in. Double boot, double powerbomb with missile dropkick and that's it. (4:28) Or not, because Metal's actually the captain, and they give him a double backbreaker and a Tiger somersault legdrop. That's it for sure. (4:56) Replays. Break.

Beating continues between falls. Tiger works over Metal while he's setting on the top- rope, and even though Metal is able to shove him to the mat, Tiger sidesteps the missile dropkick and Metal is just beaten more, including a questionably low headbutt by Damian. Triple legdrop for him. Felino in to stick up for his partner, and off goes Halloween's shirt. Off go the elbowpads! Chest slap battle. Halloween tricks with a knee, but puts his head down too soon on a whip and gets kicked. Felino off the ropes, shoulderblock, off the ropes again, and Halloween spears him. Lewd gestures in Safari's direction. More chops for Halloween. Whip, Felino off the ropes with a spinning DDT, and a dropkick to the head. Is that the comeback? Felino with a pescado, but Halloween catches him - F5 on the floor!  Safari lands a wheel kick. Corner whip, reversed, Safari up the the top rope, Tiger and Safari brawl up there, and they both fall off - did Safari hurt his leg falling to the apron? That was odd. Captains left in as Safari gets posted. Metal uses Molly Holly's Mollypop cartwheel handspring elbow (well, that's what it made me think of, anyway), but the ring is two feet to short. Northern Lights Suplex one two - Tiger pulls the ref away. While the ref argues with Tiger, Halloween's thrown Damian the cane. Metal argues with Tiger, turns around, gets hit with the cane, and Damien low blows him just to be extra sure. One two three. (4:05) Rudos pose. Tecnicos are all down and hurting. 

Match 4: Averno, Mephisto vs Atlantis & Blue Panther for the CMLL World Tag Team Championships
Arena Mexico, 04/01/05

  1. Rudos
  2. tecnicos
  3. rudos

Winner: Averno & Mephisto, who become CMLL Tag Team Champions
Match Time: 19:19
Approx Rating: 92. Great third fall, and the opening falls didn't feel rushed at all.
Other Match Notes:
No entrances, which is wrong, but we get the belt presentation. Atlantis urges Averno & Mephisto to listen to the chants for his team. Fight almost breaks out early. 

Panther and Averno to start. Circle. Lockup, break. Lockup, break. Panther gathering himself. Averno throws a punch, but Panther catches it with both hands, armdrags him down, and holds him tot he mat. Front facelock, Averno escapes into an armbar, Panther quick reverse it to a single leg takedown, and is waiting for Averno to get back up. PANTH ER PANTH ER PANTH ER. Circle. Panther falls to the mat, and trips Averno up . Averno's quickly rolled onto his stomach, and Panther ties up the legs. Panther legs go, Averno gets an armbar, and Panther easily reverses it. Averno's pulled onto the mat, and Panther puts on an armscissors. Averno not quitting, trying to stand up to get his arm freed but Panther grabs hold and pulls him back down. They both battle up, Panther gets an armbar, Averno gets a  tag, but the refs not allowing it? Mephisto doesn't understand either, but I guess they're saying it wasn't good? Huh. Whip, Averno goes over, and Panther gets him with a flying headbutt the next time thru. One count. Armbar, tag to Atlantis. Whip, Atlantis waves him by, leapfrogs over him, and monkey flips him into the ropes. Atlantis with a bodyscissors cradle, tying the legs, one two no. Averno tries to crawl to a tag, but Atlantis stops him, scissoring a leg and barring an arm. Mep is angry and wants to come into break the tag, but is warned not to. Armbar. Averno is spun to the mat, and Atlantis puts on a cross armbreaker. Averno is hurting, but rolls onto the shoulder to keep it fully extended. Atlantis puts a boot in his face to keep him down, , and then gets his legs back on Averno, but Averno's been inching the hold towards Mephisto. They've almost got the tag, but Atlantis yells to the referee - Mephisto isn't close enough to corner for it to be legal. He's not touching the corner buckle, so the refs tell him to go back to the corner, and now Averno's not close. Bet that's what happened last time. Mephisto leans in the ring makes the tag anyway, but they're not letting him in. Atlantis rolls Averno over to his shoulder for a pin, one two no. Chinlock, then a arm tap neck crank. Averno's hurting and Mephisto is thinking about coming into break it up, but the refs are keeping a close eye on him and his shenanigans now. Whip, reversed, Atlantis tags Panther and heads out. Averno goes after Panther, Panther dives over him on the first pass, shoulderblock off the ropes - no Mep gets him with a swinging kick thru the ropes, and Averno drops him with a clothesline to the back of the head. Mephisto comes in, and cuts off Atlantis with a kick to the midsection. Atlantis is sent out, and Panther is given a double whip. Drop toe hold, camel clutch, dropkick to the head. Panther rolls out to the apron, so Atlantis is pulled in from outside. Whip, double back elbow, picked up, double whip, double pump powerbomb. One two three. (4:52). Back to Panther, with chops and slaps. Double whip, Averno back elbow, and he's rolled up and passed back and forth till they get a double powerbomb on him. That's it. (5:17) First fall to the challengers. Break.

Second fall starts with more work on Atlantis. Panther is down in the aisle. Double whip, double boot, and out goes Atlantis. Averno and Mephisto go out after him, and we look at a child's sign for the tecnicos. We come back to see Atlantis run into the apron, I guess. Panther's brought back in, and Mephisto is working on him in the ring while Averno's stands on the ramp. Fans are chanting for Panther. Corner whip, Averno hipped in for a clothesline, Mephisto follows with his own. Mephisto lays Panther on the top rope, and boosts Averno into a big axhandle on his back. Mephisto loads up Panther on his shoulders, and Averno heads up. Top rope dropkick! Flashback to last week, where the challengers made the champions submit. Corner clothesline for Atlantis as we resume. Whip, Mep tries booting Atlantis from the apron, but Atlantis catches the boot and clotheslines him down. Averno charges, and gets flapjacked onto the top rope. Comeback is on Panther boosts Mephisto into the poster on the floor while Atlantis beats Averno around and out of the ring. Knee into the ramp. Panther comes over to help beat on Averno, as Mephisto out on the floor. Tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Averno takes a backdrop over the ropes and into the ring. Panther goes Mephisto to the floor, who's at least able to push Panther away and come back in the ring. He evades Panther again, but in the process runs into an Atlantis tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. We miss the finishes themselves looking at a far shot, but come back to see the champions being pinned and submitting. (3:38) I think it was a Panther 'rana on Mephisto and an Atlantis nudo on Averno, but we don't get a good shot of it or replays. Break.

Final fall. Atlantis and Panther are discussing in the ring while the challengers regroup on the ramp. Well, when they're not distracted by the fans. Atlantis and Panther deiced to take the fight to them, which causes Averno and Mephisto to go further up the ramp. Now that everyone's getting counted out, they all agree to fight. Averno and Panther to start, and Panthers tokes the chants for him. Mep off the ropes, over, tries to go over again but gets flipped by Panther. Atlantis in and dropkick Mephisto out. Panther charges, Atlantis backdrops him, and Panther pescados Panther. Atlantis and Averno left in. Averno charges, back elbow for Atlantis. Corner whip, Atlantis puts on the breaks, and tosses Averno into the corner. Monkey flip!  Atlantis charges Averno, Averno tries to toss Atlantis, but Atlantis comes down with an armdrag. Bodyscissors rollup, legs crossed, one two NO. Both need a moment to recover. Crowd is LOUD. Averno boots Atlantis down, but Atlantis is visibly setting him up - monkey flip to the floor! Atlantis checks Averno, off the ropes, TOPE! Mephisto claws back in, but Panther is up and waiting for him. Crowd loud for Panther and he's enjoying it. Crowd shot, and back to see Mephisto trying a tilt-a-whirl, but Panther shifting wait and falling on top. One two NO. Panther going for a powerbomb - no, Panther fall to his back, uses his legs to pull Mephisto into a sunset flip, and pulls off a Farmer's Roll! The official move of old men! Now the pin one two NO. Panther can't believe he didn't win on a Farmer's roll. Mephisto tries chest slaps, but Panther blocks the second and pulls him into a an armbar submission - Averno in to break it up with a kick. Both hold Atlantis down, then Mephisto lets go to bring in Atlantis. Panther is whipped into this partner, which knocks him back out, and Panther's dropkicked out to join him. Stereo dives - Averno with his no hands tope con giro, and Mephisto with something we can't actually see. Everyone's done, and everyone's getting counted out. Here's a reverse angel replay - Mephisto did a slingshot tope con giro that mostly over shot Panther, though maybe he got an armdrag at the end. Back live, Mephisto has posted Panther, and the challengers bring in Atlantis. Boot choke on him. Double corner whip, Averno corner clothesline, Mephisto corner clothesline. They both lift Atlantis to the top rope, and they both toss him to the mat. Both men going up on opposite corners. - double top rope headbutts! one two Panther breaks it up, which is good because Atlantis was dead for sure. Panther rallies the crowd, and Averno chest slaps him down. They pull Atlantis back up. Double whip, back elbow by Averno, rolled into a Mephisto bodyscissors, and there's the double face buster. Mep cover one two Panther beaks it up. Averno chops Panther straight out of the ring. Double whip for Atlantis again. back elbow, by Atlantis, rolled up for another face buster - but Averno leaves to soon, and Atlantis reveres to a bodyscissors cradle! Averno tries to help, but Panther's got him by his ankle - one two NO! Atlantis can't believe it. The champions are in huge trouble now if they're not getting that spot to work. Both men up to their feet, Mephisto powerbomb, feet on the bottom rope one two NO! Atlantis off the ropes, TOPE on Averno, and Mephisto follows with his own tope - barely hitting Panther again. They're all four down and getting counted out once again. Atlantis is the first one in, and Mephisto is in after him. Both rush each other with clotheslines, and both are staggered. Again, and they both fall to their knees. Again - no, Mephisto kicks Atlantis in the knees. Whip, head own too on, and Atlantis hooks the arms - inverted Gory stretch! Mephisto pulls himself up and over, bodyscissors roll, Atlantis reverse it one two NO! Atlantis was sort of puling the shirt there. He can't believe this match won't end. Mephisto clothesline him, and heads up, though he seems a bit unsure about the idea. Top rope somersault senton, but the pool is empty. Atlantis crawls on top - one two NO. Quick look at Panther, recovering on the outside.  Atlantis slams Mephisto to the mat - and now he's going up. The fans aren't sure about this one., and Atlantis rethinks it and goes down. That's always awesome. Spinning toe hold to set up - a Mephisto small package - one two NO! This is quite the good set of lucha near falls. Both up, and Atlantis gets the tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Averno charges in, and Atlantis lifts him straight into Atlántida! Mephisto quickly breaks that up with a kick and meets Panther with a kick as he comes in. Averno charges Atlantis, and Atlantis lifts him straight into Atlantis - Averno breaks that up with a dropkick to the knee, and Mephisto inside cradles him. Meanwhile, Panther throws a punch, and Averno grabs it, turning him into a fujiwara armbar! There's the count - one two three! Panther submits! That's it! (10:24) New champions! Mephisto celebrates, and then collapses exhausted. And then he recovers to celebrate more! Break.

Many replays of the finish. The champions have the belts. Averno and Mephisto celebrate with the rudo fans quite a bit. The announcers hype up the Casas Family team up in two weeks, and that's that.