CMLL Mini Line - 08.27.2005 (#185)
Recapped: 03.12.2006

Match 1: Pierroth (c), Hijo de Pierroth, Pierroth Jr. vs Satanico (c), La Mascara, Alan Stone
Arena Coliseo, 03/22/06

  1. tecnicos
  2. tecnicos

Winner: Tecnicos (2-0)
Match Time: 11:54
Approx Rating: waste of time
Other Match Notes: No entrances - we join with the rudos already beating up the tecnicos.

Generic beatdown. They do work over Alan's right leg before Pierroth turns it over for a half crab, but he keeps getting interrupted before he can get a submission. Alan ends holding on a long time, and I'm not sure if he's given up a couple of times - the referee is out of frame or they cut away or something else happens. Alan ends up rolling out and the doctor checks on his knee, which must be tough with that big knee brace on. Satanico's beatdown in the ring. Replay of the work on Alan's knee. Pierroths work over Mascara with a chinlock and a toehold, and still he doesn't give - why doesn't he give? This is just odd time killing because it's not particularly dramatic or meaningful. Pierroth rips up Mascara' mask a bit and he rolls out. Crowd is chanting for Mr. Mexico. Alan back in, feeling no better and getting his knee worked over some more. Pierroth goes back to the toe hold. Junior kicks the knee while Pierroth holds Alan, and I think somewhere in here, Alan gave because the refs want them to stop. Must've happened while we were looking at Satanico and Hijo. (4:50) Pierroth's don't let go, and so the refs give the fall to Satanico. (4:55) This story wasn't told well, with the camera work being a detriment. Rudos figure they might as well keep beating the tecnicos at this point. Replays help explain what happened a bit better. Break.

Beatdown goes on between falls.  Satanico and Mascara try to brawl their way back in control, and kinda randomly do it.  Mascara and Junior have quite the rolling around on the floor brawl. Pierroth sticks in the ring and works over Alan's knee some more. Satanico and La Mascara eventually come into help Alan, who's taken off on a stretcher. Pierroth's are happy with the numbers, and go back into a beatdown mode. Satanico gets knocked around first, and then La Mascara fares no better. It's not an especially technical destruction - lots and lots of strikes. The Pierroth Kids accidentally get Pierroth with a double swinging kick instead of La mascara, and the tecnicos make their comeback two on two. Satanico can still throw a great punch. Both tecnicos get those wristlocks which never actually work, and Pierroth breaks them up. He holds La Mascara again for his sons, and this time he ends up taking a double clothesline. Mascara with standard 1 on 2 stuff on the Pierroth kids, and Pierroth comes in to take care of business. He almost immediately puts his head down too soon on a whip, and gets a lot of slaps and a superkick. The kids help Pierroth rally, and he lets them go 2 on 1 again., but it backfires as soon as they get back in the ring. This is an oddly laid out  match. Satanico's in, and shoulderblocking all the rudos, and we end up with Pierroth and Satanico  punching each other and neither budging. La Nazi ends up tripping Satanico up and pulling him out, for a Pierroth swinging kick, but La Nazi takes it instead. La Mascara dropkicks Pierroth a bunch, Pierroth blatantly low blow uppercuts him (DQ 6:59) and both me and Pierroth wonder why we got out of bed this morning. 

Vignette: Negro Casas hopes you help celebrate his 25th Anniversary as a luchador.

Match 2: Rey Bucanero (c), Averno, Mephisto vs Atlantis (c), Negro Casas, Blue Panther
Arena Mexico, 03/25/06

  1. rudos
  2. tecnicos
  3. rudos

Winner: Rudos (2-1)
Match Time: 9:20
Approx Rating: Okay.
Other Match Notes: Rey, in quite the black pirate outfit, regroups the rudos before the match even starts. He and Negro starts. - or not, as the rudos decide to rush the tecnicos right off the bat. This is a lot less typing. Double teaming starts quite early. Blue Panther gets a double back elbow, Atlantis gets a double big boot. Rey's makeup makes it look like he's got an eye patch this week. Negro gets a bunch of corner clotheslines, then triple tree of woe dropkick to the head. Negro plays dead. Corner clothesline for Panther, bounced out for a double boot, and lifted up to Rey in the corner for a middle rope face first powerbomb. He's done. (2:58) Atlantis in, but Mep hits the bottom rope as he climbs in to crotch him. Atlantis is set up on the outside of the apron for - a dropkick? That wasn't what everyone was expecting, because he doesn't take a bump off it. Double suplex back in, and everyone grabs an appendage and yanks for the fall. (3:34) Replays

Panther is knocked around to start the scorned fall, culminating with the Bucanero Castigo. Averno rudely boots him to the edge of the ring while the the other two deal with Negro. He's thrown to the floor. They try for a double team on Atlantis, but he and Panther break free before it can be done, and it ends up with Atlantis and Panther vs the Assassins. Mep and Averno get whipped into each other. Negro ahs a nice dropkick on the floor. Atlantis and Panther tie up Averno and Mep and get jacknife roll ups on them for the fall. (1:31) Negro slaps Rey when he's talking to the announcers, how rude. Replays.

Rudos are scattered apart and not in the ring to start the third fall, but they regroup on the ramp. Rey agrees to start against Negro, and they exchange kicks. Negro wins that one. Negro with shoulderblock, and Rey flips him with an armdrags, only to go for an armdrag too soon and get stomped in his good eye. Negro tags Panther for some combo work, and Averno is in to break up the pin. Averno tries to help Rey, and of course it backfires - Rey gets dropkicked to the floor. Panther gives Averno a forward fireman's carry slam (!) and Mephisto breaks it up before he can get a cover. Averno with a fireman's carry into a Diamond Cutter, and sets up for a tapatia, but Atlantis runs in and gets him in a sunset flip for two before Mephisto breaks that up. The other two leave the ring, and Mep works over Atlantis with a big chest slap. Whip, reversed, Mep goes over, miss with a clothesline, gets waved by, and urns into an armdrags. Mep off the ropes, tilt-a-whirl, lands on his feet and clotheslines Atlantis. Mep rips up Atlantis mask, but Atlantis quickly snap mares him to rip up his mask in revenge. Mep needs a moment to rest his mask before going on, and yells at the fans a bit. Mep off the ropes under, into the Atlantis roll sending him to the floor. Mep takes a moment to fix his mask again as Rey trips Atlantis up the floor. Rey slides out after him, Atlantis moves, Rey rolls thru and clothesline shim anyway, and Negro drops Rey with a silla! Panther in with Averno, Averno powerbombs him and gets his feet on the ropes, one two no. Averno with a whip, reversed, Atlantis rips up Averno from outside, Panther adds an elbow drop. Panther cuts off Mephisto, and whips him into an Atlantis tilt-a-whirl slam. Averno's whipped in next, and Atlantis loads him directly into the Atlántida before Mephisto breaks that up. Panther tries an armbar takedown on Mephisto, but Averno saves his partner in turn. Averno gets a forward hammerlock roll into an inverted figure four on Panther while Mephisto gets a hammerlock front facelock nudo on Atlantis (a usual Atlantis hold) and both men quickly get submissions (4:15) Rudos take it. Replays of last fall highlights.   

Stellar Moments
Valiente's springboard bulldog get reverse into a faceslam by Polvora
Lance: Sangre Azteca lands a big plancha on Neutron.
Tecnico: Virus top rope twisting bodyblock on Sangre Azteca. 
Dramatic: Olimpico's dive gone horribly wrong on Olimpico. This is quite painful. The doctor runs over as soon as he sees that dive. 
Rudo: Ultimo presses Mistico around ringside, and drops him chin first on the apron. 

Vignette: Ultimo talks to the Guerreros, who've worked hard to be ready for this upcoming title match. They're sure they're going to win. Ultimo is happy to hear it. 

Match 3: Nitro (c), Dr. X, Sangre Azteca vs Felino (c), Volador Jr., Safari in Mexican National Trios Championship match
Arena Mexico, 03/25/06

  1. tecnicos
  2. rudos
  3. rudos

Winner: Rudos (2-1), become 28th Champions
Match Time: 11:12
Approx Rating: Disappointing - something in the low 80s. Besides the insane amount of dives, it didn't feel much more than a typical midcard match. Complete lack of near falls didn't help. Didn't get either side over as something special.
Other Match Notes: Tecnicos have the shiny belts, as they should. Safari has a a crazy tiger headdress. Nitro has the huge Guerreros flag. The Guerreros all get separate entrance, though they appear to be combining their videos on the big screen. Sangre Azteca has Mexican rap. Champs all are in red, while the challengers are going with blue and black. Shoving breaks out as Baby Richard tries to go over the rules. 

Nitro and Safari start off with basic chain wrestling. Felino poses on the corner no reason (though it does look fun!) as we take a look at the belts. Nitro slides out after a kip up armdrags, and we clip ahead to Sangre vs Safari, I guess. Safari lands on his feet on a monkey flip and turns a backdrop into an armdrags. TOPE was rather sudden, especially for the women with a drink the front row who ends up with Sangre Azteca in her lap. The other four all end up in, with the tecnicos being whipped into each other. Felino gets dropkicked down, but Volador lands a superkick on Dr. X. Dr. X tries to backdrop him on a corner charge, but Volador spikes him on a inverted 'rana of some sort. Volador gets that pin (1:56) and Felino gets Nitro with an reverse figure four. (1:59) That was sudden. Break.

We return for some replays of the finish. I'm still not sure what Volador was going for, but Dr. X got dropped on his head in the process. 

Nitro tries to dropkick Felino to start the second fall, but Felino moves and hands out some chest slaps. Whip, reversed, and Felino gets a shoulderblock for zero, a clothesline for zero, and a snap mare for a dropkick to the head. Nitro rolls out, and Felino's ready to go against anyone, but no one's coming in. Tags, to Dr. X and Volador. Volador pointless handspring, check. Volador tries a springboard cross body, but ends up splashing Dr. X's knee, which does not feel too good. Dr. X celebrates a lot instead of following up. Whip, reversed, Volador with a hiptoss, and he grabs his ribs. Volador charges Dr. X, Dr. X tosses him up and behind, Volador bounces off the middle ropes and springboard flips onto his feet. Volador gets Dr. X out with a headscissors, and absolutely crushes him with a tope straight to the head. (Listen to a women scream in terror - that was frightening if you were in the front row.) Referees and Felino check on both guys. Replay shows if that wasn't head to head, it wasn't off by much. Back life, Safari is working over Sangre, with an occasional look back towards the accident site, just to check if everyone's alive. They appear to be so - while Dr. X recovers to join his team, Volador comes in for a double team kick to the back/kick to the front combo with Felino. Dr. X comes into get Felino, Felino hooks the hand and springboards for a Mexican armdrag, and Sangre Azteca dropkicks him on the way down! Now all the rudos are in the ring, simultaneously dropkicking Safari out of the ring. Volador goes Martial Arts hero on all of them, avoiding shots and delivering his own kicks, but it goes bad when he tries a handspring and Nitro easily dropkicks him in the back. Felino doesn't even get a flurry before he's stopped. He's loaded up into a Nitro Electric chair suplex, and the rudos all grab an appendage and pose. That's that. (4:01) Replays and break.

Back for more replays.

Sounds like violence is happening when we look at the ring girl, and we do turn to the ring to see Felino taking a series of corner clotheslines. Triple press slam for him too. Nitro dropkicks him out. Safari in to try his luck, and he's worked over and down. Chops, slaps, corner clotheslines, and a triple press slam - but Safari armdrags out of it! Volador helps with the comeback, though Dr. X quickly puts a stop to him. We're left with Safari and Dr. X and then just Dr. X as Safari gets booted. Crowd clip. Sangre corner whips Felino, Felino climbs the ropes, Sangre oddly decides to headstand on the ropes, Felino easily scoop him up for a crucifix powerbomb, and Safari counters to a second rope 'rana one two NO. Safari can't quite believe it. Slam on Felino, and SA's headed up. Middle rope senton comes up empty. Felino holds him with a hammerlock, and Dr. X is in to break it up with a kick. Corner whip, Felino sides steps the charge and puts Dr. X on the top rope. Dr. X just comes right off with a missile dropkick, sot hat wasn't well thought. Dr. X thinks about a dive, but Safari's in to cut him off. Safari off the ropes, over, missing a clothesline, Dr. X rolls out, and Safari topes him. Nitro and Felino in, Nitro stopping Felino with a dropkick to the head. Nitro adds his own slingshot tope on Safari, which doesn't look quite as good. Felino in the ring and waiting for someone to get up, I guess. Felino gets tired of waiting and climbs - top rope plancha on Nitro. Volador and Sangre in, and they take turn missing corner splashes. Sangre kicks Volador away, and he gets Felino with a top rope plancha. Volador takes his turn - slingshot tornillo on Nitro! Everyone's down and getting counted out. Who's in? Sangre and Felino. Crowd behind Felino. Felino rolls under a dropkick, and lands on the apron after a Sangre backdrop. Felino tries to battle his way back in, but Sangre evades a shoulder to the midsection and guillotine legdrops Felino's head. Sangre tope? Looked kinda weak and we didn't need another one right there. Safari in, and clothesline Nitro. Dr. X comes in and kicks down Safari. Volador comes in a dropkicks down Dr. X. Nitro up and clotheslining Volador. Volador and Nitro have an arm on each other - one two NO. Volador and Safari off the ropes, Dr. X gives Safari a spinebuster, grabs his legs, and turns him for a cross legged cover. Meanwhile, Nitro gives Volador an FU. One two three. (5:12) That's it. A bit anti-climatic, though the rudo fans dig it. Rey Bucanero, Ultimo Guerrero, and Loco Max join the new champions to celebrate the win and wave around the Guerreros flag some, though Loco Max doesn't do the best of job of avoiding hitting people with it. There's the big group pose for the picture. Hooligan's the only member who worked this show and didn't show here - but maybe he wasn't a member at this point? Ultimo was only here for this bit and the vignette - wonder if he got paid?

Match 4: Halloween, Damian 666, Perro Aguayo Jr. (c) vs LA Park, Heavy Metal, Shocker (c)
Arena Mexico, 03/25/06

  1. rudos
  2. tecnicos
  3. tecnicos

Winner: Tecnicos (2-1)
Match Time: 16;28
Approx Rating: Fine - about what you'd expect for this level.
Other Match Notes:
No entrances. FdT are wearing their NGW belts. Halloween's remember he does the introduction bit, and steals the microphone to do it himself. 

Standoff outside the ring before the match, as the rudos don't seem eager to get started. Metal wants a piece of Perro, and Perro responds by walking over to the announce desk. Chant for Parka, so he does a strut while waiting to start against Damian - who then walks out. Slow start here. Park outmaneuvers Damian, but gets shoved by Halloween coming off the ropes. Park tries to go after Halloween, Damian shoves Park in the back, Park shoves Damian, Halloween shoves Park down from behind, Shocker shoves Halloween down, Perro shoves Shocker down, Metal shoves Perro down and chases him out of the ring. We have another standoff. Things pick up with Halloween and Shocker, and Halloween complaining a lot about hair pulls. Halloween tries to go for his own hair pulls, but Shocker out powers him. Halloween tries to complain about tight pulling next. Damián gets in a shot form outside, knocking Shocker down, and Halloween taunts Park into coming in so the rudos can all stomp Shocker due to the distraction. Shocker comes back, gives Halloween a spinebuster, taunts the rudos in, and the tecnicos pull the same group stomping on Halloween. Halloween stumbles and collapses on the floor. To metal vs Perro - or not, as Damian locks Metal with came from behind. That would seem to be illegal,. but they don't call the DQ, and the rudos start the beatdown. During it, Perro looks to try to slam Heavy Metal on the ramp, only for it to get aborted. All the rudos working on Shocker now, for a triple powerbomb. Perro adds the double stomp, and FdT cover for the pin. (6:29) That's the fall, though it doesn't stop the rudos from beating up the other tecnicos and even trying pins. The ref don't count this time. Halloween gets good spear on Metal and has a hard time understanding why they won't count for him. Break.

Beatdown continues for the second fall. Metal's worked over with the small blue steps. I think they tried a drop toe hold on it which actually didn't come too close. I like how a front row fan helps them gets the stair set back up. Shocker comes in to try and take on all three, but he gets stopped without actually getting in a shot. Parka charges in, furious that Perro got him with a dropkick, and Perro has to fight for his life for a moment. Damián helps out with a shot to the back. Meanwhile, Halloween is trying to bite Shocker's hand. Perro headbutts Park, which puts him out. Corner clotheslines for Shocker. Metal back in, and they try corner moves on him, which actually work, much to my surprise. Ah, the Damian springboard move fails, Heavy just calmly stepping out of the way to start the comeback. Lots of brawling all around. Monito gets in a splash on Damian. Metal works over Perro a bunch. The tecnicos regroup in the ring while the rudos are slow to regroup. Shocker and Halloween match up. There goes the shirt. Helps for a moment, but then Shocker gets his headscissors hammerlock rollup for three. (3:30). Park gets Damián with a plancha, and a fireman's carry sorta (there's a pause and reset) into a swinging neckbreaker. There was an extra pointless step, but oh well. (3:39) Perro wants no part of Heavy and walks backwards all the way up the ramp to avoid him. That doesn't work, so Perro goes up the steps to get away. A referee comes over to warn Metal away. Break.

Replays, as Damian talks to the announcers about things.

Third fall, with the rudos outside and the tecnicos inside. Parks' wacky antics freak out Halloween as they try to start the fall. STRUT. CANE. That really needs to be a DQ. Halloween holds Park for another shot, but Park kicks Damian, gets the stick, and swings it backwards to smack Halloween. Park swings it like a baseball bat to hit Damian, but Damian ducks and Park nails Halloween in the side of the head on the follow thru. The stick break son impact, which doesn't stop him from eventually getting Damian. Perro in, and he takes armdrags instead, which I'm sure he much appreciate. Really fast tilt-a-whirl backbreaker has a unfortunate slide, but Parks' wheel kick looks really good. Park counts a fast three count to confuse Perro, which seems to work. Heavy Metal in, and the crowd cheers for him. He's ready to finally take on Perro, and they start with -a headlock. Off the ropes sequence leads to a Metal armdrag, and odd confusion bit to a worse tilt-a-whirl breaker before a good dropkick to the head. Metal chases Perro out of the ring and slaps him around ringside, into the announce desk, and into a post. Shocker and Damian wrestling, as we flash back to last week's hair match finish. That match has absolutely nothing to do with this expect Perro is invoked. Meanwhile, Shocker's holding Damian upside down for Monito to dropkick in the head, and then for Shocker to catapult out of the ring. Shocker teases a dive, but Halloween stops him with a spear and celebrates a bit. F5?, no, Shocker escapes on his feet. Halloween off the top rope, Shocker boot, Shocker off the ropes, Shocker big boot. Damian rolls out to the floor - and Monito splashes him! Shocker celebrates with Monito. Back to Metal and Perro. Crowd behind Metal. Strike battle, which Metal is winning till Perro shoulderblock him and takes them both out of the ring with an armdrag. For a hate feud, they both calmly walk away from each other. Clip? Park slides Halloween out of the ring on his chest, and Shocker throws him back in so Park can hit a running kick to the head. Halloween's breathing, but no doing much more. Park decides to eventually pin him, and Damian break sit up. Damian tries an abdominal stretch, but Shocker comes in and gets him with a sunset flip one two NO. Damian and Halloween get rammed into each other, and Shocker and Park try clotheslines, but FdT won't go down. Again, and still they won't go. Third time, FdT try clotheslines, tecnicos duck, and then spear the rudos on the next pass. Shocker and Park line up FdT on the mat and head up - stereo frog splashes? one two Perro breaks it up. metal in with a springboard dropkick for him, but FdT knock him out, and Shocker and Park knock them out with dropkicks. Park running - slingshot tornillo barely gets to Damián. Shocker gives Halloween a plancha, and we're down to Metal and Perro again. Metal misses a dropkick, and Aguayo is on him with strikes. Corner whip, Metal moves, Perro hits the corner. Metal with a windup punch, but Perro blocks it and kicks him low. That's that. (6:20) Perro can't believe it, but that was as obvious as they come. Rudos celebrate like they won anyway. And now, for no reason, here's Universo 2000. He makes a beeline for Perro, and they brawl until FdT cuts him off. He decides to get the microphone instead, and seems to say he won't rest till he takes revenge for last week - Perro Jr.'s hair and his career. Tecnicos have walks off here. FdT confirm Perro's the best. Perro also confirms he's the greatest. Good to know. Break.

Universo wants a fight, but the referees are very helpful in preventing Universo from being killed. Replays of the final fall. I think Magadan is trying claim it was a clean shot, but that's stretching it for him.

That's it.