AAA Recap
Aired: 06/04/05
Recapped: 06/10/05

interview: Charly Manson promises to bring down Angel and Pegasso. "Angel? Who is Angel?" He's more spectacular than the new guys we've never seen. And then he talks about Electroshock a bunch.

Match 1: Charly Manson & Picudo vs Angel & Pegasso
Gimnasio Miguel Hidalgo de Puebla, 04/01/05

Winner: tecnicos
Match Time: 7:53
Other Match Notes: Picudo isn't very careful with his flaming torch, but everyone lives. Pegasso is announced as being from LA. Angel does not come out holding a "AAA MISTICO!!!" sign, only because it's completely unnecessary. Actually, this is completely different - instead of wearing silver and gold, he's wearing gold and silver. He's Oscar Sevilla, under a mask and some dumb looking fake wings.

Picudo and Pegasso to start off, with the zero trip sequence. Charly and Angel next. So exciting as they work thru armbar reversals. Director gets bored and does a crowd clip to the beatdown. I'm glad we could show Picudo posing. Charly Manson throws Angel in the corner from a short distance, but instead of spearing the post, Angel goes headfirst into a turnbuckle, kinda headstands, then falls to the mat. Fans get on Charly for lack of anything else to do. Double teaming on Picudo. Angel's turn - doesn't last long, as he quickly takes a lame looking double boot to the outside. Pegasso gets crotched and Manson spends 15 seconds working it in. Manson then accidentally does the same to Picudo - he's looking away from the ring and pulling legs to make it work, but you think he might look and notice they're not white boots. Now that everyone's conveniently outside, there's Angel's slingshot tope con giro - they completely miss Pegasso's dive, but whatever. Let's look at the crowd. Replay of Angel's dive - and we get to see PEgasso's too this time. Dives were nice, but not enough to salvage this o far. Back to a normal match. Angel and Picudo. Waiting for Angel to blow me away and still waiting; he's doing the standard things fine, but he's not doing anything extraordinary - the quick prayer before the dropkick just reminds me he's still not Mistico. Pegasso looks as good or better in his sequence with Charly Manson (who may have something to do with it.) Pegasso gets boosted by dropkicks Charly, who takes five steps backwards and then falls thru the ropes. So weird. Pegasso teases a dive because we're random. Picudo and Angel - no, Charly's coming in. Double teams fail the way they normally do. Charly Manson gets back control and stomps on Angel. Pegasso kills me by diving off the top rope and not even coming close to hitting anything! I don't know what he was trying for there. It's like he got bored, and he wanted to die. Manson gets a near fall off a modified flapjack. Picudo, having left after Manson accidentally dropkicked him, is back with his torch so he can blow flame at someone. Manson holds Pegasso for it, Angel starts to break it up, then stops and backs off when he realizes he's too soon, and then back to push Pegasso out of the way. Don't worry, we're all professionals! I don't know if Charly Manson was supposed to get it and thought better of it, but he backed away too. Picudo decides one try is enough, and hands the torch off to a ring crew person. Ah, Manson's acting like he was blinded, so he just smarted up. Pegasso gets him with a springboard sunset flip as Angel rolls up Picudo with a bad (seemingly Picudo's fault) reverse bodyscissors cradle. Count 'em - one two .... thinking about it .... three. (7:53) Way to bury those rudos. I don't want to be burying Angel (and I actually though Pegasso was okay), because I've seen him at times when he's pretty good - this was not one of those times.

I think we had the break/replay/break bit here.

interview: El Brazo, who is the greatest and best wrestler in the world (according to El Brazo.) He's also got a forehead you don't want to look closely at.

Match 2: Espectro Jr. (c), Polvo de Esterllas, Tiffany, Mini Abismo Negro vs El Brazo (c), Pimpinela, La Diabolica, Mascarita Sagrada
Plaza de Toros, Orizaba, Veracuz, 04/15/05

Winner: tenicos
Match Time: 10:34
Other Match Notes: We've switched tapings Pimpi has short hair. So is Diabolica still LLL? I don't expect to get answers here. These matches can be fun, but I don't that means this match will be fun. Pimpi kisses El Hijo del Tirantes, and the rudos accuses him off bias.

During the first Tiffany/Diabolica sequence (which doesn't last long), it does sound like Diabolica is a new AAA star. Abismo breaks it up, and gets a faceslam when trying for a powerslam. Espectro Jr. and el Brazo go face to face like we've been dying to finally see this match. I will say Brazo's got a nice dye job going. Mostly, though, he dos the same spots as Porky but comes off a lesser version; stop me if I've said this before. Hey, completely random break right before he does the Bronco Buster, why not. (5:13)

We come back to see - a little kid in a black outfit (not exactly Tineblas' mask, but similiar) who'll play his version of QeMonito help set up the rudos for Brazo so he can hit the move. Brazo and kid/midget play rock paper scissors. Kid/midget dances, and gets kicked down for it by the rudos because it's a dumb dance. Midget (who is smaller than Mascarita but obviously not a kid) gets his revenge on all. Polvo kisses him for revenge. Back to Brazo screwing around. Back to me not doing play by play. Pimpi gets a big reaction on her dive, which starts a short dive train. Mascarita is in an extra spinning mood, and looking really good. Midget in Black gets thrown out of the ring by Espectro Jr., who also low blows Pimpi. Brazo is back in to prevent the pin. He knocks Espectro down with his gut, and gets the pin on a second rope splash. (5:21) Brazo and his midget friend dance.

Replays. Break.

Noti AAA
- Nicho and Juvi are going to WWE. Odd that they'd mention that.
- Oriental and Abismo Negro are touring Japan.
- Triple Mania lineup
Some dude named "Shoker" is listed. What the ever. Vampiro is listed (what an exciting way to announce their debuts, by the way) with a surprise partner - we see him talking to someone with long hair. Vampiro's bloody for this segment. Vampiro tells the guy he doesn't have to make the decision, but he's got to let him know next week which side he's on. The guy turns around - and he's, um, the evil Gronda's whose name I forget. Ghefar! I think that's Ghefar.

interview: Tinieblas Jr. is trying to get to the locker room but the announcer won't stop pestering him with questions about his upcoming matches. Tinieblas doesn't seem thrilled to facing his father, even though he's clearly the better one.

Match 3: Monsther (c), Chucky, Pirata Morgan, Tinieblas Jr. vs Alebrije (c), Cuije, Intocable, Hijo del Anibal
Plaza de Toros, Orizaba, Veracuz, 04/15/05

  1. tecnicos
  2. rudos
  3. tecnicos

Winner: tecnicos (2-1)
Match Time: 11:25
Other Match Notes: Let me save the effort of not paying attention and just fast forward here.

Because AAA hates me, I mean really really hates me, this is a three fall match. WHY. WHY. WHY. Intocable's first fall finish looked to be a mess and a cover up. To stop being silly for a second - why of all matches would you make this match best of three falls? Break after the first fall. Replays.

Tinieblas really seems to be enjoying himself as a rudo. Which at least makes one. No whistle for the second fall. Or they clipped it out, who can say. Hijo del Anibal might have tapped out to a seated abdominal stretch. They weren't really good about showing it. They were also not into showing the for sure finish of the fall, instead showing Pirata Morgan bite Intocable on the outside. AAA is into biting. They do show it's a fujiwara armbar into a rollup on replay. There's no whistle for the third fall - maybe they're bringing it in like their other furniture. Time is very approximate. While watching the replays, we apparently missing Monsther killing Cuije, because he's taken to the back. Comeback. Intocable's not going to be  much of a pretty boy if his forehead keeps getting cut. After they've playing with chairs for every, a three man rudo stompdown is too much. Should've stuck to the chairs.

Break. Replays. Break.

Pena weights in the Psicosis rivalry: he could care less about either guy, because one left for the US, and one left for LLL. So we're getting a name vs name match to settle it. The announcer compliments him on his decision. Break.

Match 4: Alliens, Muerte Roja, Nicho (c) vs Histeria, Juvi, Psicosis (c)
Gimnasio Miguel Hidalgo de Puebla, 04/01/05

Winner: a
Match Time: a
Other Match Notes: So I guess we've got a battle between rudos, but oddly, the announcers seem to think the Vipers are on the right side. Muerte Roja has been shopping in Chessman's closet. Rudo announcer calls Nicho's usual group "El Mafia del Tijiana". Juvi gets last entrance, and he and Nicho hug. Histeria and Psicosis are very unhappy with that. This is only one fall, for whatever reason. 

Muerte and Histeria start when we're not paying attention. Roja kinda runs thru an armdrag. Crowd shot. Long. We turn back to see Roja slide Histeria out of the ring, but also slide out of the ring himself. They reach a standoff on the outside. Next is Nicho vs - well, Psicosis and Juvi both want to get in. Juvi somehow talks Psicosis out of it. Look at the crowd as they both take their time. Juvi shoves Nicho down when he pats him on the face. They're doing this serious. Nicho takes a flip off a Juvi shoulderblock. Juvi off the ropes, over, under, both duck down and run into each other, oops. The six sided ring is screwing with their timing as well, though that was a miscommunication. Nicho with a double leg, slingshot but Juvi low angles it into a forward flip. Standoff. Crowd. Wristlock? No, Juvi kicks, but Nicho punches back. Whip, tilt-a-whirl reversed into a Nicho DDT. Nicho is down on the apron. Let's look at the announcers arguing the Nicho thing, and miss something happening between Psicosis and Juvi. Juvi's run out of the ring and Psicosis is yelling at him, so I'm guessing either Juvi was being too nice to Nicho, or Psicosis just wanted his turn. Chops. Hilariously, Nicho tells Psicosis to go off the ropes and try to knock him down and Psicosis takes all of one step before slipping and nearly falling down. Psi wisely figures he should just do the clothesline form there. Kick to the spine. Whip, reversed, Psicosis grabs the ropes, Nicho charges him, Psi backdrops him to the apron and sends him to the floor via dropkick. As we look at Psi on the floor, Alliens drops Psicosis. Over the shoulder backbreaker isn't much of a breaker, and Alliens just drops him to the mat. Quebrada comes up empty. Psi dropkicks him in the mask, one two Nicho breaks it up. All of Nicho's team in and beating up Psicosis. Now Nicho is untying the mask as the other two stop Psicosis' team from coming in - except they're not. We don't actually see what they're doing at all. It appears they just stood on the apron and watched. Psicosis lets go to fighting Histeria, and Histeria comes in enough to get a shot on everyone and free Psicosis before getting taken down. Alliens tries for the flapjack diamond cutter, but doesn't quite get the cutter. Triple dropkick to Histeria's head. Juvi, and gets tripped up by the non-Nicho pair. Alliens corner clothesline, Roja corner jumping clothesline, Nicho gets whipped in - and then stops - and then kicks Juvi anyway. Huh. Nicho whips Juvi back at the other two, Roja throws him up, and Juvi dropkicks Alliens out of the ring. Spinning headscissors for Roja, and another hug for Nicho. You know, I don't think it's working for them to be on the same team. Psicosis uses the hug to trip up Psicosis, and Histeria dropkicks Juvi to get him away. Double team stompdown on Nicho. Stomps for Juvi. Juvi's corner whipped into Nicho, Nicho backdrops him to the apron, Vipers charge the corner, Nicho boots them both, Juvi goes to the top rope, and lands a plancha on them both. After everyone gets up, Psicosis manages a dropkick on Juvi to stop him, and Nicho runs into a double flapjack. Nicho set up on the top rope. Double superplex? YES. One two NO. Juvi yanks out Psicosis and punches him. He then fights Histeria in the ring - Nicho is up to help him, Psicosis is back in to get some of him and finally Roja and Alliens are in to dropkick people on both teams. Alliens lands a tope on Histeria, Roja does a slingshot corkscrew plancha on Juvi, and we're left with the two Psicosis in the ring. Whip, reversed, Nicho gives Psi a spinebuster. Calling for it. Off the ropes, off the ropes, legdrop. TIME FOR A RUN IN: Mini Psicosis, with chair. He wastes no time getting Nicho in the back, and throwing it in to Maxi Psicosis. Nicho backs away from the first swing, bringing him close the ropes. Psi swings again, Nicho ducks away, and Mini Psicosis takes it. Psicosis rushes Nicho with the chair, and ends up taking a flapjack on it. Nicho rips off the Psicosis mask, chairs Psicosis on the back, and covers one two three. (10:36) Nicho puts on the Psicosis mask! Good job winning 4 on 2 there.