AAA Recap
Aired: 05/28/05
Recapped: 05/30/05

Match 1: Tiffany vs Diabolica vs Lady Apache
Gimnasio Miguel Hidalgo de Puebla, 04/01/05

Winner: Tiffany (powerbomb on Lady Apache)
Match Time: a
Other Match Notes: Rudas are not friends. Neither belt appears to be on the line here.

Rudas get along enough to beat up Lady Apache while I try in vain to figure out when this could've been taped. AAA never updating their website certainly doesn't help. Lots of 1 on 1 with 1 outside the ring. Tiffany does a nice tope con giro thru the ropes onto both her opponents. Have I mentioned I love KrisZ lately? There you go. Crowd pops for the ruda vs ruda exchange. They screw with the sound track when Di gives Tiffany a Bronco Buster for whatever reason. Tiffany throws herself far out of the ring on the missed corner charge. Diabolica whips Lady Apache, turns to celebrate, and misses her dive, though she recovers soon enough to land a top rope somersault bodypress of her own. Pinfall attempts are skipped so we can look at the crowd, how nice. Diabolica holds Tiffany for a Lady Apache move, Lady Apaches comes off the top with a sunset flip, and Tiffany gets a German suplex in the process. Apache nearly gets a dual three count. Diabolica gets a near fall off a crucifix powerbomb.  She misses on a top rope somersault senton. Lady tries her own, and eats boots. Tiffany's laying back and watching all of this, including another two count. Diabolica loves to yell. Tiffany breaks up a Gory tease - and we abruptly go to a break. (9:15) We'll see if I can more into this after a break.

Since the first thing we see is a ref bump, that's a big ol NO. Diabolica ends up out of the ring, with her mask off - Tiffany yanked it off? Lady Apache and Tiffany are going thru the normal exchange, and Pepe Casas is back up so I guess they just wanted to get her out of the picture. Lady Apache teases, and eventually gives Tiffany a tapatia. Lady Apache leans Tiffany back to pin her shoulders - pinning herself in the process - one two NO. Would Diabolica win if they got to three? Rocking Horse! The cool must be balanced with the uncool - here's Chessman. Chessman, proving he's no ordinary guy in Kane gear, spits red mist at Lady Apache. What a job on Pepe Casas' to get himself distracted by Diabolica. She'd kinda have to be on the plan to keep him distracted this long, so Tiffany can powerbomb Apache and cover his face on the pin. One two three. (1:42) Chessman lifts her up for celebration, then goes to the hard work of beating up a woman. Meanwhile, Diabolica doesn't seem to be in on the plan, if her post match beatdown of Tiffany means anything. Chessman takes a moment from beating up Lady Apache and posing to realize his girl is getting beat up, looks to remedy the situation, but by then Tiffany has turned it around herself. Much much too late, Electroshock is out to run off Chessman. Fun to watch them run around the ring to a Shania Twain song. After Chessman is gone, Electroshock comes back in the ring to face Tiffany, who doesn't have the sense to run. Diabolica has the sense to leave, good for her. Oh, no, she's just getting microphone time. And now she's stupidly attacking Lady Apache, which works not at all well. Electro leaves them be, starting to walk off, before Tiffany shoves him - not wise. Then Lady Apache and Diabolica come over and the guys fight and the girls fight and nothing's really happening here. Let's move on.

Match 2: Kickboxing: Humberto Alanis [white/blue] vs Tailandes [black/red]

This is a rematch from last week. Or even more wrong. Crowd doesn't really react for either guy. So are we doing this rematch because the wrong guy won? Certainly not because anyone cared. Everyone's more aggressive early on, including wacky jumping kicks they have no business throwing. 1st round slows down after that, tho. I read e-mails during the second round - looks like Tailandes got a bsutered lip. Third round features a low blow kick! There are highlights of action and I'm still screwing around. If this fight is really important, I figure they'll do it a third time. Let's drag out the decision.

Result: Humberto (decision)

Okay, now both guys have won once. And I still don't care. Crowd seems very unhappy with the decision. Humberto cuts a promo, so maybe he was supposed to win last time. Tailandes defends his low blow as accidental; I guess that might have been pivotal, if there was a point to all this. Tailandes wants the rubber match. I can't say I really care.

Noti AAA
- so they've got this small flying religious guy debuting named the Angel - and you would have to be dead not to make 500 "they're ripping off Mistico" jokes.
- Speaking of substitutions, here's Pepe Aguayo wearing a "Mi Tio es Un Perro Y Mi Primo Tambien" shirt. He's the best Aguayo and he's here in AAA.
- Los Espantapajaros (scarecrow trios) are also new to AAA. Enjoy the fake crows taped to their arms.
- Muerte Roja cuts a promo on La Parka. I dunno why.

They talk to Electroshock, but my patience with this show is done. I hope he didn't explain the key to happiness, because than I'd really be screwed. Charly Manson provides the counterpoint from a graveyard, so now I know what they were talking about without having to listen to either of them.

Match 3: Charly Manson, Picudo, Monsther vs Alebrije, Electroshock, Gronda
Ciudad Madero, 03/11/05

Winner: tecnicos
Match Time: 11:59
Other Match Notes: The entrance is on a different side, so this is easily from last week's taping. The minis may or may not be involved. It doesn't really matter. Picudo being in this match is strange, but it helps me figure out which LVL is which. Picudo wears his cape all the time. Picudo might have low blow kicked Gronda, like it matters. There's a break half way thru as the announcers are talking about the major shows for the year.

Beatdown is still going on when they return. Gronda starts the comeback. There's probably a reason why they cut away from his clotheslines. Alberije comes up way short on a in-ring tope on Monsther in the midst of his solo run. Don't pay attention to much here, waiting for the run-in, but it's your normal tecnico run. I hope Electro toping Charly is or lead into end game, but it just sets up Chuck vs Cuije. Alberije and Monsther featuring Alberije not coming close on that in-ring tope spot and Monsther again selling it anyway, since they have to do it to get to the next spot. Here's the run in - Chessman with the mist (for the first time on this taping, but the second time on this show) - but Gronda ducks and Charly Manson gets it. Gronda runs off Chessman (sure happens a lot to that man) as Electro Shock pins Charly Manson (11:59) Break.

Replays. Ticket announcements. Electro wants Charly, one on one for hair. Electro then passes out (blood lose - didn't make much of an interesting mess). Charly stomps him - and all the sudden, Electro is somehow back to life and attacking him. He seems rather angry about that one. Wow, there's a good shot and I take back what I said before - Electro has quite the bloody face.

Match 4: Mini Psicosis (w/Psicosis) vs Octagoncito (w/Octagon) in a mask match
Ciudad Madero, 03/11/05

Winner: Octagoncito
Match Time: 8:58
Other Match Notes: Announcer tries to get the seconds to put their masks on the line here too. They decline. They have 22 minutes left of show when this match starts, not that it matters. How are they seconds if they're leaving before the match starts? LLL punks out Octagon, which is fine and all, but we've got a mask match we probably should be watching. Okay, Octagon is taped to a gate an unable to participate, can we go watch the match? No. You really need to tape a guy to stop him from interfering when there are five of you? We join the match, already in progress and outside of the ring. Octagoncito manages a  nice top rope corkscrew moonsault press, but I'm hard pressed to get attached to this match with the run in already promised. Somehow, Psicosis is first to the apron, but Octagoncito pulls him off, but Psicosis pull shim off. Psicosis in because he's gotta get his dive in - running thru the ropes headscissors isn't quite as neat as it sounds. Back to the exciting beatdown. Wow, talking trash, so thrilling. In the ring, Psicosis is giving Octagoncito an overhead belly to belly. Psicosis asks the crowd if he should go up, and then takes his time doing it. Top rope splash doesn't come loose or look particularly good, but whatever. Snap mare one two no. That'd be horrible to lose your mask on a snap mare.  Octagon with a springboard flip for no real reason, and then a headscissors cradle for obvious reasons - one two no. Psicosis off the ropes, waved, by, and backdropped. Here comes Psicosis, hiding by the ring with a chair. Octagoncito lands a quebrada, but the cameramen know this can't be the finish (say what you will, but AAA always delivers on their teased stupid interference!) and doesn't pay attention. What's great is Mini Psicosis gives the least effort possible on the kickout, making it look like el Hijo de Tirantes stopped counting for evil reasons. Tirantes has somehow spotted Psicosis, but gets a cup of soda to the eyes. Would seem to be a DQ to me, but we've got too much time left. Octagoncito gives Mini Psicosis the reverse legsweep/octopus combo, but it matters little because Psicosis is in and breaking it up with a chair. Tirantes tries really hard not to see that.

Speaking of seeing, La Parka and Intocable are checking this out on a monitor, Parka obviously commenting on how blind Tirantes must be. Parka is going - to walk around? To look for something? Who knows. Let's go back to the ring, where Tirantes is gone, and so is a good portion of Octagoncito's mask. They try this incredibly more complex than it's worth spot (F5 onto a chair that's sitting on the top rope) which doesn't actually look like anything good. Back to backstage, for that is where the meaningful action is at - Parka had managed to run off four guys with only having the aid of the AAA flag, and is able to free Octagon. Look at Hator and Aguila just stand there watching Parka take a minute to get Octagon free. That's one scary flag. Where's Intocable? Oh no, they threw some plywood on him! Parka continues winning the 1 on 4. Back in the ring, Octagoncito is being help upside down and gently massaged with chair shots to the chest and head. They've had like five minutes to win this match (Tirantes disappearance notwithstanding) and are really going to be sorry when they didn't bother. More beatdown on Octagoncito. Octagon is sure taking a while to get here. Octagoncito is bleeding form the head - and tossed into the third row! Psicosis in the crowd to collect Octagoncito and thrown him back in, because that's the only way it'll happen. Mini Psicosis with atop rope axhandle. Thrown back in. Where is Tirantes? He go for donuts? Octagoncito gets thrown hard in the corner chest first. Psicosis hits the second rope legdrop, but still doesn't cover. There's Octagon, slowly hobbling to ringside. What does it matter, it's not like there's a match going on? More beatdown. Oh, look, Octagoncito improbably turns it around, helped by people standing around and doing absolutely nothing. Now Octagon will do nothing so Mini Psicosis can do his super high 'rana. Octagon - fine now because that was his cue - rushes the ring and armdrags Psicosis off the top rope and - eh, it doesn't really matter until Tirantes shows up. Though Octagon does land a nice tope. I bet Octagoncito hits his finisher and Tirantes shows up just in time to count it. Hey, look at me: Octagoncito lands a top rope corkscrew bodypress and El Hijo de Tirantes shows up to count it, one two three. (8:58) What a shocking turn of events.

Play the AAA music, because it's not really about the Octagons. LLL, having finally taken care of La Parka, run out, but don't accomplish anything before AAA runs them off. Thanks for finally showing up, Intocable! Mini Psicosis is trying to leave without taking off his mask, but he gets dragged back to the ring. I'm fast forwarding at this point. They finally hold him down but don't pull it off. El Hijo del Tirantes unties for him, and they milk it forever. Mini Psicosis is Humberto Sanchez, and he's been wrestling for 17 years.

Next Week: La Parka, Octagon, Gronda, Abismo, Histeria, Muerte Roja, Nicho el Billonario (that's what they said), Zorro, Charly Manson, Alliens, and much more

Replays and we're done.