CMLL Mini Line - 02/05/05 (#166)
Recapped: 04/19/05

Welcome To The Show Vignette: Olimpico and Dr. Wagner make threats towards that no good tecnico Dr. Wagner. So weird.

Match 1: Mascara Magica, Black Tiger (c), Okumura vs Negro Casas, Super Porky, Blue Panther (c)
Arena Coliseo, 11/09/04

  1. rudos
  2. tecnicos
  3. rudos

Winner: Rudos
Match Time: 4:30

Vignette: Joined in progress. right before the second fall starts. This is actually the start of the "Magica's a rudo whenever we can't find an actual rudo to fill his spot he feels like" bit, I think. Rudos are beating up outside as we join. Negro Casas gets the LEGDROP ON THE LEG. Has everyone figured out I like Mascara Magica slightly more than everyone else likes Mascara Magica, or did I just expose myself there? There's the comeback, about a 1:20 into the fall, coming when Blue Panther ducks Magica's corner splash. Nothing especially noteworthy about the three on one, although Panther is going after Black Tiger's mask in revenge for his own mask being ripped. Rudos regroup on the outside. Porky gets the a 1 on 3 sequence, ending with the triple Bronco Buster. They appear to clip from Casas pulling Magica out of the pile to Casas with a rollup for no obvious reason. Panther keeps going after Tiger's mask after the match, untying it all the way, teasing pulling it off, then hanging Black Tiger in a Tree of Woe and running Porky into him. Panther goes back after the mask again, and this goes on long enough you think they might be going for a overturned fall DQ here.

Instead, it actually goes long enough to seemingly start the next fall, until they both bail out. Negro takes on Okumura, which goes as well for Okumura as it usually does. We watch a replay of Porky's running sit instead, and then of the pin- so is this not part of the fall. We come back to Porky vs Magica ending, and then get the third fall starts whistle, which seems to surprise Tiger and Panther. Their sequence leads to a Panther monkey flip, in which Panther accidentally (maybe) yanks off Tiger's untied mask. Clear as day to everyone, and the referees discuss - and award the fall to Black Tiger. The supremely short third fall time doesn't include about two minutes of unofficial action before the fall.

Rudos celebrate, tecnicos argue, but that's the end of it for today. They don't offer up a replay, so I try one of my own, since they almost seemed to be acting like Tiger might have pulled it himself. Panther did pull the mask in the course of doing the monkey flip, but without meaning to do it - just grabbing him as normal. Tiger is actually already covering up his face while still taking the flip bump, which is neat to see.

Match 2: Mr. Mexico (c), Loco Max, Violencia vs Zumbido (c), Alan Stone, La Mascara
Arena Mexico, 11/12/04

  1. rudos
  2. rudos

Winner: Rudos
Match Time: 7:22

Other Match Notes: This is the first time I get to say this in context of a match, but La Mascara is such a weak name, identity, and character for a wrestler. It's a situation where you almost hope they were unduly rushed, because if any thought went into it and that's the best they came up with, something's wrong. I may say many terrible things about AAA (and will continue too, probably!) but at least they come up with interesting gimmicks. (And lame ones.) Loco max has the chains but not the mask. Violencia has the mask, and I'd like to pretend that match never happened too. He does take it off as a rudo attack breaks out. Mr. Mexico and Loco Max are wearing matching outfits, now that I stop to notice. Highlight of the beatdown may be the long long look we take at Mr. Mexico squeezing the life out of Alan Stone in a headlock. 3 on 1 beatdowns for all the tecnicos, even hitting on the missile dropkick with a guy holding. Good to see it work occasionally. The technical end of the fall didn't stops Violencia from making Mascara give up or Mr. Mexico from reversing an Alan Stone 'rana into a big powerbomb, although at least he didn't pin.

They don't actually blow the whistle to start the third fall, which seems to only exist to confuse me. Loco Max attempts to break the land speed record on corner splashes and comes really close. Alan Stone gets the 3 on 1 first. Mascara is next. Zumbido is after. He turns it around by ducking a double clothesline, waiting for the new partners to turn around, and dropkicking them both. Alan adds a top rope splash, but no one coves. It breaks down into the comeback from there. Mascara and Violencia fought outside the ring, as to keep the focus on the other four. Loco and Mexico were hung in threes of woe, and got dropkick to the face. Those four went out, the other two came in. Mascara and Violencia stalled a bit before gong at it, which doesn't seem like something you'd do in the middle fall, if it's a middle fall. Mascara wins the chop exchange by ducking! Adding a new dimension, that on. Mascara does the usual CMLL undercard tecnico sequence, but gets laid out by Loco Max when h e went for the fake dive pose. It's all downhill for Loco after that, as Mascara battles his way out to a top rope plancha onto Violencia. Onto Zumbido and Loco. Zumbido knocks Loco out of the ring and lands the double jump plancha, but as the refs check those two out, they miss Mr. Mexico giving Alan a low blow uppercut. I'm pretty sure I heard Zumbido listed as captain at the end of the match, but he apparently isn't now.  Or wasn't to start, which would explain the earlier Mascara submission.

Post match, Zumbido makes the tag team hair/hair match challenge, and Loco and Mexico seem actually eager to accept, though we never hear it.

Match 3: GdI (Ultimo Guerrero (c), Rey Bucanero, Olimpico) vs Dos Caras Jr., Shocker, Dr. Wagner Jr. (c)
Arena Mexico, 11/12/04

  1. tecnicos
  2. rudos
  3. rudos

Winner: rudos (2-1)
Match Time: 10:17

Other Match Notes: Rudos are announced as the GdI unit. Maybe not the - maybe 'a'. Wagner's not using Bad Medicine? Or the actual version, at least. Crowd pops for him, but the rudos also pound him. So it's a mixed reception. Tecnicos wait for their music to start before they show, giving plenty of time for Olimpico and Ultimo to team up for a running boosted missile dropkick on Wagner. Dos Caras has to bicep before he can help, as much help as he is. Rey elects to rush Shocker as he gets to the entrance, which is nearly a sound strategy. Rey actually appears to win! Shocking.

First fall is rudo beatdown, of course. I'm on a "do not pause so you can actually finish" system now. Lots of Ultimo and Rey double teaming while Olimpico tries not to be a complete third wheel. Crowd chants lout for Wagner when it's his turn to be beat. I don't think that was their idea, though. Triple second rope powerbomb on Wagner! And then they just keep on beating him, which should be the fall (1:59), except they don't actually stop. So sad for them to lose a fall where they got in every shot, but that's what happens. (2:12) Let's watch a replay of that exciting finish. Break.

At least they're still beating up people when we come back. Olimpico slams Shocker on the apron. Wagner's mask is ripped. We miss the group pose by the rudos, but do come in time for the corner posing. Dos Caras tries to get interrupt, and it's back to the team beating. Ultimo and Olimpico pull off a spinebuster lift/springboard back elbow combo before the usual slingshot hold over knees/somersault senton combo. Shocker gets boots as a Doctor checks on Wagner's ribs - and Rey wanders out to kick him in them. Fair enough. Wagner's held for a big boot. I don't think I've ever seen them give the rudos three straight falls without the the tecnicos getting a comeback, and even though I thought of a neat way to do it, it doesn't matter because Wagner turned it around by just breaking free from Rey and Ultimo and punching Olimpico. Weirdly, it turns back, with Ultimo and Rey taking out Caras and Shocker. Wagner tries a Satanico like 1 on 3 brawl, but ends up taking a triple powerbomb. That's it. (2:55) My idea is the cheapo DQ in the first fall, a similar fall to this one (though no comeback) where the rudos pick up the fall they should've had, and the beatdown continuing all the way thru the third fall until one of the tecnicos surprise cradles the captain. I don't know if it'd accomplish anything but it'd at least be funny. BREAK.

Beatdown is still going! Did I call the plan for the match because I've had forgotten it. Wagner's in and out first. Olimpico got his mask pretty ripped in Wagner's short time fighting back, almost split down in half down the nose. Shocker's in next, but the corner whip goes bad and Shocker's coming back - well, except they screwed up his cartwheel over the clothesline spot. Dos Caras does a looking around pose in stead of actually beating people up for a while there, and it's almost more distracting than the Olimpico/Shocker run up the ramp. Someone's yelling ot the announcers as Wagner rips Ultimo Guerrero's mask. He's got the top of his head pretty well exposed. Ultimo rallies back and takes the knee bump to the floor. Wagner climbs to the floor instead of diving, and gets rammed into a guy in the front row. Poor guy, stuck with Wagner on him while Rey's beating him down. Back in the ring, if you ever wanted to know what Olimpico looked like without the mask, this is your chance. Thing's falling apart. (He's not as ugly as they say!) Dos Caras gets the better of him for a while, Olimpico's constant mask readjusting not helping. Caras has a nice high arching tope. Wagner and Rey fighting in the ring with Ultimo and Shocker on the apron - the best four here? Pretty close. Wagner eventually spears Rey, but he misses on the dropkick to the head, being caught in a side slam. Rey grabs Wagner's leg in the most obvious set up ever for Rey's bump over the top ropes to the floor, which does happen. Wagner goes for a dive  from the apron but gets tripped off by Rey. Rey tries for more, and takes a belly to belly on the floor. Inside, it's Ultimo and Rey - wait, first, Wagner does land his somersault body bodyblock. Inside, Shocker takes an early lead with a superkick and seems to have it with his finisher, "Ultimo walks into the la reinera" but actually it's Ultimo's finisher "Ultimo escapes la reinera, gets an inside cradle, and hooks the ropes for three. (5:10) Wagner is the captain, so this still goes on. I don't know if we're supposed to think Rey or Olimpico are out of this, but they're treating this like the battle of all battles. Wagner and Ultimo play a game of 'escape your move', until Ultimo shockingly lands the inverted suplex! Ultimo ties up Wagner's legs, reaches for his head - and gets small packaged, one two three! (5:53) Replays. Wagner apologizes to the people who he got rammed into! Well, more the woman sitting next to the guy he actually ran into, but that's understandable.

Match 4: Universo 2000 (c), Apolo Dantes, Satanico vs Vampiro, Pierroth (c), El Hijo Del Perro Aguayo
Arena Mexico, 11/12/04

  1. Perro's team
  2. Universo's team
  3. Perro's team

Winner: Perro Aguayo's team
Match Time: 7:14

Other Match Notes: We clip Universo's entrance so he can talk - to Perro Aguayo Sr.? Perro's sitting front row near the commissioners, and Universo's very angry with him. Looks like we clipped out all of Universo's team, and Apolo and Satanico are trying to prevent this from breaking down. Satanico has the look of a man who lost a hair match three weeks ago. As Pierroth enters, Universo chest slaps Perro Sr.! Kick to the chest! TOE HOLD! You'd think his son wouldn't wait for Vampiro to finish entering and just run out for the save - and as I say that, he does! Junior's SNAPPED! He's beating the stuffing out of Universo. I think he even got a beer bath in there. We take a moment to look at introductions, and then see Perro Sr. being restrained and forced  to the back. Universo makes the trip into some hard chairs, and Perro tries to make him part of them. Universo, left on the floor, tries to crawl to the ring, which is a bad idea because his opponents are waiting for him. Double suplex by Pierroth and Vampiro, and Vamp holds him in posting - AGUAYO STOMP. Perro with a purposefully causal pin. (1:49) Doesn't this match make you want to donate to a telethon? Perro Jr. may beat you up if you don't.

Perro's team beatdown moves onto the other people. Pierroth is an odd move, actually doing suplexes and stuff. Satanico wants the others to clear out so he can battle someone one on one. Pierroth and Vampiro let him in, then slowly advance and beat him down. Nice back suplex by Vampiro. Double stomp for Satanico, but he gets to roll to safety. Weird camera shots make me think we've got a clip job here. Vampiro gets the better of Apolo for a while, which may have supposed to mean something. Perro opts to give Satanico his one on one match, but on the floor, after he's already been beatdown. And, out of nowhere, one of those half effort Pierroth clotheslines gets turned into a Fujiwara armbar by Universo and that's it. (2:24) Vampiro tries to break it up, but Apolo holds him just short. They continue to fight but I guess Pierroth was the captain. La Nazi is concerned Pierroth arm is broke, which at least sells the randomness. BREAK.

You know, Universo is the Undertaker.

Universo's team is getting their own beatdown in as we return. Everyone's spread out, but Apolo is at least attacking Pierroth's arm. Everyone does, actually, and Pierroth sells it. It's body part work in lucha, what the heck. Perro breaks this up by running in and attacking everything that moves, which works well until they attack back. Lots of whipping Perro to do little in particular. Universo whips Perro by his hair to top it off. Vampiro gets in a one move comeback and ends up taking a German suplex from Apolo. Universo gets Vampiro in an abdominal stretch, but Pierroth manages to fight his way into breaking it up. La Nazi tries to help her team, and gets bullied into the crowd by Apolo and Satanico. While that's happening and distracting the referees, Universo decides to murder Perro with the Black Hammer - but Pierroth slaps him in the back and breaks it up. We look back at La Nazi begging off, then back to the ring to see all of Perro's team covering Universo - that's it. (3:01) Not sure if we missed a low blow there - that's the one body part selling they do in Mexico, you know, and Universo does appear to be doing that sort of selling. Perro goes into the crowd and celebrates with any (rudo) fan who'll have him. Pierroth gets the microphone and trash talks Universo some more. Replay - yep, Pierroth snuck in a low blow stomp. Let's throw up a graphic for next week's big hair/hair match which has nothing to do with this match, why not.

Stellar Moments
- La Llave: in the middle of a star like submission, Super Comando gets a face first powerbomb, and a spinning headscissors into armbar by Sombra De Plata.
- La Combinaction: Metalico and Leono want to do simultaneous dives from the same corner ropes at the same time; Leono bails out when he doesn't have balance, so we end up getting a plancha onto Koreano, and then a Asia Moonsault onto Lobo Vikingo. They're wearing matching Guapo U tights here.
- Lo Dolorso: Sangre Azteca, still hating on Ricky Marvin all this years, waits as someone holds Ricky off the apron. Sangre drops Ricky to the floor with a double stomp to the midsection.
- Lo Tecnico: Alan Stone with a double jump moonsault onto Mr. Mexico. It just occurred to me that the last three matches are probably from the same cibernetico I haven't watched because I'm out of order. What a dummy.
- El Tope: Panther crushes Olimpico.

Match 5: Rayo de Jalisco Jr. (c), Canek, Black Warrior vs Hector Garza (c), Tarzan Boy, El Terrible
Arena Mexico, 11/12/04

  1. tecnicos
  2. rudos
  3. rudos

Winner: Rudos
Match Time: 12:22

Other Match Notes: Tarzan rolls into the ring and right into Black Warrior's face, which prompts some shoving. Terrible coming out to American Woman will never not be funny to me. Announcer almost blows "Jalisco" when announcing the captains.

Tecnico beatdown to start. Kinda tired of beatdowns by this point.  They're heavily promoting next week's hair match during the first fall. Canek gives Garza a suplex, Rayo gives him a legdrop, and that's apparently it. (1:40)

Beatdown goes on till someone does something. Rayo does look nearly agile on a running jumping clothesline. Tarzan waits to do a bring springboard move into the ring, but no one ever turns around to take it. You know, it's probably not a good sign when Black Warrior is the worker of the team. No offense to Warrior, because he can fit in well in some situations. Hector and Rayo do a sequence outside the ring where Hector begs off, Rayo relents, Hector starts trash talking when he gets far away, and Rayo comes back. Randomlly, as Canek and Warrior have Tarzan in a double armbar, Terrible walks in and beats people up, turning it into a comeback. Yea, whatever. NOT THE HEAD INTO THE BOX. Everyone grab someone's appendage and pretend as if you're doing something. Terrible is mercifully holding Canek in place for the Tarzan missile dropkick, except no one decides to pin him. Hector tries to pull Rayo's mask off while still tied, which doesn't work except if you like hurting people. Which Garza does, so okay. Black Warrior eventually gets held for the missile dropkick. Rayo? Ray's going to get a double boot, a double suplex, and a Garza moonsault instead. One two three. (3:51) It felt longer. People come over to yell at the announcers while we watch replays. Maybe they wanted more replays? Maybe they wanted another break after this fall? TOO BAD. We're all out.

Beatdown goes ON. I'm really mad at myself for not watching the show with the cibernetico first, because I'm pretty sure there wouldn't have been a beatdown in that one. This is one of those matches where I end up browsing the web during the down parts, than look up to see the other side winning and get annoyed about having to rewind to see the comeback, and get more annoyed when it's a frisking missed double clothesline spot again. I mean, at least it isn't a corner charge but still. Rayo bites Hector in the face a lot. Maybe he's hungry. Warrior goes thru a lot of effort to set up a DDT one of the blue boxes for Tarzan, and the camera gets bored and misses it. How annoying. Random settle down into a normal match so we can have the "tecnico gets beatdown by rudo, rallies back to give him everything and more." Highlight is Tarzan Boy displaying a reverse cobra clutch slam of all things. Wait, no, this highlight is going to be Black Warrior putting Tarzan in a full nelson and tripping him down to the mat before demanding Tarzan stand back up. Tarzan's not getting back up for this crap. Warrior keeps on insisting and the match won't really go on until Tarzan leans up enough to take the oh so inventive dropkick to the face. Terrible is the guy charges with making Canek look good. I'm not sure I would've made that assignment. Canek pretending like he's going to dive, but tragically Terrible isn't in the right place for it, is pretty great. When Hector stalls before facing Rayo, Rayo entertains himself by causing all sorts of harm to Tarzan by just kicking the bottom rope at the right times. It's brilliant. Have you see a Rayo sequence before? You've seen this Rayo sequence before. I hope going back to Tarzan and Warrior means we're done, but I don't think so. Or I'm wrong - Tarzan uses a mind numbingly obvious rope grab (though he does momentarily let go when Baby Richards figures he has to look) while sitting down to cover while holding the ropes for a pin (6:19) and things break down from there. Canek's half hour suplex is gently reversed to a Terrible small package. (6:30) Just for fun, everyone pins Rayo too. Terrible yells on the microphone. Why not. He eventually gets to the trios/trios match. Canek retorts with a Masks/Hair match - I dunno what I'd feel if he just put my mask against the guys who just beat us, but since it's not actually going to happen in this or any other lifetime, I guess I would let it go. They keep on talking but the director gets bored and shows us replays instead.


That's it.