12/16 news


Ovaciones is not working when I checked just now, but if I recall correctly, it was just build for the Arena Mexico main event. While Mephisto had a point that he and Avenro do team more often so they should keep the belts, I think there might be something going on with Santo’s status with the company. CMLL was persistent in mentioning that Santo was only going to work specific dates, and he’s not only stuck around a month longer, but he’s also on every Arena Mexico show (which have been also been extended.) I don’t know if this means Santo will be a regular, even after the winter break, but I think it’s a sign CMLL would have no problem bringing him into defend the tag titles sometime in the future. Since they’re CMLL belts, it doesn’t really make a difference if that time is next spring or 2007.

This would be the biggest win of Averno and Mephisto’s career if they pulled it off, and they have no particular momentum going into it. I expect Negro and Casas to win the belts for a third time tonight, but it’s not a complete Universo/Halloween lock.

KrisZ reports Super Parka in jail, having gotten in a fight with her daughter’s boyfriend after the boyfriend got into a fight with his daughter. Super Parka doesn’t think it’s serious, and expects to be out jail in time to make his bookings on Sunday.

Found a link – KrisZ on F4D has Ultimo making the UWA Heavyweight Championship challenge to Wagner. I’m focused on this match because if Dr. Wagner Jr. and Ultimo Guerrero meet in a match in the next 15 days which makes TV (and challenges on Tuesday sometimes turn up a special main events on Sunday), everyone’s gotta to reconsider their Lucha MOTY.

I haven’t gotten back to anyone about GdR DVDs, because I want to make sure I actually get this weekends episode recorded (and don’t know exactly how I’m going to do it – where is that darn VCR remote?) before I start making solid promises. As a quick blanket statement, if you’ve asked so far, I’ll get you the DVDs

Cards and results to finish this out:

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12/15 news

Ovaciones redesigned their site; the lucha story index is http://www.ovaciones.com/deportivo/menus/lucha.html. The whole site is loading incredibly slow, and I hope they get that fixed. On the upside, everything does look nicer, and that’s what a redesign is all about. Perhaps as a special gift to us all, we finally have AAA results!

AAA (SAT) 12/10 Monumental Bullring Results [ova]
1) Kaoma Jr., Tito Santana, Rio Bravo, Oscuridad b Rey Cometa, Laredo Kid, Hombre Sin Miedo, Principe Zafiro
2) Mini Abismo Negro, Jerrito Estrada, Mini Psicosis b Mascarita Sagarada, Ocatgoncito, Mascarita Sagrada Jr.
3) Shika b Chaman [second’s hair]
4) Cinthia Moreno, Oriental b Tiffany, Gran Apache [MEX MIXED TAG SF]
5) Chessman, La Diabólica b Estrellita, Billy Boy [MEX MIXED TAG SF]
6) Cinthia Moreno, Oriental b Chessman, La Diabolica [MEX MIXED TAG Final]
7) Intocable, Zorro, Electroshock b Pirata Morgan, Charly Manson, Zumbido
8) Shocker b Sangre Chicana [hair]
9) La Parka II, Latin Lover, Abismo Negro b Cibernetico, Cuervo, Escoria

The press had been talking about Abismo Negro turning tecnico all week, so that’s not a surprise. Cuervo and Escoria make reasonable cult members but odd main event particpants. They announced on the show that all the Sagrada’s would be getting new gimmicks in the near future. Shocker vs Sangre was a bloody battle.

CMLL (TUE) 12/13 Arena Coliseo Results [CMLL]
1) Mesala, Caligula b Rayo Tapatio I, Rayo Tapatio II
2) Stuka Jr., Trueno, Sensei b Apocalipsis, Ramstein, Flecha
3) Metro, Virus, Pantera b Nitro, Hooligan, Loco Max
4) Satánico, Black Warrior, Brazo de Plata vs Dr. X, Sangre Azteca, Pierroth
Pierroth replaced Emilio, Dr. X replaced HsN. Hope Safari feels better.
5) Dr. Wagner Jr., Dos Caras Jr., Hijo de Lizmark b Atlantis, Ultimo Guerrero, Olimpico
WO.com report had Ultimo challenging Wagner to a title match post match.

CMLL (TUE) 12/13 Arena Aficion, Pachuca, Hidalgo Results [ova]
1) Hidroman, Aspid vs Hijo de Medic’s, Tigerman
2) Cerebro Negro, Braulio Flores b Titan, Mensajero de la Muerte
3) el Hijo del Gran Markus, Gran Markus II b Tony Boy, Araña Cibernética
4) Emilio Charles Jr., Bestia Salvaje b Felino, Texano Jr.
5) Dr. Wagner Jr., Dos Caras Jr. b Atlantis, Ultimo Guerrero

CMLL (THU) 12/15 Arena Isabel de Cuernavaca Lineup [box y lucha]
1) Antaris, Pulsar vs Cirio I, Cirio II
2) Stuka, Trueno vs Apocalipsis, Ramstein
3) Universo 2000, Mascara Ano 2000, el Hijo de Cien Caras vs Head Hunter I, Brazo de Plata
4) Ultimo Guerrero, Rey Bucanero, Olimpico vs el Hijo del Santo, Dr. Wagner Jr., LA Park

Accion this week had highlights from the CMLL main event atomico (looked fun), and AAA clips from their Central American tour (small building.)

Veneno won back the IWRG Heavyweight Championship this past Sunday in a three way with former champion Cyborg and Bestia Salvaje.

IWRG says it’ll have it’s last show of the season on 12/20, with a 10 way cage of death mask match.

el Halcon net #49 is up.
– Pictures from Villano III & Maximo at the DragonDoor show.
– Interview with Angel Blanco Jr. He was trained by Diablo Velasco for 3 years, and later by Texano, Flash, and his brother. He’s been wrestling for 13 years. His debut match was in a trios match, against Sangre Astros, Angel Azteca and Atlantis teaming wiht Hijo del Angel Blanco (his brother) and Angel Blanco Jr. (cousin) for the CMLL Trios Titles. Are you confused? I’m totally confused. Angel Jr. unconfused by explaining his father would not let him use that name until he first finished becoming a CPA, and after, he wanted to make his debut under that name with his father, but Angel Blanco Sr. passed away before it could happen. His goal is to make it in CMLL full time.
– Final part of the Ocampo Eddie bio, from ’03 on.
– Interview with Mini Olimpico. He doesn’t want to ever turn rudo. When Olimpicito won the CMLL Mini Championship (of which he’s currently still champ), he didn’t actually get the belt – Pierrothito forget to bring it. It took him 8 days to actually get it. Olimpico has defended the belt five times in two years – I think he says he’s beat Pierrothito, Mini Violencia and Ultimo Dragoncito in defense.
– Interview with the CMLL Barber! His actual name is Alfonso Penaloza. He just happened to fill in one day in 1990 when someone was sick, and the position stuck. He hasn’t kept count, but he figures he’s at 90. It’s tough when the fans protest his hair cuttery because an injustice has gone on, but he’s got a job to do.
Poster of Tarzan Boy.
– LLF recap and anniversary show preview.
– Nominees for the Adiccionj Luchistica awards. I love how one of the Best Fight/Feud nominees is “Atlantis vs being a rudo”.

awards pushed back? and other insanity

thecubsfan has finally gone insane: Anyone subscribe to Figure 4 Daily? Did you hear the show with KrisZ? I heard it myself, and – well, I don’t know how to explain this without sounding crazy, but I’m 72% sure Bryan got myself and KrisZ mixed up for at least the first five minutes of the conversation. The first question was about the luchaWiki, and while KrisZ has an account and made some edits (I think) and been plenty helpful be doing the news/results he does, but it’s odd first topic for him yet a better topic to ask thecubsfan, since I just squeezed in a plug at the end of my interview back whenever, and plugged it here in talking about that interview.

(It’s a PERFECT topic for Jose, who Bryan or someone should get on to talk about having dinner with famous lucha people, if nothing else. That’s a money half hour interview right there.)

There were other things too, but that one was easiest to explain. The interview was good, and it’s a worthwhile listen, but I need to know if that actually happened or if I’m hallucinating weird things (again.) You know, just to get orientated. This has been bugging me for days now.

non-content about content: Things have been a bit quiet of late, updatewise. I’ve been working on a minor project that I hope to have done by 2006, but right now, it’s only a bunch of ill thought out programming no one’s seeing. I do plan on doing some updates to the wiki tomorrow if all goes well (and so it shall not.)

Last year, the Tapatia award voting opened up on the 26th, and I’ve started to write an actual preview/primer a couple of times with that date in mind. Since I started watching Guerreros del Ring, I’ve been thinking it might be worthwhile to push everything back in to January (probably not even starting prelims till 01/04.) While I don’t think anything that happens in the next two and half weeks is going to dramatically change things, we (or at least I) am getting more a couple more weeks of TV of 2005 TV in 2005, so we might as well take it into account.

The downside is everyone may be sick of awards by January, and I wouldn’t blame you. So someone can feel free to shoot this down or suggest an alternative. I love alternatives.

DVDs for, well, uh, um…: This is beyond stupid.

See, I’ve got this DVD writer, and I’ve got blank DVDs, and I’ve got these lucha episodes which are current yet apparently scarce enough to be of some value, and apparently I don’t have enough stupid projects. Assuming I can master the skill of “pressing the record button in a timely matter”, I think I can handle making 3 episode blocks of GdR, if there was any interest.

The thing is – and this is the great beyond – I have absolutely no idea what I’d want in exchange. I don’t want to make money off this site in any fashion (a policy that hasn’t come up much, admittedly), so that’s out. I’ve got tapes here, tapes on the way, and no idea when I’ll watch any of them, so I don’t really like that idea. That’s the basic problem – I may have a supply, but I don’t have a clue what to demand.

I’m just going to leave it open. If you’re a regular and really want some DVD-Rs (which may or may not work – hey ROBERT), e-mail me and maybe we can work out some easy terms. If you’re a person I don’t know, then you probably need some awesome offer or I’m not going to work up the effort to respond, much less make anything. If you’re a beautiful stranger who’d like to make some sort of lewd offer, I’ll print it out and put it on my refrigerator. Or maybe I’ll rethink this when I wake, and this paragraph will just mysteriously disappear tomorrow (wouldn’t be the first time that’s happened this week.)

No GdR recap today; maybe I’ll pull myself together for it on Thursday.

Lucha Times

Normal times all around.

Saturday: The anticipation for Groon is killing me.

Sunday: The main event trios sounds neat, but it aired on a weird delay and taping got screwed it the first time. Must remember not to delete!

GdR: They plugged the Ultimo/Ultimo trios match

12/14 news

Ovaciones didn’t update at all today and neither has CMLL, so no Tuesday Coliseo results as of yet. Four days later, still no AAA results from the big show.

IWRG (MON) 12/08 Arena Naucalpan Results [KrisZ]
1) Frisbee b Kid Tiger
2) Super Colt & Zaiyer b Gran Cuchillo & Panterita
3) Kaleth, Nemesis, Pirata Morgan Jr. b Metro, Suicida, Ultra Mega
4) Cerebro Negro, Dr. Cerebro, Veneno b Andy Barrow, Cyborg, Masada
5) Pierroth, Hijo del Pierroth, Pierroth Jr., Pierroth II b Bestia Salvaje, Damian 666, Head Hunter I, Scorpio Jr.

If you’re up for very bloody Head Hunter I pictures, check the IWRG results page. (EWWWWWWWW.)

CMLL (MON) 12/12 Arena Puebla Results [KrisZ]
1) Blue Center & Iron vs Ares & Espiritu Maligno
2) Furia Chicana, Siki Osama Jr., Toro Bill vs the Tiger, Tigre Rojo, ?
3) Hijo del Texano, Maximo, Sagrado DQ Arkangel, Enterrador 2000, Maniacop
4) Blue Panther, Brazo de Plata, La Mascara DQ Misterioso II, Olimpico, Pierroth
5) Atlantis, Mascara 2000, Universo 2000 b Dr. Wagner Jr., Heavy Metal, Negro Casas

indy (MON) 12/12 Tejano Saloon, Pharr, Texas Lineup [KrisZ]
1) Mercurio Jr. b Poder 7
2) el Astro & Marvin b Duelo & Wolverine
3) Black Cougar & Halcon de Oro Jr. b Mercenario & Zarco
4) Corazo de Barrio & Halcon de Oro b Asterisco & Gato Volador
5) Hijo del Santo & Tigre Universitario b Maniaco & Pirata Morgan

AAA (SUN) 12/11 Arena Coliseo de Monterrey Lineup [KrisZ]
1) Dragon Jade & Dragon Ninja b Anibal el Vampiro & Ave Negra
2) Ares, Medico, Zumbido b Angel de Amor, Konnan Plus, Pancho Tequilla
3) Incognito, Pimpinela Escarlata, Sangre Chicana Jr. DQ Antifaz del Norte, Corazon de Barrio, Hator
4) Sangre Chicana b Shocker and Pirata Morgan [bull terrior]
Sangre Jr. and Zumbido both got involved in the match.

IWRG (SUN) 12/18 Arena Naucalpan Lineup [iwrg]
1) ? vs ?
2) Ultramega & Antaris vs ? & ?
3) Dr. X, Apocalipsis, Loco Max vs ?, Dr. Cerebro, Cerebro Negro
4) Suicida vs Pirata Morgan Jr.
5) Mistico, Felino, Negro Casas vs Atlantis, Ultimo Guerrero, Canek

ONAC (FRI) 12/23 Auditorio de Tijuana Lineup [box y lucha]
1) Cinico vs Dementor vs TJ Crazy
2) Black Spider & X-Torm vs Angel Negro & El Diablo [Zona X]
3) Bino Gambino vs Thunderbird [EWF International]
4) TJ Boy & Arandu vs Titanik & Morvius [X-LAW Tag]
5) Super Crazy & Nicho vs Crazy Boy & Chuck Palumbo

Now that’s a unique main event. X-Mas break for the Mexicools, so I guess they’re free to do it? Don’t tell anyone so we’re sure they won’t get in trouble.

Apparently, the Observer says the 12/02 Arena Mexico (Halloween/Universo hair match) drew 17,000. All I can tell you is there were plenty of open seats during the opener I saw on GdR (recap to come today or tommorow), but that’s about normal during the opener.

Speaking of wild observer news, Dave says CMLL wants to book Brock Lesnar. But it’s still far from happening. If it does happen, I think they need to treat him like Giant Silva (and when you look at him in the ring with the lucha guys, he will look as tall as Giant Silva), and he counts for two men in every match.

The dark match on this weeks Arena Coliseo show was Blue Angelo & El Redentor b Bacteria & Comando Mega.

Safari & Sangre Azteca in NJPW full results (his collection of masks by wearing each one. (You must login to see the pictures.)
– Links I should’ve added sooner: Lo Mejor de La Lucha, and offical sites of El Hijo Del Santo and Fureza Guerrera

Lucha Times and boring junk to come. And maybe that recap.