12/31 news

Sorry for the late/briefness. Things have come up for me a lot today, quite literally.

GALA aired the scheduled CMLL episode today:

Hooligan/Loco/Arkangel vs Alan/Tony/Marvin [coliseo]
Metro/Satanico/Felino vs Averno/Mephisto/Sangre
Groon/Park/Lizmark vs Ultimo/Rey/Olimpico
Garza/Halloween/Damian/Mistico [cage of death]

I haven’t seen my tape yet, but I hear GdR did not air. I think it was a combincation of inconsistent listings and other progrmming commitements for the new year. Or just being lazy, who can say.

CMLL (FRI) 12/30 Arena Coliseo Results
1) Mini Olimpico, Bracito de Oro b Mini Halloween, Mini Damian 666
2) Tony Rivera, Leono, Starman b Super Comando, Artillero, Caligula
3) Amapola, La Nazi, Hiroka b Marcela, India Sioux, Sahori
4) Mr. Niebla, Brazo de Plata, Lizmark b Averno, Terrible, Hijo de Pierroth
5) Rayo de Jalisco, Dr. Wagner Jr., Dos Caras Sr. b Universo 2000, Pierroth, Mascara Ano 2000