Update on this weekend’s GdR

Now that I’m actually watching GdR (though recap is still much later), I’ve noticed they actually are hyping a match for next week (which is “tommorow” by now) – and it’s the Arena Coliseo main event from last Sunday:

Rayo de Jalisco Jr., Negro Casas, Heavy Metal DQ Canek, Ultimo Guerrero, Olimpico

If there was a hint to the other match, I missed this. This goes against what I guessed earlier. I believe one trend has been set: those of you hoping for current TV are going to be happy, but those of you hoping for previously unseen undercard matches will be disappionted.

We’re still waiting to determine if the matches on GdR will air on regular CMLL TV, or if they’ll show other (and by default, more undercard) matches in their place. I’m thinking they’re more likely to repeat than ot, but I’m I’m interested in finding out.

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