Update on this weekend’s GdR

Now that I’m actually watching GdR (though recap is still much later), I’ve noticed they actually are hyping a match for next week (which is “tommorow” by now) – and it’s the Arena Coliseo main event from last Sunday:

Rayo de Jalisco Jr., Negro Casas, Heavy Metal DQ Canek, Ultimo Guerrero, Olimpico

If there was a hint to the other match, I missed this. This goes against what I guessed earlier. I believe one trend has been set: those of you hoping for current TV are going to be happy, but those of you hoping for previously unseen undercard matches will be disappionted.

We’re still waiting to determine if the matches on GdR will air on regular CMLL TV, or if they’ll show other (and by default, more undercard) matches in their place. I’m thinking they’re more likely to repeat than ot, but I’m I’m interested in finding out.

12/09 news

and of course, nothing’s going on today. If you weren’t up at whatever time I posted the 12/08 update, it’s below, with a recap of the newest Halcon. As you can see, it’s been a big week for great pictures of undercarders.

Ovaciones today has some shocking information about Kenzo Suzuki. “He fulfilled his mission in the United States” and “Kenzo is a fighter of great quality.” This must not be the Kenzo Suzuki I’m familiar with; this Kenzo was in the WWE as well, but won the tag team titles with someone named Rine Dupuri. Anyway, Kenzo says he’s here to get revenge on Dos Caras Jr. for breaking his leg in ’03 and to generally become a legend in Mexico. While he’s got a match tonight versus Dos to accomplish goal number one, he’ll have trouble with number two, as he’s got one more show before heading back home. Kenzo says there’s a possibility of him returning in February or March if CMLL wants to continue to pay him to beat him to beat up their wrestlers. (I vote no! I don’t think I get a vote here.)

CMLL (FRI) 12/09 Arena Mexico Lineup
1) Trueno, Valiente vs Apocalipsis, Ramstein
2) Texano Jr., Maximo, Kronos vs Arkangel, Ohara, Okumura
3) Dos Caras Jr., Hijo de Lizmark, Ultimo Dragon vs Kenzo Suzuki, Olimpico, Mascara Ano 2000
4) Universo 2000, Tarzan Boy, Rey Bucanero vs Hector Garza, Damian 666, Mr. Aguila
5) Mistico, Santo, Negro Casas, Blue Panther vs Atlantis, Ultimo Guerrero, Averno, Mephisto

They’re pushing Panther/Atlantis and Mistico/Santo vs Averno/Mephisto for the tag team titles as the in-match stories for the atomico.

Guerrero del Ring #12 (the magazine) features el hijo del Perro Aguayo on the cover.

Have a nice weekend.