fast food wars

I am freaked out by the Wendy’s commerical that’s using Shocker’s old CMLL music. (The dance techno one, if you haven’t seen it.)

At this rate, I expect the Burger King to soon hand a meal to Que Monito. And it will be great.

(waiting for Arena Mexico results)

Edit: No results. Going to bed.

Sunday Arena Coliseo TV

I don’t have a good idea what’s going on here. – which gets the standard listings used pretty much everywhere, doesn’t have anything lucha related for Saturday or Sunday on Cana 52 International.

However, the Canal52 site (visit the EU version; if you’re seeing listings for SmackDown, you’re looking at the wrong one) has a lineup for Saturday which does include Lucha Libre CMLL: Guerrers del Ring at 11:30 CST (I think) on Saturday, and 3:00 CST on Sunday.

So, like I said, no idea. This channel, usually listed on CAN52I, is only on Comcast systems, typically in a digital Spanish language tier, so you may not have access to it unless you’re already paying for it. I do have Comcast, so I’ll check out what their onscreen TV listings say when I get home.

It is definetely airing in Mexico and surely will show up on DVD soon after.

UPDATE!!!: Surfed thru the Comcast listings

Good: there is a lucha show which matches those times on that channel
Bad: the show is named Lucha Libre LLL.
Working Theory: someone screwed up on the name.

Good: surprisingly, I actually get this channel. (603 and 652 here, if you’re looking for places to start – Comcast only.)
Bad: That cable box isn’t a DVR, it’s not near my TiVO or computer, and I don’t know how if I can attach a VCR to it
Working Theory: the 90 minutes I wasted grabbing a VCR and figuring it out and hooking it up and hoping it works isn’t going to be a waste.

So, yea, I’ll record it (note to Robert: Yes. Eventually) and let you know when I know, okay? Okay.

11/25 news

AAA (WED) 11/23 Auditorio Carlos Serdan Arechavaleta, Veracruz Results [box y lucha]
1) Cancerbero Jr. & Fuerza Killer b Gallo Giro & Astro Boy
2) Buitre, Red Terror, Sombra Guerrera b Rocko Marvin, Caballero Imperial, Junior
3) Indomable b Fuerza Negra
4) Dr. Crimen, Practicante, Quimico, Hijo del Buitre b Michael, Rey Egipto, Ferrari Jr., Sangre Y Fuego
Michael replaced Conquistador, who was not medically cleared to wrestle. Dr. Crimen snuck a piledriver on Sangre Y Fuego for the win, and he took a stretch out.
5) Estrellita & Billy Boy b El Apache & Tiffany
6) Cibernetico, Abismo Negro, Chessman b La Parka, Luzbel, Zorro
Chessman low blowed La Parka.

Scanning thru the Sunday/Tuesday Coliseo results on

– they’ve listed the dark match opener (not taped for TV): Flash & Magia Negra vs Cyber Black & Angel Perversos
– Super Comando and Artillero have gotten a team name, los Guerrilleros
– Caligula’s green outfit is awesome. Pastel colors only work in lucha.
– Teams for the Cibernetico were actually quite different than what was originally listed:
A: Pantera, Tigre Blanco (no La Mascara), Leono, El Gato (no Maximo)
B: Nitro, Dr. X, Mr. Mexico, La Arana (no Arkangel)
I haven’t heard Arana and Gato before, so I’m guessing they’re trainees.
– They don’t know how they want to spell Zayco.
– Apocalipsis has a new mask.

Emilio Charles Jr. beat Satanico in their Arena Neza hair match last night. BOOOOOOO! If I go to Sunday’s Congress show, I try to steal a camera to confirm Satanico’s baldness.

AAA canceled their 12/02 Costa Rica show, after not being happy with setup there. They’re still running Honduras, Guatemala, El Salvador.

Next week’s Averno & Mephisto vs Negro Casas & Heavy Metal match in Puebla is confirmed for the titles.

Ultimo Guerrero says he’s ready to put up his mask versus Santo’s mask any time, any place. If this were a yaysports blog, the headline for this item would be “Ultimo Guerrero is completely insane.” Ultimo also notes Santo hasn’t won any big match this time thru Arena Mexico, and pretty much calls Santo a loser. Ultimo is looking fate in the eye, laughing a hearty laugh, daring fate to strike him down in a horrible fashion. Should be a good match tonight.

The Halloween/Perro/Garza vs Pierroth/Mascara2K/Universo is now a street fight, so expect that to be crazy and Damian to intefere at the very least.