10/29 CMLL

10/29 CMLL is up. Don’t see anything special in La Mascara. Looking around, I think I dug Aguayo/Mistico more than most. It had flaws and isn’t a MOTYC, but it’s a really fun match.

In effort to speed the process up, I’m only doing move for move on important matches, and trying to skim thru the rest. I know I’ve said this about twenty times and haven’t really stuck to it, but I want to catch up and it’s the only one that’s happening.

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3 thoughts to “10/29 CMLL”

  1. See,I just don’t get it with La Mascara. Compared to most of the undercarders who we get the odd peak of now & again, he Is quite clearly shit!

    Yet he keeps getting pushed to the moon (he’s In next Fridays Arena Mex semi for example) and it can’t possibly be for any other reason than family connections.

    Granted, I’m a few months behind (although I doubt he’s improved so much since then), but I’m watching closely when he’s on, trying to keep an open mind and maybe see something that I’ve been missing – but no, as closely as I look and as much as I try to give the benefit of the doubt – he shows absolutely nothing – he is quite blatantly shit!

    No gimmick, Boring as hell in the ring, not really gifted in any way, not particulary popular for a tecnico, certainly no charisma or connection with the crowd(which at least the similarly overpushed Maximo does have) – just mediocrity.

    It’s really annoying because IMO that spot should be going to Volador Jnr, who Is 100 times the luchador La Ma-fucking-Scara will ever be and far, far more worthy! :(

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