09/26 news

I missed Skayde/Quackenbush. Bitter, tremendously bitter..

CMLL (FRI) 09/23 Arena Mexico Results [superlucha]
1) Leono, Tigre Blanco, Tigre Metalico b Ramstein, Caligula, Mesala
2) Texano Jr., Maximo, Sagrado b Sangre Azteca, Nitro, Dr. X
3) Atlantis wins the Grand Prix. Order of elimination:
– Bronco (Tanahashi inverted padlock)
– Olimpico (Lizmark Side Buster)
– Averno (DQed for pulling Santo’s mask)
– Ultimo Dragon (Nakamura cross armbreaker)
– Pierroth (Wagner double armbar)
– Negro Casas (Perro top rope stomp)
– Tarzan Boy (Atlantis)
– Hijo del Santo (Nakamura cross armbreaker)
– Shinsuke Nakamura (Bucanero/Universo powerbomb)
– Hiroshi Tanahashi (Bucanero, Universo)
– Dr. Wagner Jr. (Bucanero)
– Lizmark Jr. (Perro running double stomp)
– Universo 2000 (Perro double stomp)
– Rey Bucanero (Atlantis Atlantida)
– Hijo del Perro Aguayo (Atlantis low blow)
During the match, Universo and Pierroth shook hands. Post match, Ultimo hugged Atlantis and welcomed him to GdI. No good pics for Rey being unhappy.
4) Mistico DQ Ultimo Guerrero
First two falls were short. Atlantis interfered to cause a DQ. Wagner made the save.

IWRG (SUN) 09/25 Arena Naucalpan Results [ova]
1) Kid Tiger & Figer Panther b Black Stone & Rey Estruendo
2) Galactik & Antaris b Paramedico & Vampiro Metalico
3) Macho II, Black Jaguar, Fantasma de la Opera b Avisman, Fantasma Jr., Panterita
4) Corp (Veneno, Dr. Cerebro, Pantera) b Payasos (Coco Rojo, Coco Verde, Coco Blanco)
5) Head Hunter, Scorpio Jr., Bestia Salvaje b Rayo de Jalisco Jr., Felino, Matrix
Recap hints at a Head Hunter/Rayo WWA Title match, which would be something.

CMLL (SUN) 09/25 Arena Coliseo Results [ova]
1) Rayo Tapatios I & II b Zayco & Polvora
2) Guerrero del Futuro, Ramstein, Jeque b Senesi, Sombra de Plata, Danger
3) Metro, Texano Jr., Safari b Canek Jr., Masada, Hooligan
4) Rayo de Jalisco Jr., Satanico, Misterioso II b Terrible, Emilio Charles Jr., Okumura
5) Heavy Metal, Atlantis, Negro Casas DQ Canek, Tanahashi, Nakamura
Atlantis walked out on his team twice and they still won. The first time, the rudos were so confused, Casas and Metal got enough of an advantage to get the pin. Atlantis came back in the second fall and kicked Negro low to win the match for his team! I’m sure Negro wished for a different victory.

CMLL’s weekly notes update includes another mention of Rey being unhappy with the new alliance between Atlantis and GdI. I think we’re nearing the end of a beautiful partnership; Atlantis turning rudo unbalanced the scales, so someone’s gotta go the other way…

According to NJPW (and via Puroresu Fan), current IWRG Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champions Minoru and Hiroko Goto requested to next defend their belts against Negro Casas and Felino. It’s figured the match will happen on the 10/08 Tokyo Dome show.

Ovaciones mentions the promoter of IWRG (Marco Antonio Moreno Madrid), is starting a lucha magazine show called Magazine Luchamania, which will cover AAA, CMLL, IWRG, and indies. Hosts are Dr. Alfonso Morales, Gustavo Seas, and Veneno. No mention of network, time, or length; I don’t think it’ll make it to the US but it sounds neat.

Super Lucha’s cover features shaved Chessman.

CMLL (MON) 09/26 Arena Puebla Lineup [superlucha]
1) Kirvan, King Jaguar, Falcon Man vs Area, Espiritu Maligno, Fuerza Tiger
2) Asturiano, the Tiger, Lestat vs Bobby Jack, Tarahumara, Siki Osama Jr.
You think this is the same Siki Osama as usual? I figure there aren’t two and they needed to clarify it wasn’t really the guy people were looking for. Two Siki Osamas is the scarier possibility.
3) Payasos (Rojo, Blanco, Verde) vs Nitro, Furia Chicana, Fuerza Chicana
4) Lizmark Jr., Heavy Metal, La Mascara vs Avero, Mephisto, Misterioso II
Odd how they’ve switched the alignments from last week – Misterioso is a rudo this week and Mascara is a tecnico. It’s what I would expect if the people in Mexico City have any influnce.
5) Atlantis vs Dr. Wagner Jr. [NWA MID]

CMLL (TUE) 09/27 Arena Coliseo Lineup [superlucha]
1) Bracito de Oro, Fantasy, Mini Olimpico vs Fire, Sombrita, Troll
2) Neutron, StarMAN, Kronos vs Hooligan, Apocalipsis, Ramstein
3) Metro, Pantera, Virus vs Canek Jr., Arkangel, Loco Max
4) Lizmark Sr., Lizmark Jr., Blue Panther vs Tarzan Boy, Terrible, Emilio Charles Jr.
5) Negro Casas vs Mephisto
What is this for a main event? A very special edition of CMLL Heat?

CMLL (TUE) 09/27 Arena Aficion Lineup [superlucha]
This is their 72nd Anniversary show
1) Medics I & III vs Despiadado & Demonio Star
2) Halcon Dorado & Chico Che vs Colmillo Blanco & Blade
3) Brazo de Platino & Brazo de Oro vs Ryu Taguchi & Okumura
4) Mistico & LA Park vs Ultimo Guerrero & el Hijo de Cien Caras
Weird to get all tags.

IWRG (THU) 09/29 Arena Naucalpan Lineup [superlucha]
1) Freesbe vs Forastero II
2) Panterita & Antaris vs Carta Brave & Super Colt
3) Strippers (Sexy Man, Star Boy, Marco Rivera) vs Jinetes del Apocalipsis (Pirata Morgan Jr., Nemesis, Kaleth)
4) Fantasma Jr., Matrix, Suicida vs Enterrador 2000, Veneno, Dr. Cerebro
5) LA Park, Lizmark Jr., Mascara Sagrada vs Head Hunter I, Scorpio Jr., el Hijo de Cien Caras
This is a noticeable below par IWRG card.

CMLL (THU) 09/29 Arena Isabel, Cuernavaca, Morelos Lineup [superlucha]
1) Tzuki & Bam Bam vs Pierrothito & Pequeno Violencia
2) Maximo & Safari vs Ryu Taguchi & Andy Barrow
3) Volador Jr., Misterioso II, Sagrado vs Hijo de Pierroth, Black Tiger, Okumura
4) Mistico, Dr. Wagner Jr., Villano III vs Pierroth, Tanahashi, Nakamura

CMLL (THU) 09/29 Arena Neza Lineup [box y lucha]
Appearing: Heavy Metal, Felino, Satanico, Texano Jr., Crazy Boy, Neutron, Ultimo Guerrero, Tarzan Boy, Sangre Azteca, Nitro, Dr. X
1) Mini Olimpico & Shockercito vs Troll & Fire

CMLL (FRI) 09/30 Arena Mexico Lineup [superlucha]
1) Tigre Blanco, Tigre Metalico, Tony Rivera vs Flecha, Super Comado, Artillero
2) Maximo, Sagrado, Texano Jr. vs Pandilla Guerrera (Sangre Azteca, Nitro, Dr. X)
3) Universo 2000, Mascara Ano 2000, Pierroth vs Perros Del Mal (Hijo del Perro Aguayo, Damian 666, Halloween)
This is actually not as strange as it seems. Pierroth and Universo have been feuding forever and a day, but not in Mexico City since the Perros booted him out. La Nazi picked Universo in the triangle match and helped with a distraction during the match, so some alliance had to be formed. They just need to turn the Perros tecnico (and find some peace accord with the Casas family) and we’re rid of the “rudos fighting rudos fighting rudos” overdone junk.
4) Dr. Wagner, Mistico, Misterioso II vs Atlantis, Hijo del Santo, Negro Casas
This is a whole ‘nother set of junk. You’ve got five tecnicos and Atlantis. Santo’s as much Mistico’s Big Buddy as Dr. Wagner, and you’re going to have them fight in a match that’ll be nothing because it’s just a backdrop to Atlantis turning? So weird.
5) Hiroshi Tanahashi & Shinsuke Nakamura vs GdI (Ultimo Guerrero & Rey Bucanero) [IWGP TAG]
Being creative, CMLL.com points out that this is the NJPW duo’s last (major?) booking of the year in Mexico – so if GdI win, CMLL’s keeping NJPW’s belts all winter and the pressure is on the champs to make sure it doesn’t happen. Especially since they’re actually tecnicos for this match (which usually means they’ll accidentally hit each other less), I think we’ll know if they’re doing a GdI breakup for sure by the finish.

AAA (FRI) 09/30 Auditorio Fausto Gutierrez Moreno, Tijuana TV Taping Lineup [superlucha]
1) Super Rino & Spark vs Brujos (Mazambula & Mozambique)
2) Estrellita & Billy Boy vs Tiffany & El Apache
3) Los Hego Boys (I, II, III) vs Alien, King Azteca, Diamantina
4) Oriental, Histeria, Colorman vs McTrio (Animaniac, Espia Chino, Angel Negro Jr.)
5) Zorro, Octagon, Triple A (Mascara Sagrada II/Televisa Deportes) vs Charly Manson, Abismo Negro, Psicosis
6) Shocker, Vampiro, La Parka vs Konnan & Los Samoans I & II
No idea; I’m sure it’s two of the usual suspects, but I’m not sure which two.

CMLL (SAT) 10/01 Sala de Usos Multiples Lineup [superlucha]
1) Marcela vs Hiroka
2) Tzuki & Shockercito vs Pierrothito & Fire
3) Sombra de Plata, Rayo Tapatio I, Rayo Tapatio II vs Ramstein, Super Comando, Comando Gama
If we just had Artillero in here, this would be a perfect match.
4) Tony Rivera & Tigre Blanco vs Ryu Taguchi & Okumura
5) Atlantis & Brazo de Plata vs Nitro & Sangre Azteca

CMLL (SAT) 10/01 Arena Xochiimilco Lineup [superlucha]
1) Villano III & Villano IV vs Signo & Negro Navarro
2) Mascara Sagrada, Felino, Blue Panther vs Tarzan Boy, Pierroth, Scorpio Jr.
3) LA Park, Rayo de Jalisco Jr., Lizmark Jr. vs Mascara Ano 2000, Universo 2000, el Hijo de Cien Caras

CMLL (SAT) 10/01 Arena Cano, Tepeaca Lineup [box y lucha]
1) Iron & Fenix vs Siki Osama & Espiritu Maligno
2) Tigre Rojo & Centella de Oro vs Toro Bill & Toro Bill Jr.
3) Mini Olimpico & Ultimo Dragoncito vs Mini Violencia & Sombrita
4) India Sioux & Marcela vs La Nazi & Amapola
5) Hijo del Perro Aguayo, Satanico, Bronco vs Masada, Okumura, Tanahashi

CMLL? (SAT) 10/01 Unidad Deportiva, Estado de Mexico [box y lucha]
1) Emperador & Damian el Imortal vs Kid Tiger & Guerrero Aguila
2) Rayo Tapatio II, Estruendo, Sombra de Plata vs Ramstein, Destroyer, Flecha
Wait – the Tapatios are allowed to wrestle without each other?
3) Lady Warrior & Hiroka vs Linda Star & Sahori
4) Hijo de Lizmark, Blue Panther, Felino vs Tarzan Boy, Scorpio Jr., Terrible
5) LA Park, Mascara Sagrada, Rayo de Jalisco vs Blue Demon Jr., Mascara Ano 2000, Universo 2000
The description for this match says Luchando Por La Cruz Roja, which translates to Fighting For The Red Cross. Is this a charity show or is that just a concindence?

IWRG (SUN) 10/02 Auditorio de Tecamac Lineup [superlucha]
1) Fight Panther vs Ghost Rider
2) Kid Tiger & Galactik vs Paramedico & Rey Estruendo
3) Avisman, Antaris, Panterita vs Black Jaguar, Fantasma de la Opera, Carta Brava
3) Strippers (Sexy Man, Star Boy, Marco Rivera) vs Jinetes del Apocalipsis (Pirata Morgan Jr., Nemesis, Kaleth)
5) Rayo de Jalisco Jr., El Sagrado, Matrix vs Head Hunter I, Pierroth II, Cyborg

CMLL (SUN) 10/02 Arena Coliseo Lineup [superlucha]
1) Zetta & Explosivo vs Polvora & Vaquero
2) Tigre Blanco, Tigre Metalico, Danger vs Guerrero del Futuro, Jeque, Mesala
3) Metro, Brazo de Oro, Safari vs Mr. Mexico, Hooliga, Masada
4) Black Warrior, Satanico, Felino vs Emilio Charles Jr., Canek Jr. Hijo de Pierroth
5) Mistico, Heavy Metal, Negro Casas vs Hijo del Perro Aguayo, Avero, Mephisto

CMLL (SUN) 10/02 Arena Coliseo Lineup [superlucha]
1) Rockero vs Electrofobia
2) Golden & Nube Roja vs Mogur & Ebola
3) Mr. Power vs Metro [WEST MID]
4) Tag Team Tournament
– Dr. Wagner Jr. & Misterioso II
– Atlantis & Ultimo Guerrero
– Damian 666 & Halloween
– Tarzan Boy & Olimpico
This is actually listed as the second tournament of stars – I dunno when the first one was. They could use one more tecnico team, unless I’m right about the Perros.

CMLL (SUN) 10/02 Arena Neza Lineup [box y lucha]
Listed as appearing: Mistico, La Mascara, Virus, Leono, Sombra de Plata, Rey Bucanero, Avero, Mephisto, Super Comando, Artillero, Flecha

IWRG (SUN) 10/02 Arena Naucalpan Lineup [superlucha]
1) Kid Tiger vs Rey Estruendo
2) Panterita & Freezbe vs Vampiro Metalico & Super Colt
3) Strippers (Sexy Man, Star BOY, Marco Rivera) vs Fantasma de la Opera, Carta Brave, Macho II
4) Corporacion (Veneno, Scorpio Jr., Dr. Cerebro) vs Tanahashi, Nakamura, Okumura
5) Rayo de Jalisco Jr., Dos Caras vs Head Hunter I & Enterrador 2000

AAA (SUN) 10/02 Arena Azteca Budokan Lineup [superlucha]
1) Takemaru vs Estrella del Futuro
2) Luis & Tony Cirio vs Skayderman & Broza
3) Mini Cibernetico & Mini Histeria vs Mini Oriental & Mini Juventued Guerrera
4) Billy Boy & Estrellita vs Gran Apache & La Chola
5) Histeria & Oriental vs Psicosis & Zumbido
6) Shocker & Mascara Sagrada vs Pirata Morgan & Charly Manson

indy (SUN) 10/02 Arena Jalisco [box y lucha]
This is the benefit show for Texano Sr. Special Guests: Perro Aguayo, Carlos Plata, Monarca, Jose Escobedo, Dr. Alfonso Morales
1) Bestia Roja, Maldad, Terry Kiss vs Gran Misterio, Gitano Jr., Bestia Negra
2) Death Squad (Centella, Hitman, Principe Azteca) vs Dalia Negra, Travesti, Chucho Garcia
3) Mano Negra, Fuego Negro, Cadete del Espacio vs Comando Asensino, Bucanero Jr., Violento
4) Trios Tournament:
– Villanos (III, IV, V)
– Space Cadets (Solar, Super Astro, Ultram)
– Missionaries of Death (Signo, Negro Navarro) & Indomito
– Original Payasos (Rojo, Azul, Blanco)
– Triangle of Death (Rambo, Kahoz, Zandokan)
– Trio Fantasia (Super Raton, Super Pinocho, Super Muneco)
– Chacales (Pepe Aguayo, Vengador Nazi, Comando Loco)
– Caballeros del Ring (Americo Rocca, Vaquero Jr., Estrella Oriental)

Notice the near absence of much women’s matches this week, and Dark Angel in entirety. Not sure what it means, except the lack of momentum for the division.

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5 thoughts to “09/26 news”

  1. “CMLL (MON) 09/26 Arena Puebla Lineup [superlucha]

    2) Asturiano, the Tiger, Lestat vs Bobby Jack, Tarahumara, Siki Osama Jr.”

    That’s not Yoshihiro Asia as “The Tiger,” is it?

  2. Nah. There’s a Puebla local using the same name. Though someone needs to convince guys to use adjectives (how ’bout “green” – I’m only 36 hours late) to distingush themselves.

    There’s also a lucha guy from Chicago with the same name I haven’t seen in a while, and I keep hoping it’s actually him.

  3. “I missed Skayde/Quackenbush. Bitter, tremendously bitter..”


    “4) Rayo de Jalisco Jr., Satanico, Misterioso II b Terrible, Emilio Charles Jr., Okumura”

    I don’t know why but the CMLL website says Super Parka was in this match. He isn’t in any of the awesome photos though.

    “According to NJPW (and via Puroresu Fan), current IWRG Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Champions Minoru and Hiroko Goto requested to next defend their belts against Negro Casas and Felino. It’s figured the match will happen on the 10/08 Tokyo Dome show.”

    Good for Felino. I’m shocked Negro didn’t pick Heavy instead.

    “Super Lucha’s cover features shaved Chessman.”

    Didn’t even recognize who it was at first without the awesome face paint and hair.

    “You think this is the same Siki Osama as usual? I figure there aren’t two and they needed to clarify it wasn’t really the guy people were looking for. Two Siki Osamas is the scarier possibility.”

    It’s the same guy. He’s always been Siki Osama Jr. but everyone is too lazy to write it down like that. Kinda like when lineups just say “Misterioso” or “Texano” instead of adding the “II” and “Jr.” to their names.

    As for The Tiger… he actually used to be called Black Tiger and was one of the best prospects out of Puebla. Had a great look too. When Silver King took on the Black Tiger gimmick, reports were he paid the local guy to change his gimmick to The Tiger and his career has gone nowhere since. Not saying it’s b/c he lost the gimmick though… just noting that. Now Asai is The Tiger but I doubt he’ll make the kid change his gimmick again.

    “4) Mistico & LA Park vs Ultimo Guerrero & el Hijo de Cien Caras”

    You will notice that every day this week there is a show with La Parka/Hijo Del Cien Caras on opposite teams. Hmmm…

    “4) Fantasma Jr., Matrix, Suicida vs Enterrador 2000, Veneno, Dr. Cerebro”

    This is awesome! Back to the great days of IWRG with gimmicks like El Enterrador returning!

    The 9/29 Arena Neza main will be Negro/Felino/Metal vs Ultimo/Tarzan/Azteca. I’m the booker, I should know.

    “5) Hiroshi Tanahashi & Shinsuke Nakamura vs GdI (Ultimo Guerrero & Rey Bucanero) [IWGP TAG]”

    JIWRG Tag Team Titles according to Ovaciones.;) These type of matches are the best since the Mexican crowd has no idea there is no chance of Los GDI winning so they will be red hot for a title change. I predict a screwy ending… maybe Atlantis is the second and interferes to help but ends up distracting Bucanero leading to the loss.

    “If we just had Artillero in here, this would be a perfect match.”

    That sentence can be applied to just about any match.

    So why are Taguchi/Okumura being left behind in Mexico once again?

    “This is actually listed as the second tournament of stars – I dunno when the first one was. They could use one more tecnico team, unless I’m right about the Perros.”

    The first took place yesterday and had Stuka Jr. involved.

    10/2 at Arena Neza has Mistico/Virus/La Mascara vs Bucanero/Averno/Mephisto. Once again, I should know, I booked it.

    “2) Luis & Tony Cirio vs Skayderman & Broza”

    Skayderman better do his name well.

    As for no women matches, all I can say is: WOO-FUCKING-HOO!:D


  4. you might want to fix the Cibernetico link…broken at Wagner eliminating whomever with the double armbar

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