09/24 news (quick)

Atlantis went full rudo last night
– in the grand prix (which did turn out to be a cibernetico), he low blowed Perro Aguayo Jr to win the match.
– Post match, Ultimo Guerrero welcomed him into the fold (exactly as ovaciones predicted) – though it sounds like Rey might not be happy with this. Tarzan Boy was not part of the welcoming committee, so he may be offically gone from GdI. Or maybe they just realized it wouldn’t make any sense.
– Mistico had Ultimo in the armbar in the final fall of the main event, but Atlantis ran in to help cause the DQ.

Of note from the GP: Tanahashi beat Santo, and it sounds like they’re building a match there.

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8 thoughts to “09/24 news (quick)”

  1. I’m pretty interested in Atlantis teaming with GDI as a concept but I’m not sure I prefer him to Olimpico rounding out the trio.

    Maybe Atlantis will bring some charisma and uniqueness to the role to contrast Olimpico’s solid yet unremarkable performance as a third member.

    They should just stick Olimpico back with Averno & Mephisto. That trio in mid-2004 worked really well.

  2. Apparently it was Nakamura who put away Santo (in addition to Ultimo), as Sportsnavi has been all over it, since he debuted a new “tornado triangle choke hold” and Ultimo Dragon said “It is a feat that will remain in the history of lucha.”. I checked Ernesto O’Campo’s post on it and he said Nakamura got it, and Tanahashi had to be content with eliminating Bronco in the first fall.

  3. Thanks for the correction, Stuart.

    I can forgive the usual “five weeks of turns for them to actually get booked as a rudo” bits for MISTERIOSO IN THE SEMIMAIN!

    While that’s the order of matches *I* would book, I’m dead shocked they’ve got the Capos match listed third.

  4. How do you explain Pierroth and Universo/Mascara Ano 2000 teaming? Thought you’d be all over that one.

    I have no issue with Misterioso II up there… nice mixing things up… my problem is Atlantis teaming with two very over tecnicos against the top two tecnicos in the company. I guess he walks out on his team but why would Santo/Negro want to face Mistico/Wagner? Personally I’d rather have seen Ultimo/Atlantis debuting as a team but I guess they’re saving that.

    I think it’d be awesome if Atlantis still hasn’t agreed go rudo and is only doing this to make a tecnico turn in a month or so. The idea being Los Guerreros are tricking him into becoming a rudo, then they beat him up with Wagner/Mistico making the dramatic save. Atlantis forms a bond with them and thus the crowd can cheer him b/c Wagner saved his ass and he owes Wagner. He can go on TV crying to the kids to beg their forgiveness for turning to the rudo side. Yes, I hate the idea of an Atlantis/Ultimo/Olimpico team and will do ANYTHING to avoid it.


  5. He predicted a Pierroth and Capos uniting last week, so maybe his anger from that has subsided already :)

  6. There seems to be some confusion over on most of the Mexican boards as to whether yesterdays show was 1 or 2 hours, anyone able to clear it up?

    I wouldn’t be too worried with this weeks being cut if it was a one-off, as the 2 matches I’m most interested in seeing are the Semi and main that definitely air anyway – but It wouldn’t half suck if CMLL did go back to one single measly hour shows again.

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