09/23 news

Ovaciones is in full Arena Mexico preview mode. Hype for Ultimo/Mistico (with each talk about each other), and speculating about the possible match ups in the Grand Prix: Atlantis/Wagner, Perro/Universo, Perro/Santo. Santo’s challenged Tanahashi after Tanahashi talked about him in his interview earlier this week, so that’s another possible matchup.

Ovaciones has a list of previous Grand Prix tournaments.
04/15/94 Rayo De Jalisco Jr.
07/07/95 Vampiro
07/05/96 Hijo del Santo
04/04/97 Steel

Apparently no one on usenet was watching CMLL in ’94 and ’95, because there are no show reports from those periods and I can’t find any tapes of those tournaments. There are plenty of recaps from ’97, and I don’t see a Steel Grand Prix win there – at least not a singles one. (Then again, given how off Ovaciones was on the Gran Alternativa tournament stuff, those dates and winners could be off.)

I can get you the ’96 tournament, because Doug Corti recapped that show; Santo went over Great Sasuke to finish an 8 man single elimination junior tournament.

I keep thinking this time thru, it’ll also be a single elimination tournament, but the logistics aren’t right for it; that’d be 15 singles matches in one evening. Even as fast as they rifle thru those, there’s no way they can fit that all in one evening without driving people with insane. So, Cibernetico. But we’ll see.

Halcon.net posted issue #37 on Thursday
– Inverview with Familia de Tijuana. It’s a long one. Damian explains he could’ve been a great soccer star, but he liked wrestling instead. Halloween talking about watching Mil Mascaras when he was six is kinda funny. Rey Mysterio Sr. is left the group not because of an internal problem, but an issue with their promoter in Tijuana. They thought about bringing in Inferno, but he’s not ready yet. They explain the cheers the Perros faction as the fans and the sport moving from the ideas of tecnicos and rudos and just cheering whoever they like – of course, they think they’re neither tecnicos or rudos, but have transcended all labels. They think there’s too much bad information on the internet.
– Arena Mexico recap
– Interview with Angel Blanco Jr.

CMLL (TUE) 09/20 Arena Queretaro Results [halcon]
1) El Rojo b Halcon Blanco
2) Principe Valiente Jr. & Zain b Los Mohicanos v
3) Nitro & Sangre Azteca b Tigre Blanco & Tigre Metalico vs
4) Brazo de Platino & Brazo de Oro b Villano IV & V [Tono Romero Vazquez Trophy]
From the pictures, Oro was bleeding a lot. They’re doing a trios rematch next week.
5) LA Park, Black Warrior, Bronco b Universo 2000, Mascara Ano 2000 Terrible, El Hijo de Cien Caras
– Poster of Santo
– Notes
– indy and PAR shows from Arena Solidaridad, from Friday and Sunday.
– Hype for an 09/24 show featuring Tarzan/Perro/Garza vs Mistico/Park/???. The poster is noticeable for the least impressive Hector Garza pic possible.
– and more

No quick results today, and I’m not sure if I’ll have time to update tomorrow.

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5 thoughts to “09/23 news”

  1. HMMM

    04/15/94 Rayo de Jalisco Jr. b Haku
    07/07/95 Head Hunter A/I b Vampiro
    07/05/96 Santo b Sasuke
    04/04/97 Steel b Rayo de Jalisco Jr.
    08/14/98 Rayo de Jalisco b Apolo Dantes

    If they actually put a Head Hunter over in a singles tournament, that’d be incredible. Considering how good Vampiro was at that point, that must’ve been a heck of a match.

    I found a recap of that last one: http://groups.google.com/group/rec.sport.pro-wrestling/browse_thread/thread/1a0cb20a05b5cd08/fd2117300cd319a1?lnk=st&q=&rnum=30#fd2117300cd319a1

    Now let’s note these were all 16 man single elimination one night tournaments, so maybe I’m completely wrong about it being a cibernetico. Gonna be a long night for all of us.

  2. It should be a tournament if past Grand Prix’s are any indication. The last Grand Prix Trophy was handed out in 2002 and Mascara Magica was the recipient but barely anyone rememberes his victory over Santo.

    I’m e-mailing you the tournament info now but it’s always been a 16 person tournament using a lot of international guys so I expect Nakanishi to do well as a Mexico vs Japan final makes logic as Konnan would say.


  3. Yeah, I noted when I e-mailed cubs how that was the only Torneo for the Grand Prix Trophy. Well… until last night as they did a Torneo again accoding to what I read. I won’t spoil the winner here but will say Santo/Japanese guys weren’t even the final 4.


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