Halcon August Rankings

El Halcon.net’s rankings, over the last three months (couldn’t find any previous ones – non existant? help? I’m fairly certian you read this site!), by weight.


Name		Aug	July	June
Suicida		1	2	4
Valiente	2	4	
Virus		3	1	
Loco Max	4		3
Polvora		5		
Sombra de Plata	6		2
Zetta		7		
Super Comando	8		1
Flecha		9		
Vaquero		10		
Antaris		11	6	
Caballero Ninja		7	
Cupido			8	
Epidemia			6
Gran Cuchillo			5
Heavy Boy			9
Hidorman		9	
Karisma			10	
Kid Tiger		11	
Leono				7
Medic's I		3	
Ramstein			8
Rayo Tapatio I			10
Rayo Tapatio II			11
Sexy Dan		5


Name		Aug	July	June
La Mascara	1	1	1
Felino		2	2	
Maximo		3		
Misterioso II	4	6	4
Crazy Boy	5	4	
Tony Rivera	6		
Rey De Corazones7	3	
Leono		8	7	
Ramstein	9		
Cerebro Negro	10	8	
Dr. Cerebro	11	9	
Dr. X		5	2
Gallo Tapado Jr.		6
Kung Fu Jr.			11
Marco Rivera		10	
Masada			7
Pantera			9
Rayo Tapatio I		11	
Sangre Azteca			3
Stuka			10
Tigre Blanco			8
Tigre Metalico			5


Name		Aug	July	June
Mistico		1	1	1
Negro Casas	2	7	3
Mephisto	3	8	9
Averno		4	3	8
Taguchi		5		
Hijo del Santo	6	2	
Arkangel	7	5	
Emilio Charles 	8	6	
Nitro		9	4	6
Starman		10		
Sangre Azteca	11		
Black Terry		10	
Maximo				5
Ricky Marvin			2
Sagrado				10
Solar				4
Texano Jr.		11	11
Veneno				7
Volador Jr.		9	

Light Heavyweight

Name		Aug	July	June
Ultimo Guerrero	1	1	1
Pierroth	2	6	11
Rey Bucanero	3	7	4
Perro Aguayo	4		2
Damian 666	5		5
Halloween	6	9	6
Heavy Metal	7	4	
Okumura		8		
Tarzan Boy	9	3	3
Olimpico	10	5	7
Black Warrior	11		
Atlantis		2	8
Blue Panther		8	10
Mascara Ano 2000		10	
Pirata Morgan		11	
Hooligan			9


Name		Aug	July	June
Hector Garza	1	2	1
Dr. Wagner Jr.	2	3	3
Universo 2000	3	7	8
Brazo de Plata	4	11	
Hijo de Lizmark	5	1	7
Rayo de Jalisco	6	8	9
Dos Caras Jr.	7	4	2
Elektro		8		
Groond XXX	9		5
BrazodePlatino	10		
Terrible	11		
Canek			10	6
Konnan			5	
LA Park			4
Mascara Sagrada		6	
Scorpio Jr.		9	10
Tinieblas Jr.			11

What can we learn from this?

– The amount of wrestlers shifted from one category to another probably means they were still sorting this out as they started.

– They still may be a little off. Ignoring the belt around his waist, is Mistico a middleweight?

– Halcon has no love for AAA guys.

– Mistico and Ulitmo as stable 1s are no surprise, Mascara is a little bit.

– Lightweight rankings are all over the place due to lower status, more credible indy wrestlers. Heavyweights are flipped: stable because most of the guys are the same top ones.

– Groon apparently wrestled in the last month? Who knew.

Don’t worry. I’m getting a life real soon now. (hahaha)

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