09/07 news

Ovaciones talks up the 09/18 AAA Summer of Scandal card. There’s a card out, but it’s not till next week which gives them plenty of time to change it. Main event is Shocker, Cibernetico, Latin Lover and Chessman in an electrified cage with the last person out (guess: a man who likes chess) losing their hair.

The IWRG Mistico/Blue Demon Jr. match is off. They may try it again next week. Blue Demon hopes Mistico gets out of the hospital soon, so he can send him right back. That’s pretty awesome. Anyway, replacement main event is Negro/Felino/Heavy vs Head Hunter/Black Tiger/Blue Demon.

Mistico did show up in Puebla this Monday to apologize for not being able to wrestle. Always a good move.

Your G1World Update!: Texano continues to impress, according to Ovaciones. I suspect we have an echo chamber situation. Anyway, the champions of five countries are going to be involved in the January tournament. We’ve got Japan (NJPW), Mexico (CMLL), and United States (TNA) – who else? Gotta figure a European group. Canada? Australia? South Korea? China? Mongolia? Paraguay? I’m hoping Paraguay.

Getting back to semi-reality, Ovaciones campaigns for the return of Mr. Niebla. (That makes one.)

Your special secret bonus Sunday Arena Coliseo main event is Rayo de Jalisco vs Canek. I think I’ll miss that one.

wiki: If you know how to do if statments in wiki templates and would like to teach me, please contact me. THANKS.

Anyone check out those CMLL.com video chats? I’m usually occupied around the time they come on (Thursday 5CST), but I’m gonna try to catch this one with Terrible and Garza.

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