09/03 news

CMLL (FRI) 09/02 Arena Mexico Results [ova]
1) Stuka & Sensei b Super Comando & Artillero
2) Maximo, Metro, Volador Jr. b Sangre Azteca, Nitro, Dr. X
3) Mistico, Santo, La Mascara DQ Ultimo Guerrero, Rey Bucanero, Olimpico
Santo got his masked ripped to pieces, Mistico got shoved to the floor and landed bad, being stretchered out. Reports vary if he hurt his ribs or his hip, but it sounded like something that might keep him out a little bit.
4) Dr. Wagner, Dos Caras Jr., Negro Casas DQ Tanahashi, Nakamura, Averno
Okumura and Taguchi interfered, and they all atttacked Dr. Wagner. Dr. Wagner was angry after the match and wants a mask vs hair match, and a rematch of this match next week.
5) Hijo del Perro Aguayo, Hector Garza, Halloween, Damian 666 b Universo 2000, Mascara Ano 2000, Apolo Dantes, Satanico
Capos got themselves DQed in the first fall. In the second, Universo attempted to murder Perro with a Black Hammer, but the referees broke it up and Perro snuck in the pin to win in straight falls. While the referees were sorting out that, Garza tombstoned MascaraY2K! He was taken to a local hospital and declared unable to particpate in the 09/16 main event. At this point, it’s Universo vs Perro/Garza in a handicap match, but I presume someone will take Universo’s place.

IWRG (THU) 09/01 Arena Naucalpan Results [ova]
1) Conde Negro b Freezer
2) Panterita & Galactik vs Fantasma de Opera & Rey Estruendo Paramedico & Super Colt
3) Pirata Morgan Jr., Nemesis, Caleth b Coco Rojo, Coco Verde, Coco Blanco
4) Black Pentagon, Veneno, Dr. Cerebro b Solar & Los Strippers (Sexy Man, Marco Rivera)
5) Blue Demon Jr., Dominican Head Hunter, Scorpio Jr. b Mistico, Negro Casas Dos Caras, Mascara Sagrada vs
Blue Demon low blowed and pinned Mistico. Singles match is expected next week.

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8 thoughts to “09/03 news”

  1. Wow, Bucanero’s hair last night was AWESOME. Back to the old days of ’99 for him with the cool dreadlocks.;)

    I understand Mexican rings are hard and some people would rather bump on the floor but HOLY FUCKING SHIT that delayed suplex from the apron to the floor that Wagner gave Averno was scary as hell…:/


  2. Wait, non illegal Tombstone? I thought it was a piledriver…or is it different from what he used against Blue Demon that put him on the shelf a while back?

  3. Universo uses a pulling (Memphis style?) piledriver, rather than the normal lucha Tombstone piledriver. In the four way mask match, he was disqualified and lost his mask for using that move and argued the decision. In following weeks, he claimed that his Black Hammer piledriver was not a tombstone and should not be DQed, leading up to that Blue Demon match, where the Capos made sure the referees saw the Black Hammer and made sure the crowd saw them not DQ Universo for it, thus proving Universo’s point about being screwed. Of course, at the same time, Blue Demon sold it like a Tombstone, mitigating their point.

    It came off (as it probably was supposed to) as giving Universo excuses for losing his mask – no one beat him for it, and he was wronged by the referee. It’s very weak, and they’ve had the referees break up both Black Hammer and Tombstone since, so they may be over it.

  4. Ya, I just noticed…in the recap it should be “taking Mascara’s place”, not “taking Universo’s place”

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