08/30 news

The only story in Ovaciones today is a short interview with Bronco. Bronco felt he worked will with Texano Jr. in the Gran Alternativa, so they’re forming a trio. Ovaciones lists the third member as “M”; I presume they mean Metro. They’ll debut as a unit on 09/18 in Monterrey and 09/25 in Guadalajara, hoping to make it to Arena Mexico in October. Bronco threw out challenges to all the top teams he could remember.

Been working on the Lucha Wiki a bit the last few days. Even though I haven’t done the best job of explaining the “how to”s of it, we could still use help copying bios from La Arena into the new site, or setting up redirects for unaccented versions of names.

I think I understand maybe 15% of the system myself, so I can’t really explain everything. But if you want to help and have specific questions about how to do things, please ask.

On another note, I’m going to be upgrading the Lucha Rosters either later today or tomorrow. I’ll post an update when they’re in place.

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One thought to “08/30 news”

  1. So they have Tony Rivera on the roster and are using Metro as the third cowboy? WHAT – THE – FUCK?


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