08/26 news

Typical Friday Arena Mexico preview for the most part.

They do mention the 09/16 will start 90 minutes early (an extra match or two?). While no lineup is announced, Mistico, Santo, Tanahasi, Nakamura, Dark Angel, Princesa Sujei, La Nazi, Sahora and Marcela are expected to be on the card.

I don’t know if Ovaciones not explicitly mentioning it’s the Anniversary Show, nor saying anything about Atlantis vs Wagner means anything. It does seem like the hype for that mask match has vanished over the last few weeks.

VIP (SAT) 08/20 Cortijo San Felipe, San Pedro Garza Garcia, Nuevo Leon Results [halcon]
Debut show for promotion.
1) Coco de Oro & Coco de Plata b Hampones I & II
2) Super Muneco, Turbina, Burrito b Psicopata, Astro Negro, Astro Negro Jr.
3) Aquiles & Maximus b Pancho Tequila & Poseidon
4) Gato Volador & Kato Kung Lee b El Medico & El Difunto El Gato
5) Hector Garza, Super Parka, Blue Panther b Dr. Wagner, Mistico, Diluvio Negro I

CMLL (SUN) 08/21 Arena Solidaridad Results [halcon]
1) Rocker Boy, Puno de Serpiente, Black Star b Black Soul, Titanik, Norteno Jr.
2) Corazo Adicto I, El Angel, Juventud 2000 b Misterio Negro, Venum, Sangre de Leon
3) Caifanes I, II, III b Coco Viper, Llamarada, Rey del Camino
4) Corazon de Barrio DRAW (DOUBLE PIN) Diluvio Negro II
5) Pierroth Jr., Cien Caras Jr., El Hijo del Cien Caras b Olimpico, Averno, Mephisto
6) Vikingo del Futuro LOST El Hijo del Santo, Diluvio Negro, Gato Volador, Centurion Negro, Silver Star [Cage of Death]
Vikingo is Al Barone, 32, and this is the third mask he’s lost.

CMLL (TUE) 08/23 Arena Queretaro Results [halcon]
1) Zarna b Drack Star
2) Ursus & Zain b Toro & Blue Danger
3) Dark Angel & Princesa Sujei b La Nazi & Amapola
4) Averno & Mephisto b La Mascara & Misterioso II [CMLL TAG]
5) Dr. Wagner Jr., Lizmark Jr. b Hijo del Perro Aguayo & Ultimo Guerrero

Halcon also has an interview with Brazo de Oro (find out the e-mail address of the Wrestler’s Union!), and a Q&A with Sangre Azteca.

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6 thoughts to “08/26 news”

  1. Safari instead of Misterioso II in the tag title match.

    Now two quick early predictions:
    – Canek is losing his mask in a 4 way to Wagner in a 4 way with Rayo and Atlantis at the Anniversary Show.
    – Blanco/Metalico are being crowned Arena Coliseo tag champs on 9/20.

    I may be wrong but if I’m right I want full credit!:D


  2. I wouldn’t mind that 4 way. I’d much rather just a straightforward Doc/Atlantis Mask match, but then I’d be too worried that Doc would lose! At least In the 4 way, he should be reasonably safe :)

    As for the Coliseo tag Titles, they really need to make a bigger deal of this than they did with the Stones – In saying that, defending it (or even mentioning It) once a year would still be an improvement! :(

    In my ideal world, I’d propose a 16 team tournament, 2 groups of 8, spread over 2 weeks with the winners facing off in the final on the 3rd week.

    Of course, it would have to take up the majority of the Tuesday Coliseo card, be televised, get as much TV time as the Leyenda Azul tournament recently, and would feature the following teams for example:

    Los Dos Tigres
    Los Rayos Tapatios
    Sombra De Plata/Zeta
    Super Comando/Artillero
    La Flecha/Jeque
    Mr Mexico/Loco Max
    Zayco/G. Del Futuro

    Ok, back to reality – we’ll get a one night, 8 team tournament and if we’re lucky we’ll maybe get the finishes and 2 minutes of the final televised :(

    Something tells me I’ve got a bit much free time on my hands tonight…. :)

  3. Man… you continue to impress me Henrik!:D 3-4 years ago, I’d have gone all out like that and fantasy booked my own tournament. The mark in me wants to do it(plus list finishes and times) but the part of me that wishes he had the time to fantasy book an alternate universe CMLL will try to apply some logic…

    For one, I can’t see them using 16 teams no matter what. This will be a one night tournament and that’s all.

    Here’s how I would book it…

    Tigre Blanco/Tigre Metalico
    Los Rayos Tapatios I y II
    Ryusuke Taguchi/Shigeo Okumura
    Artillero/Super Comando

    Round 1:
    1.Kronos/Sagrado over Caligula/Messala
    2.Arkangel/Hooligan over Neutron/Starman
    3.Ryusuke Taguchi/Shigeo Okumura over Los Rayos Tapatios I y II
    4.Tigre Blanco/Tigre Metalico over Artillero/Super Comando


    5.Arkangel/Hooligan over Kronos/Sagrado
    6.Tigre Blanco/Tigre Metalico over Ryusuke Taguchi/Shigeo Okumura (DQ due to low blow)

    (Tigres still hurt from the attack are laying in the ring as the rudos in the final run out to attack them)


    7.Tigre Blanco/Tigre Metalico over Arkangel/Hooligan to win the Arena Coliseo Tag Team Titles

    This will be around the Anniversary Show time when the other Japanese guys are in so the Mexico vs Japan thing will be hot. Thus the following week you can have a revancha match with Los Tigres vs Okumura/Taguchi, the Japanese team wins and the following week you do a title match where Los Tigres retain.

    As for the tourney itself… it hurt to not match up Los Rayos Tapatios I y II and Caligula/Messala.:( I tossed in Kronos and Sagrado b/c you needed another strong tecnico team. Neutron/Starman just don’t cut it. Hell, you can even do Kronos/Metro instead, focusing on the new gimmicks. Arkangel/Hooligan went to the finals b/c a) I LOVE ME SOME HOLLIGAN & b) La Pandilla has to do something since they’ve been quiet after winning the Trios Titles.

    There you have it.:D

    With 16 teams, I’d have way too much fun.;)

    Oh, and as for what makes television… I’d break your heart Henrik by only airing the semi-finals and finals. That’s a good 15-20 minutes of TV time, standard for what the opening segment takes up. Once again, Comando, Neutron and Starman get shut out of TV time but it’s for the best so we can see more Holligan and I don’t get fired the following week for wasting precious TV time on Los Rayos Tapatios.:P If it makes you feel any better, I’d have one of the old looking cool CMLL tourney brackets drawn up and Momentos the following week would have all the big spots from the first round of the tournament.:)

    Speaking of too much time on one’s hands…


  4. “Blanco/Metalico are being crowned Arena Coliseo tag champs on 9/20.”

    Well, its about time.

  5. Nah Rob – my tournament’s superior! All credibility was lost when you mentioned the words ‘Sagrado’ and ‘Kronos’ lol :D

    BTW, that debut VIP show was apparently televised today. But whether It end up doing the rounds or not is another question altogether. It was an outdoor event and looked kinda neat – main event looks good.

    And not that you’ll see It, but If you can put up with the Jnr Pierroths, there’s a match next week at Arena Isabel Cuernavaca you may be interested In :)

  6. You no like Sagrado? Porque? Maybe it’s just b/c I loved his work in the Guapos stuff as Genetico but I envision(invision?) him as a future CMLL heavyweight star. He’s pretty tall and has a good look unmasked… sorta like Shocker. Granted, he’s been very underwhelming as Sagrado and who can forgot those god-awful debut matches. You should check out the 1/22/05 CMLL TV episode where he teams with Mistico and Warrior vs Tarzan, Ultimo and Mephisto. He shows he can fit in and when he’s ON he can GO.

    As for Kronos, I’d like to give him a chance before dismissing him. The Momentos clips of Brazo De Plata Jr. were pretty bad and his Monterrey/IWRG work was pretty shitty but a new gimmick can do wonders for someone. I’m crossing my fingers. Besides, the program all these guys in new gimmicks with the best rudos(i.e. Arkangel, Hooligan) who are told to make them look like TEN MILLION BILLION GAZILLION BUCKS. Either way we win. I remember Super Crazy bouncing around like a pinball back when Sagrado was starting out.:)

    As for the VIP show, I expect Fredo will get it but that’ll be no earlier than December I’d guess. Maybe even later. The guy who tapes those Monterrey shows for him supposedly just sent a package(MISTICO VS ULTIMO – THE REMATCH!) and he only sends every few months so… yeah… don’t hold your breath.:)

    Read the Cuernavaca lineup. More interested in our weekly Arena Neza shows.;) What do you say – next week we book Hooligan in the main event?:D


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