08/21 news

Not much news from Ovaciones that isn’t old.

Apparently, Blue Demon’s cracking down on those illegally selling his mask – he took all unauthorized masks he found in front of Arena Mexico this week (more than 100) and apparently warned them not to continue.

Shocker’s going to include tecnicos and rudos in his Guapo U. Some suggested names include Antifaz, Zumbido, and Alan Stone. Alan Stone in Guapo U? What a crazy idea!

CMLL.com says Ultimo Guerrero is going to start helping training all the lower card guys – I think he was working with the guys who were in his group previously. They’re really high on the Perro, Mistico, and Wagner team, so it might happen again.

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2 thoughts to “08/21 news”

  1. Maybe Zumbido can show Shocker some new whacky bleached hair styles, while Shocker can help Zumbido say no to drugs.

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