08/19 news

Had this done, had a power outage. Thrilling. Let’s see if I can the news about the hair match up before the hair match takes place.

the Big Story is CMLL.com announcing NJPW’s Shinsuke Nakamura and Hiroshi Tanahashi would work shows for CMLL from 08/29 for a month (maybe thru the 09/23 Arena Mexico show?) As always, I have bare minimum expectations for this situation being taken advantage to the fullest, though I guess they’ve done generally well with NJPW deals: Takemura was really fun in his stint (and should come back!), they stumbled into awesomeness by getting the Havana Brothers from the NJPW-LA branch, and we had The Best Giant Singh versus Giant Silva Match Possible that one time. (We’re lacking on great Taguchi memories at the moment. Any memories – but then I’m way behind on TV.) So maybe? The only thing you can be sure is between the ladies matches and the matches that will focus on these two (hopefully including matches versus Ultimo and Rey and Averno and Mephisto – or maybe they can battle Los Dos Tigres for the mystical Arena Coliseo Tag Team Titles, that’d be fine) is other people are going to be squeezed out for a while.

I guess Nakamura wasn’t kidding when he said he wanted to win the Mexican G1 – he sure is going to be disappointed when he finds out he missed it by a month. Or maybe he didn’t! Those guys are heading to NJPW are going from the 29th to the 12th, so that leads a little time where they’ll be around at the same time as the NJPW guys, and maybe we can do the G1 over again.

Yesterday, Halloween and Damian talked to Ovaciones, promising to retaliate with re-enforcements if Pierroth brings them again this week. Not much else of note.

Pierroth’s interview today was a bit more newsworthy.
– He plans on two more members for his group. The article omits Pierroth II, so I presume he’s one of them.
– He’s not sure if he’ll wrestle for 25 years (which would be 4 more) or till he’s 50 (which would be 3.) You’re stuck with him for a while at any rate.
– He’s dedicating tonight’s win to all his fans in Mexico.

CMLL (TUE) 08/15 Pachua, Hidalgo Results [ova]
1) Lalo Guerrea & Krypton ?? Concord & Tiger Man
2) Titan & Mensajero de la Muerte b Braulio Flores & The Medic’s III
3) Maximo & Tigre Metalico DRAW La Mascara & Neutron
No specifics on the circumstances of the draw. They set up a Tigre/Mascara MEX Welterweight match here.
4) Pierroth, Pierroth Jr., Hijo de Pierroth b Brazos (Plata, Oro, Platino)

elhalconnet #32 is up.
– Part 2 of the Dos Caras (Sr.) interview. There’s this long answer where he talks about CMLL and AAA and Konnan that I can’t make heads or tails of – I think it’s the translation, and I think it’s a “old timers aren’t respected enough by these kids!” speech, but I’m not sure.
– Interview with Nitro, which is great, because I was actually wondering about Nitro this week.
– Even more improbable is a one page interview with La Flecha.
– Results from Arena Mexico, LLF, Solidridad, Queretaro, and Apodaca, which I may repeat here when my food isn’t getting cold.
– the 1 2 3 Fuego notes says the Mistico/Aguayo mask/hair match is only a rumor. KrisZ is never wrong, I will not go against him.

Hair match results when I see ’em.

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13 thoughts to “08/19 news”

  1. Takemura~! I agree he was great in CMLL. I wish I could say the same about him in New Japan.

  2. Problem with Takemura in New Japan is that a brawling junior style looks totally out of place. They have turned him baby and it has been uphill since then, even though he is so naturally a heel. He’s over now and plays a good underdog against CTU, but still is a bit short on offense.

    Nakamura & Tanahashi in CMLL is very bizarre, but interesting. At worst it can be a good learning experience of a unique style for them, though. Tanahashi does a standing sommersault senton (sometimes turns it into a Phoenix splash type thing), tope suicida, rolling senton off the apron, and flushing elbow though, so he has some flashy spots. Nakamura’s style in CMLL with be even weirder, but there was this really awesome exchange between Nakamura and Shibata last year in a tag where these two contemporary Japanese style heavyweights busted out lucha matwork with each other.

  3. Let me tell you something about this KRIS ZELLNER fella… he’s Ringo Mendoza’s illegitimate son and Gallo Tapado Jr.’s step-brother. Thats about all you need to know.

    At any rate, I think Mistico/Perrito has been changed(Perrito was too afraid to face my hero) to Perrito/Super Parka in a regular match.



  4. How dare these women who belong in the kitchen and not the wrestling ring and crappy japs taking spots away from guys like Metro and Maximo.

    If anyone realy believes that guys like Super Comando, Sombra de Plata, Ramstein, Hooligan, Sangre Azteca, etc are ever going to get upper card spots they are kidding themselves. These guys obviously don’t play politics or offer services to Negro, Peirroth, Rayo or Paco himself.

  5. That’s a weird one with Nakamura & Tanahashi. Whilst being no big fan of New Japan, I must say these are probably my fave 2 heavyweights – but their styles are just so far removed from what you see In CMLL you wonder what they’re going to do with them.

    Like someone else mentioned, they won’t go wrong with a tag match with GDI, and maybe another Mexico/Japan Cibernetico or something with Tanahashi/Nakamura/Taguchi/Okamura/Masada would be neat.

    Like the anonymous poster touched upon (although I don’t know if that was sarcasm or not?), I’d rather they weren’t there at all, especially for the Anniversary show, because there are few enough spots for CMLL workers themselves – but it will be interesting nonetheless.

    Everyone will be pushed down the ladder as that will be Nakamura, tanahashi, Santo and GroonXXX taking the top spots for a month or so. Santo’s the only one I don’t really grudge It to.

  6. Mistico vs. Perro Aguayo Jr. is NOT happening, at least as of now. I told Meltz not sure where did he get the rumor from, and he told me TV Azteca reported it.

  7. Also, let me tell you, anybody that thinks Ramstein, Super Comando or Sombra de Plata should get “upper card spots” are kidding themselves, or magically seeing too much out of momentos. Sangre Azteca is great, but he’s SMALL. Anyone thinks he would he look intimidating as a fourth Guerrero??? Hooligan is the only one ready wrestling and charisma wise, but he’s not a giant either.

    My Taguchi and Okumura memories. Taguchi: Great athlete but he’s not getting the style nearly as quick as Takemura. Okumura: Somebody send him back to Japan indy leagues where he belongs.

  8. In Henrik’s defense, I don’t belive he was petitioning for them to be main eventers… he just wants to see them on television more often, like me. So by elevation we mean to at least the Coliseo terceras or Arena Mexico segundas. Nobody is thinking Sombra/Comando could main event Arena Mexico next week. Well, I actually think that in my dreams but you know Rayo/Sombra vs Cien/Comando has always been my dream match.

    I disagree about Sangre Azteca b/c he’s already being used in some semi-mains and even though he’s small, Ultimo used to be small…Olimpico used to be small…Azteca just has to get on the same stuff they’re taking to look like monsters now.;)

    Speaking of intimidating – if that’s qualifies you to be a GDI member, Olimpico should be kicked out immediatly. I see a lame tecnico pretending to be a mega-rudo. It ain’t working.


  9. Yeah, like Rob suggested I’m not fussed about seeing them at the top of the card. Sorry If that was how it sounded – although It would be nice if you could see a little bit of progression, and not some of them working the same spot they were 4/5 years ago.

    I just want to see all these guys on TV, by whatever means – whether that be working their way up the card, CMLL stretching to 3 hr shows (as If!), Televisa delving further down the undercard, or even getting some coverage on GDL TV or TV Azteca.

    I know some are great(Ramstein), good(Starman), I’ve liked what I’ve saw from the snippets I’ve saw of some of the others (Sombra,Comando),and some more than likely are not so good. I just want the chance to see for myself, and I’m not even too bothered about getting **** classics or anything – just a showcase of what they’re all about.

    Even at present, i can’t see what harm it would do to show 5-10 minutes of Undercard match instead of a run of the mill, seen it a million times before Coliseo semi or something. Even as Rob mentioned recently, how TV Azteca done the big CMLL arena Monterrey show editing, you could get an idea of how a match is, and how good the luchadors are from little more than 5 minutes of TV.

    Cutting back on something so needless as excessive replays could just about free up that time on it’s own and at the same time, It’s familiarising the audience with guys who may be the next Lucha stars In the coming years. Giving them a bit of exposure can only help them.

    But I do think there are some who should be working far further up the card than they currently are – Sangre Azteca, Tigre Blanco and Neutron for example.

  10. Damn thing shouldn’t let ou post unless you’ve remembered to put a name in! :)

    Just to clarify – the last anonymous post – mine.

    The first anonymous post about halfway up the page – not mine

  11. Henrik, I was referring to the first anonymous post, not yours. I think like you. Those guys need more TV.

    This is my Neutron argument that maybe Rob has made somewhere else before, but if you gave that guy enough TV time, he’d be a semi-major star just by the reactions he gets from Morales. You could ship him off to small arenas to main event and your promotion would get a bigger cut.

    Olimpico is a pretty intense wrestler and he’s ripped. He’s not a scary monster but I think he fits in with the Guerreros well. Azteca looks tiny. At least Olimpico and Ultimo looked somewhat “tall” even if thin. Not that I don’t want Azteca in main events at some point…

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