CMLL #167

Episode from 02/12 – look, I’m nearly out of winter!

Mr. Mexico makes great faces and Loco Max is underrated and Alan Stone is perfectly fine and Zumbido sure seems like an interesting person in many ways…but looking back at it now, that’s a weird tag feud to pull out of the midcard.

Maybe I’m just over thinking this, and it was just a case of picking two tecnicos they liked and coming up with something that’d let them guage the public’s reaction to them.

There are plenty of guys who never really get chances, but Zumbido isn’t in that category. Obviously there are the personal problems I’m skirting around, but when given a chance by his promotion, he couldn’t make it work – this match was okay but the not the kinda eyeball grabbing special you need to get over in his slot, and the Super Crazy/Zumbido match (which I’ll get to in a few days) wasn’t really memorable besides the Super Crazy stage moonsault. Maybe he needed a big trios match? The Mexican Title ones weren’t bad.

The Blue Panther/Black Tiger match felt similiar to the Dr. Wagner/Universo match, and that’s such a “duh” comment I should’ve skipped it.

Either I’ll post a recap earlier tommorow, or I’ll do a double shot for Sunday. We’ll see!

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