08/12 news

CMLL (TUE) 08/09 Pachua, Hidalgo Results [ova]
1) Medics III & Diavolo b Aztec de Oro & Concord
2) Cerebro Negro & Mensajero de la Muerte b Doctor Kalini & Aquiles
3) Tigre Metalico, Maximo, Halcon Dorado b Sangre Azteca, Nitro, Titan
Before the match, Tigre thanked the ringside doctor, the promoter, and the fans for the help and attention he got when he was injuried last month.
4) Negro Casas & Felino DQ Halloween & Damien
Damien low blowed Negro, but the ref saw it.

Elsewhere, there’s an Arena Mexico preview, and brief bit about the AAA show in Nicaragua. No specifics there, except for a list of wrestlers used. Next Friday, AAA is in Puebla with a double main event of Shocker vs La Parka II vs Cibernetico and Zorro putting both titles up (though Ovaciones disagrees with about what titles they are) against Charly Manson.

Should be another recap up tonight and I’ll see if I can track down the G1 winner.

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3 thoughts to “08/12 news”

  1. Believe it or not, AAA is claiming they drew 40,000 for their first show and 45,000 for their second show when they ran those Central America shows.

    We’ll know for sure b/c it’ll air on TV this week. Not the shows themselves, just highlights. I for one believe the number.


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