08/07 news

Ovaciones today has
– typical Coliseo preview
– IWRG Sunday preview; it’ll be Matrix challenging Cyborg for the IWRG MW Title. If there’s an announced main event, it’s not mentioned here.
– notes: I’ve mentioned most of it, but Blue Demon’s scheduled in Pachuca on the 9th, and the CMLL Mini division turns 13 this Wednesday.

CMLL.com lists el Hijo del Santo and Groond XXX due back in on 08/26; you’d have to assume in the same match. They’ve got quite a few shows with things anounced the next five weeks

08/12 – G1Climax Final (not a main event)
08/19 – Hector Garza vs Pierroth [hair/hair]
08/26 – Gronda and Santo
09/02 – nothing
09/09 – nothing
09/16 – Atlantis vs Wagner [mask/mask]

I’m guessing the Leyenda de Plata tournament might take place one of those down weeks.

Starting Tuesday: Do you miss the recaps? (What? Too bad!) I’ll be posting a new one each day until either I get all caught up or distracted by something else.