Lucha Times

Saturday: Most people will see the show at the normal time, but it’s pushed back on the west coast. It should have the last CMLL Vampiro match for quite a while, and the first Ryu Taguchi appearance.

Sunday: I hate AAA.

Actually, the AAA on TLN opener is pretty good, if you didn’t catch it the first time.

08/04 news

I listed today’s IWRG hair/mask match wrong, apparently. Ovaciones explains the losing team of Cerebros vs Stripers faces each other, so only one person is losing their hair/mask.

There’s an interview with Octagon. He’d like to fight Fuerza for masks. Whenever it can happen is great, but he’d really enjoy at one of the big shows in the next six months, trying to sell out La Plaza de Toros Mexico (the bullring.)

Lizmark vs Garza headlines Arena Pubela on Monday

elhalconnet #30 has
– interview with Heavy Metal. Heavy got his gimmick because he was a big KISS and Led Zeppelin fan when he was growing up. AAA let him keep using the gimmick because he had done so much for the promotion. He states that he was fine with AAA and is still friends with many people there, but the one thing he really wanted to do was team with his brothers, so he left. He was working at 70% in AAA, because that’s what made sense there, but he’s trying to get up 100% for CMLL.
– Arena Mexico recap. There’s a nice picture of a whole bunch of legends in ring to promote about the Black Shadow tribute show.
– Qs with Hector Garza. His dream goal is to take the hair from Negro and Heavy Metal, and take Felino’s mask.
– LLF Results
– the 1-2-2 !Fuego! notes column wants to know how we’re supposed to spell Princesa Sugeith/Sugey’s name, which is awesome. They’ve got a Cien Caras/Cien Caras Jr. pic as well.
– Arena Solidarad results

PAR (SUN) 07/31 Arena Solidarad in Monterrey Results [halcon]
1) Corazon Adicto, Mecurio, Sangre de Leon b Yaco, Venum, Titanik
2) Aurora & Luna Magica b Tsunami & La Chacala
3) Dark Angel, Black Soul, Chucho Mar Jr. b Princesa Sugeith, Memo Valles, Coco Viper
4) Volador Jr., Caifan I & II b Mephisto, Mongol Chino, Memo Valles
5) Pierroth, Diluvio I, Super Parka b Blue Panther, Mascara Sagrada, Silver Star
In the third fall, Diluvio rolled through a Blue Panther ‘rana and grabbed the ropes.

– Monthly Rankings! I love this part.

Super Light (70KG or less)
1) Virus
2) Suicida
3) Medic’s
4) Principe Valiente
5) Sexy Dany
6) Antaris
7) Caballero Ninja
8) Cupido
9) Hidroman
10) Karisma
11) Kid Tiger

Welter (78 Kils or less)
1) La Mascara
2) Felino
3) Rey de Corazones
4) Crazy Boy
5) Dr. X
6) Misterioso II
7) Leono
8) Cerebro Negro
8) Dr. Cerebro
10) Marco Rivera
11) Rayo Tapatio I

Middleweight (87 KG or less)
1) Mistico
2) Hijo del Santo
3) Averno
4) Nitro
5) Arkangel
6) Emilio Chalres Jr.
7) Negro Casas
8) Mephisto
9) Volador Jr.
10) Black Terry
11) Texano Jr.

Nitro? I like him more than you like him but I don’t like him that much.

Light Heavyweight (97KG and less)
1) Ultimo Guerrero
2) Atlantis
3) Tarzan Boy
4) Heavy Metal
5) Olimpico
6) Pierroth
7) Rey Bucanero
8) Blue Panther
9) Halloween
10) Mascara Ano 2000
11) Pirata Morgan

Olimpico should never be ahead of Rey!

Heavyweights (97 KG and up)
1) Hijo de Lizmark
2) Hector Garza
3) Dr. Wagner Jr.
4) Dos Caras Jr.
5) Konnan
6) Mascara Sagrada
7) Universo 2000
8) Rayo de Jalisco Jr.
9) Scorpio Jr.
10) Canek
11) Brazo de Plata

Lizmark gets the boost because of the Azul win; he’s wrestler of the month.