.103 update and notes

Added (with pictures): La Hechicera, Misterioso II, Mogur, Mega^, Super Mega^, Sicodelico Jr.^, Super Parka ^, Solar I^, Metro, Que Monito, Pentagon Black, Canek Jr^, Carta Brava Jr., Fantasma De La Quebrada, Corcel, Giant Silva^, Mr. Niebla^

^ Added as Other

Fixed: Marco Rivera (perhaps I should’ve noticed the guy with the star tights wasn’t Marco), Violenca (didn’t put up edited version), maybe one more?

Improved Pictures: Chucky, La Park, Martha Villalobos, Mephisto, Mini Psicosis, Oscar Sevilla, Mr. Power, Tiffany, El Brazo

Added Function: “Other” category (add to main page) for Roster, Championships listed on roster screens.

Need to work on: Inactive listing (move to other), “Other” Championships


Thanks for all the suggestions on who needs moving and who needs adding. I moved Olimpico up to upper mid, added Rocky Marvin (who was just on a card this weekend) and I’m ditching lower mid for CMLL. The bigger the group, the less meaningful the distinction, but I don’t think lower mid meant much as is.

By making that move, we’re down to this list of CMLL mid and up without a picture:
– Guerrero del Futuro
– Tigre Metalico (Ryan F! Where are you?)
– Texano Jr.

I’m surprised we’re this close this fast. I don’t expect to ever be this close on the opener guys (or the IWRG or AAA guys, really), but maybe we’ll get lucky.

Of the latest bunch, the one I found I was most thrilled by is Metro. I figured out that many of the recent Box Y Lucha covers (though only ones that were posted to begin with) are accessible if you just use the current poster/cover link and change the issue number to the one you’re looking for, so I made up a page that’d look for the last 50 at a time, and found one with a great shot of Metro (and Solar!) on the cover.

Santo, Niebla and Silva had been sitting in my mugshot picture directory, so I thought I might as well use them. I guess the next step is to start adding any picture

I have two more pictures I’ve got up but not attached to anyone; I guess I named them Billy and Randy. I believe Randy is the AAA undercard worker, but I don’t see his name on any recent lineups – gimmick change? And is Billy the “Barrio Boys Billy Boy” or someone else?

I’d like to go back and talk about the ideas for the wiki, but I’m running a little late tonight. We’ll try tommorow.

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3 thoughts to “.103 update and notes”

  1. Guerrero Del Futuro was easy:


    That’s him.:)

    I’ll hopefully take care of a lot of the undercarders when I bust out the scanner. Possibly tomorrow.

    Billy = Billy Boy from Los Barrio Boys fame.
    Randy = El Intocable.

    Corcel was actually re-gimmicked as a different undercarder so you can scrap him. Sorry.:(

    I e-mailed you a link to a pic of Mano Negra Jr. I think.


  2. Mano Negra Jr. got lost in my pile. It’ll go up next time thru.

    I’m gonna use the img_0840 file for Tigre. It’ll be good. (For those trying getting a 403 error, try first going to http://www.boxylucha.com/foro/files/, loading that blank page, and then typing in the image name.)

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